COVID-19 Resources

These FAQs and resources address a wide variety of possible scenarios relating to the services we offer during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have a unique or specific circumstance related to your own personal situation that is not addressed below, please get in touch with our team. We look forward to assisting you.


FAQs: Students

Yes! Both the Campus and Goodman Career teams are available to help you and look forward to connecting with you remotely. Depending on your need, you may reach our team via email or set up a 1:1 appointment by phone or virtually via Microsoft Teams. You also still have access to all our great student resources on the CareerZone portal.

For career questions, digital cover letter and resume reviews, and mock interview requests:

Campus Career (all faculties except the Goodman School of Business): [email protected]
Goodman Career (Goodman School of Business):

For student resources, job postings, events calendars, and to book 1:1 appointments with the career team:

Our full suite of career and employment services are available to students within diversity populations in addition to our Bridge to Success program and our in-house staff supports. We look forward to assisting you and invite you to connect with us by email ([email protected]) or though a virtual appointment.

Career Education supports students and recent graduates with career planning, employment search and post graduate study exploration. Our diverse team has expertise in career coaching, job search strategies, interviewing, recruitment, personal branding, and the labour market. We help students and recent graduates plan for their next steps and prepare for successful careers.

As a current student or recent graduate, you can meet with our team to get help with things like:

  • Identifying your strengths and skills
  • Exploring career and post graduate study options and setting goals
  • Conducting an effective job search
  • Cover letter, resume, and curriculum vitae (CV) writing
  • Applying to post grad programs
  • Interview preparation for employment opportunities and post grad programs

The CareerZone job boards and events calendars are being updated regularly. Our team is actively working with our employer partners to help meet their hiring needs. Though some employers and industries are posting fewer jobs currently, others are actively recruiting to meet their increased operational needs.

Some events that were to be offered in person have been postponed or cancelled but many will be offered virtually through online meeting platforms. This is a great time to think about attending professional development events and webinars offered by both Brock University and our external partners from the comfort of your home.

On your computer:

  1. Log into your Brock Account through with your Brock credentials
  2. Access Office 365
  3. Download the Microsoft Teams app or access Teams using the Google Chrome web browser*
  4. Use your Brock student login and password to sign in

*Please note: if you do not download the app or use Chrome, you will not be able to use all functions of Microsoft Teams, which may affect your experience. Using the Microsoft Teams app or Google Chrome is therefore highly recommended.

On your phone:

  1. Visit your app store and download the Microsoft Teams app
  2. Use your Brock student login and password to sign in

Please log into Microsoft Teams a few minutes before your scheduled appointment. The team member you are meeting with will send you a message using the chat function a few minutes before the start of the meeting to ensure you are connected. If there are any technical difficulties, the chat function can be used to communicate and troubleshoot.

While industries and companies are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in different ways, we encourage you to continue your job search. Stopping or delaying your search may cause you to miss out on great opportunities that are available during this time.

We also encourage you to be as flexible as you can when thinking about your target roles, industries and organizations. While your target industry may be seeing a decrease in hiring activity, you can consider other industries which are seeing a surge in hiring demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Exploring roles and employers you may not have previously considered may also increase your chances of success.

Recognizing the vast changes in the labour market, Career Education has expanded the types of opportunities offered on CareerZone. You can now access some of the most in-demand positions available today with recognizable employers. Our priority is to support your efforts in finding work and making meaningful organizational connections.

As this is an evolving global crisis, we do not know exactly how this will affect the economy, job market, and organizational needs. Situations are constantly changing and our team is in regular contact with our industry partners about their hiring needs. By staying active in your job search, considering roles you had not considered before, and continuing to build your network and submit applications, you will increase your chances of finding employment.

Staying active in your job search is very important. Now is a great time to review and refine your resume and cover letter and ensure they are up to date. You can also create or update your LinkedIn profile. Consider utilizing LinkedIn to reconnect with people you already know and reach out to new contacts who are working in roles, industries, companies or organizations of interest.

Keeping an open-mind and focusing on in-demand industries can be a helpful strategy. For example, industries like technology (including companies who create remote work tools, online learning, and streaming software), food and grocery delivery, healthcare and other “essential businesses” continue to hire during this time.

When searching for job postings online, we strongly recommend reviewing multiple sites; aggregate sites including LinkedIn and, individual company career pages, and the CareerZone job board are all good places to start. Keep in mind that there may be delays in the hiring process during this time, so strive for patience and persistence. Keeping an open-mind and staying active during your job search will give you the best chance for securing employment.

