The Canada Games provides an excellent starting point for Humanities students, researchers, and creatives to think critically about sports and major sporting events, how sports shape and are shaped by culture, society, and politics, and how these events are remembered and commemorated.
Through experiential learning opportunities across the Faculty, students are engaging with sports history and culture in Niagara, Canada, and around the globe. They are learning to think critically about the sporting stories that are told, how they are told, and whose voices are being prioritized.
Two Days of Canada: Canada at Play (Conference, March 25-26, 2022)
- Brock conference on sport draws international interest (Brock News, April 4, 2022)
CANA 2P82 Culture and Power in Canada II: Cultural Institutions (Brian deRuiter)
- Canada Games Teaching Spotlight: Examining the Games’ contribution to Canadian identity (Brock News, Nov. 4, 2021)
Circus on the Canal: Exploring the connections between water sports and circus performance (Dr. Karen Fricker)
- Canada Games Research Spotlight: Karen Fricker (Brock News, Dec. 3, 2020)
FREN 4P05 French Internship (Dr. Jean Ntakirutimana)
- New course connects students with Niagara’s francophone community (Brock News, May 27, 2019)
- Canada Games Teaching Spotlight: Brock courses offer support to French speakers at Canada Games (Brock News, April 7, 2022)
FREN 4V21 Documentation and Terminology (Dr. Jean Ntakirutimana)
- Canada Games Teaching Spotlight: Jean Ntakirutimana explores bilingualism in Canadian sports (Brock News, June 4, 2020)
Digitizing the photographic legacy of the Canada Games (Dr. Elizabeth Vlossak)
- Canada Games Research Spotlight: Elizabeth Vlossak (Brock News, Sept. 23, 2021)
- Students dig into history of lacrosse, women’s hockey in Canada Games (Brock News, Jan. 17, 2022)
HIST 3F02: Making History in Niagara (Dr. Elizabeth Vlossak)
- Canada Games Teaching Spotlight: Students explore history of sport in NOTL (Brock News, Feb. 10, 2022)
- Brock researchers looking for Canada Games stories (Brock News, July 30, 2020)
- Canada Games Teaching Spotlight: How Elizabeth Vlossak’s students will capture history in Niagara (Brock News, May 7, 2020)
IASC 2P98 and IASC 3P99 Medal Reveal Display (Dr. Jason Hawreliak and Dr. David Hutchison)
Using video, 3D modelling and animation, students in Interactive Arts & Science and GAME created a digital artifact highlighting six medals from previous Canada Summer Games, with particular focus on the Canada Summer Games 2022 medal design. The finished product was exhibited at the Canada Summer Games Medal Reveal event in April 2022.
- Canada Games Teaching Spotlight: Brock students forge ahead with plans for medal reveal (Brock News, March 4, 2021)
- Unveiling the Niagara 2022 Medal | Dévoilement de la médaille de Niagara 2022 (Niagara 2022 Canada Summer Games, YouTube. April 28, 2022)
Starting at Love: (Re)Discovering Tennis as a Lifelong Sport– A Tennis Story with Gianluca Agostinelli (webinar co-hosted with Centre for Sport Capacity)
- Tennis talk continues webinar series (Brock News, Nov. 24, 2020)
ITAL/CANA 2P98 Italians in Canada and Italy- Canada Relations (Teresa Russo)
- Connecting Italy-Canada relations course to upcoming Canada Games (Brock News, Aug. 20, 2020)
MARS/ENGL 2P95 Reading the Middle Ages: The Heroic and Chivralic (Teresa Russo)
The topic Sports in the Middle Ages was chosen for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 to coincide with the university’s celebration of the Canada Games in Niagara. The class conference provides every student with a presentation entry on their resumes. Student research papers will also be featured on the course website.
- Reading the Middle Ages: Oral and Literate Cultures (website)
- The Origins of Sports and Games in the Middle Ages from East to West. Student conference. Brock University. March 18, 2021.
- Student research explores sport in the Middle Ages (Brock News, March 9, 2022)
STAC 3V91 Sports in Arts and Culture (Andrew Tye)
From paintings of the Olympiads in Antiquity, to the photography of today’s sports events, through to the history of popular street games in Canadian art, music, festivals and opening ceremonies at the games, aesthetic gymnastics and athletic performances. An Interdisciplinary approach to the representation of sports and sport events in the arts, the course has an emphasis on Canadian production.
Tewaaraton. Lacrosse / La crosse (Small Walker Press, 2022) (Dr. Catherine Parayre)
Authors and artists from different backgrounds (Mohawk, Métis, francophone and anglophone settlers) present lacrosse through art and literary writing. Sharing cultures in the spirit of the Canada Games, Tewaaraton reflects our diversity.
- Tewaaraton. Lacrosse / La crosse. Edited by Catherine Parayre, St. Catharines, ON / Vienna, Austria: Small Walker Press / Salon für Kunstbuch, 2022. Graphic design by Bernhard Cella 36 pages, 7 illustrations ISBN 978-1-990208-04-1
- Canada Games Research Spotlight: Catherine Parayre (Brock News, April 8, 2021)
Movement Across the Waterway (Dr. Amy Friend)
- Canada Games Research Profile: Amy Friend examines Niagara waterways through new perspectives (Brock News, April 23, 2020)
Painted Turtles (Dr. Donna Szoke)
Painted Turtles forges and fosters a connection between the 2022 Canada Games, local community, and local turtle conservancy. Donna Szoke works with youth to share how art raises awareness about endangered turtles and the environment.

Painted Turtles. Grade 2 student colouring / animation cell. 4K animation, 2022. (Donna Szoke)
- Painted Turtles (Animation by Donna Szoke)
- Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre
- Canada Games Research Spotlight: Donna Szoke (Brock News, Nov. 25, 2021)