News and events

  • OSSTF updates for students

    The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) will begin a legally constituted strike action on Tuesday, November  26, 2019. It’s the Faculty’s understanding that this strike action will take the form of a partial withdrawal of services and that these actions don’t currently include a withdrawal of associate teaching services.

    Teacher candidates who are on practicum and students who are participating in structured experiences are expected to appear at their designated assignments. Teacher candidates who are on practicum should consult with their Associate Teachers on the appropriate protocol for crossing picket lines (if applicable) and other in-school protocols.

    As more details becomes available, Brock staff and Faculty will communicate to students through this page and by email.

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  • ETFO updates for students

    The Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) has communicated that the Elementary Teachers’ Federation (ETFO) will be on legal strike on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 if a settlement is not negotiated before that date.  During the strike, teachers will withdraw partial services and this withdrawal of services does not currently affect teacher candidates.

    Associate teachers will still host preservice teachers in their classrooms. Teacher candidates can continue to attend structured experience days or practice teaching but should not take part in those activities that associate teachers are not participating in.

    As more details becomes available, Brock staff and Faculty will communicate to students through this page and by email.

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  • Academic Writing Retreat

    Writing, Mindfulness, & Memoirs

    December 8-12, 2019 at Crieff Hills Community in Puslinch, ON.

    Join retreat facilitators Snežana Ratković, Michelle McGinn and Dragana Martinovic for a chance to hone your academic writing skills. Melinda Burns and Pinar Sen will be guest facilitators at the retreat. The retreat will include:

    • Individual Writing Time
    • Workshops & Mindfulness Activities
    • Group Editing
    • One-on-One Consultations
    • Informal Gatherings in a Natural Environment

    Food, Accommodation & Facilitation fees are $650.00 per writer. Enrolment is limited and closes on Nov. 22, 2019. Email to register.

  • Event: Student communication feedback sessions

    Too many emails? Tell us about it!

    In the Faculty of Education, we want you to have the information you need from staff in a way that works for you. Join us for a 50-minute guided discussion to help shape future communications.

    Sign up today to participate and have your voice heard:

    Categories: Events

  • Event: Book Launch and Signing

    Eliza Fenwick: Early Modern Feminist by Dr. Lissa Paul

    Thursday, Nov. 21st, 2019
    7 to 9 p.m.
    Niagara Historical Society Museum
    43 Castlereagh Street

    Join Dr. Lissa Paul to celebrate the release of Eliza Fenwick, Early Modern Feminist.

    More than a century before feminism was invented, British author, teacher and single-working grandmother, Eliza Fenwick (1766-1840) was making it on her own. In tracing Fenwick’s odyssey to 240 Centre Street in Niagara-of-the-Lake in the 1830s from radical London of the 1790s (via Barbados and New York), Dr. Paul reveals Fenwick as a Canadian heroine and author. Learn more about this fascinating book.

    Research for Eliza Fenwick, Early Modern Feminist (U Delaware Press, 2019) was generously supported by SSHRC.


  • Event: Geographies of Spectacle and Education

    Teachers at Play in the Liquid Now

    A Lunchtime talk and dialogue with Dr. Kelvin Sealey

    Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2019
    12:30 to 2 p.m.
    WH 209

    The present is liquid, or so Zygmunt Bauman, noted sociologist, would have us believe. As an educator, my interest in the “liquidity” or mutability of the modern moment intersects with an intimate concern for what Guy Debord has called the Society of the Spectacle, a place ruled not by the day-to-day need to survive, but by the interests of media and communications conglomerates interested solely – and perhaps soullessly – in accumulating profits. Not a day goes by in the contemporary west that some spectacle or another doesn’t draw our collective attention, or that actors, good and bad alike, don’t find a way to bend our realities into spectacular formations. What can educators do? In partial answer to this question, I will lend insight into my research on education and spectacle, giving authority to an argument which posits that educators are well placed to contextualize the modern spectacle, particularly in their mediacentric formations, for the benefit of classroom teaching. Drawing upon examples from a long and varied teaching practice, it will be further argued that cinematic, journalistic and photographic incarnations of the spectacle are delightfully protean in ways that can advance wide-ranging pedagogical initiatives, affording educators the opportunity for playfulness, criticality and innovation.

