Learning & Development

As we offer learning opportunities, we will aim to provide links to recordings for you to access here, as well as organizations related to experiential learning that may also provide content that supports your work.

Focus on Fall 2021

This 5-day faculty development series in August focused on flexible experiential learning options and featured faculty members or campus experts who touched on course design, best practices, and how reflection and assessment were embedded in their courses.

Association for Experiential Education 2021 Conference

Get “SNAPping”! Implementing Service Learning for Student Empowerment
Are you curious how an Adaptive Physical Activity program can empower undergraduate student learners? Do you wonder what transferable skills they learn? This session is based on the largest and longest-running service-learning site in Southern Ontario- S.N.A.P, which is housed at Brock University. This session will provide you with an understanding of techniques used to empower students to be “in charge” of their own learning and the outcomes associated with this opportunity. We will provide an overview of the S.N.A.P program and how/why we recruit students as acting program coordinators each year.  View Session Here.

Demi Toms, Elyse Lappano, Maureen Connolly
General Audience; Higher Education; Experience-Based Training and Development; Social Justice/Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility; Physical Education