Degree information

The Department offers the following degrees and programs:

English Literature focussed (undergraduate)

A four-year B.A. (Honours) in English Language and Literature
Honours English students must complete an array of historical period courses, genres and literary criticism or theory (see information on List Courses). Students planning to proceed to training for intermediate or secondary school teaching are advised to include in their Honours English program three credits in a second teachable discipline.

A three-year B.A. (Pass) in English Language and Literature
Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the Honours B.A. entitles a student to apply for this degree (see List Courses).

Combined Honours or Pass degrees
Students may earn a ‘combined’ three-year degree or four-year Honours degree, co-majoring in English and another subject.

A Concurrent Honours BA/BEd
Students wishing to pursue a career in teaching may, through this program, complete the Pre-service Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree program (leading to an Ontario Certificate of Qualification) while earning their Honours English degree. See the Concurrent Education website.

A Minor in English
Students may obtain a minor in English Literature within their degree program by successfully completing a four-year credit course of study.

Creative Writing focussed (undergraduate)

A four-year B.A. (Honours) in English and Creative Writing
This degree combines study in English literature with workshop and lecture courses designed to give students practical experience in creative writing as well as study in the social and theoretical aspects of creative writing.  Students planning to proceed to training for intermediate or secondary school teaching are advised to include in their Honours English and Creative Writing program three credits in a second teachable discipline.  Prospective students to the English and Creative Writing program must submit a portfolio in the Winter term of their first year.

Combined Honours degree for Creative Writing
Students may earn a ‘combined’ four-year Honours degree, co-majoring in English and Creative Writing with another subject.

Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse Studies focussed (undergraduate)

A Four-Year B.A. (Honours) in English and Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse Studies
The Honours degree in (WRDS) combines the study of writing, rhetoric and discourse with the study of English literature. (Please note that the previous four-year BA with Major in Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse Studies has now been discontinued.)

A three-year B.A. (Pass) in English and Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse Studies
Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the Honours B.A. in Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse Studies entitles a student to apply for this degree.

Combined Honours or Pass degrees
Students may earn a ‘combined’ three-year degree or four-year Honours degree, co-majoring in Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse Studies and a second discipline.

A Minor in Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse Studies
Students may obtain a minor in Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse Studies within their degree program by successfully completing a four-credit course of study.

A Certificate in Professional Writing
Students not enrolled in a degree program may obtain a Certificate in Professional Writing by successfully completing a five-credit course of study in writing.

Graduate degree

MA in English
The Department offers an MA in English with a Field of “Text/Community/Discourse.”