    About Kelvin S. Sealey, Ed.D

    Beginning in June 2019, Dr. Kelvin Sealey, became the second Head of School of the Dragon Academy in Toronto. For over twenty-seven years, Dr. Sealey has been an independent school educator, adjunct instructor in undergraduate and graduate education programs, and educational consultant. As a scholar of cultural studies, and reflective of his doctorate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, Dr. Sealey’s research and lectures have embraced the sub-fields of Architecture and Education, Spectacle and Education, Entrepreneurship and Education, and Film and Education. As an instructor at Teachers College, Columbia University, he co-founded two academic research labs: The Film and Education Research Academy (FERA), and the Design Lab for Learning Organizations at Columbia’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. Across his professional career, Dr. Sealey has blended academic practice with entrepreneurial pursuits, leading small technology ventures in wireless gaming and wireless finance in the payment card industry as social ventures. His edited texts Film, Politics and Education (Peter Lang 2008), Restoring Hope (Beacon Press 1997) and A Reader in Social Enterprise (Pearson 2000) remain strong contributors in their respective fields of study.


    Categories: Events

  • Brock Education journal welcomes new editor-in-chief

    Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice recently entered an exciting new chapter under the leadership of its new editor-in-chief, Trevor Norris.

    An Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, Norris succeeds Dolana Mogadime in leading the journal, which is run by the Faculty of Education. Norris was previously the Journal’s associate editor and has also served as the editor of Professing Education, a journal published by the Society of Professors of Education.Read more

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  • Meet our graduates: Jaime Barratt

    Crossing the stage at Convocation on Oct. 18 marked the beginning of a unexpected adventure for Jaime Barratt.

    The new Master of Education (MEd) graduate is travelling about 15,000 km to complete a PhD at the University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia.Read more

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  • Spirit of Brock winner finds purpose in volunteering

    For Larry Nie, receiving the Spirit of Brock medal at Brock University’s Fall Convocation on Friday, Oct. 18 capped off two life-changing years as a student in the Faculty of Education.

    Nie, who graduated on Oct. 18 from the Master of Education, International Student Program, first came to Brock from China in August 2017 to enroll in the Masters Preparation Certificate in Education (MPCE) program.Read more

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  • CUPE Job Action Updates for Teacher Candidates

    The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) confirmed that job action will begin across the province on Monday, September 30 and they will be on strike on October 7, 2019. CUPE members include custodians, maintenance staff, office administrators, clerical staff, early childhood educators (ECE), educational assistants (EA), and information technology technicians.

    At this time, each School Board is reviewing the job action directive from CUPE provincial to its members to determine the impact these will have on schools, to learning and working, and to safety in schools for students, staff and teachers.

    Boards are committed to providing our school communities with additional details on the job action as soon as they can. Please monitor the web site of your school district for its decision on whether schools remain open during the CUPE job action.

    Undergraduate Concurrent Education students involved in school‐based experiential learning placements and Teacher Candidates who begin structured experiences on Wednesday October 9, 2019 and practicum as early as the week of October 21, you need to be aware of the following specific issues:

    1. If a school district closes its schools, you are not to report to the school.
    2. If schools remain open, teaching staff are expected to be in attendance. Teachers’ contracts oblige them to report to work during job action by other bargaining units, unless they are absolutely unable to do so, in which case they need to report this to their administrator.
    3. Teacher Candidates are expected to attend schools if they remain open. If you are absolutely unable to attend, please report this to your Associate Teacher and to the Brock FOE Placement Office.
    4. If you are at a school during the CUPE job action, please be respectful of the rights of CUPE members and the normal practices for crossing any lines.
    5. As a teacher candidate, you need to be clear in your role within the school and you should not be performing a role that would otherwise be the direct responsibility of a CUPE worker.

    If you need clarification about the specific roles performed by the ECE or EA in your school/classroom, ask for guidance from your Associate Teacher or Practicum Advisor.

    The Faculty of Education Placement Office will endeavor to keep you informed of the status of specific school districts through periodic emails and our website updates.