Educational institutions are in the process of determining how to move forward with applications and applicants for post grad programs. It is likely that interviews will be conducted virtually (online) versus in person, where applicable. We also anticipate that, like Brock University, many schools will shift in-person classes and academic activities to online learning and other virtual delivery methods.

Please see Student Resources & Supports (located on CareerZone) for information about funding supports available to students.

For help with preparing for interviews, log into the CareerZone portal and select “Student Resources” from the menu on the left side of the page. In this section you will find “Interview Prep” resources.

Recommended resources:

How we can help:

Book a 1:1 interview prep/mock interview appointment with your respective Career Education team (Campus or Goodman). Students can contact Campus Career at [email protected] or Goodman Career at to request an interview appointment.

If an employer has decided not to fill a role you were considered for or offered, you may feel disappointed and discouraged. It is important to recognize that you are not alone; we are working with other students who are also experiencing these difficulties.

We recognize that not being able to move forward with an opportunity can be very challenging to deal with and we urge you to reach out for help. We would also encourage you to continue your job search as soon as you feel ready to.

Please see the recommendations above regarding how to search for jobs during this time. For student resources, job postings, events calendars, and to book 1:1 appointments with the career team, please visit

As online networking becomes more prevalent your LinkedIn profile is more important than ever. For questions regarding LinkedIn best practices, please connect with the career team. LinkedIn is a great resource to help you connect with professionals. If you already have an established network, consider reaching out to them through email or LinkedIn, even just to ask how they are doing right now. If you would like to expand your network and connect with someone you do not know, send a personalized message letting them know why you would like to connect.

When reaching out to new potential contacts, focus on seeking out information, advice and answers to specific questions you may have, rather than asking for a job or help in getting one. You should aim to learn as much as you can from the person you are engaging with, so we recommend you let this guide the conversation.

Ten Thousand Coffees is another great site to connect you with professionals over a virtual cup of coffee and may be another helpful tool to use while social distancing is in effect.

Brock students and graduates have access to an exclusive network within Ten Thousand Coffees.

Brock Co-op, Career & Experiential Education team has created a resource to help you adapt to remote work – Tips for Working at Home.

If you have questions about working remotely and strategies for success, please feel free to contact your respective Career Education team (Campus Career at [email protected] or Goodman Career at

Yes, you should follow up, however be mindful and realistic with your timelines and expectations. If a few weeks have passed since your job application, interview or response date indicated by the employer, a professional and courteous follow-up email is appropriate. Businesses are dealing with COVID-19 in different ways, so understanding that their priorities and timelines may have shifted is important.

Is there a particular skill set you want to develop, or that you know would be valuable for your future career? If yes, seek out learning opportunities that are available to you. Some places to start include:

  • Explore the thousands of online courses offered on LinkedIn Learning, which can be accessed using your Brock login credentials
  • Take advantage of virtual programming offered by professional associations (e.g. CPA Ontario, HRPA, or professional associations affiliated with your future credentials)
  • Subscribe to podcasts that focus on your professional or academic interests
  • Complete our online career assessments: log into the CareerZone portal, then go to Student Resources > Explore Careers > Career Assessments
  • Reflect on and make a list of your strengths and the different types of experiences you have had and skills you gained from them
  • Conduct online research into different career and post graduate study options using the Student Resources section of CareerZone, LinkedIn, and other informational websites
  • Work towards completing items from Brock University’s Campus Wide Co-curriculum (CWC):
  • Use the Student Resources section of CareerZone and/or engage with our Career Education team to get help with writing your resume or CV, cover letters, preparing for interviews, and crafting a great LinkedIn profile
  • Expand your network by engaging with people, industries, and companies/organizations of interest through online platforms like LinkedIn and Ten Thousand Coffees
  • Practice your virtual interview skills using the InterviewStream feedback tool

As a Brock University student, you always have access to Student Wellness and Accessibility Services (SWAC). The SWAC team is currently working remotely to provide students with personal and crisis counselling, including same-day drop in counselling services. Our Co-op, Career & Experiential Education team is also able to refer you to these services. In addition, SWAC is offering virtual chats and workshops, which you can find listed here:

For students who reside in Ontario, Good2Talk is an excellent 24/7 confidential resource for students.

FAQs: Experiential Education

Brock University continues to stay committed to ensure students have the opportunity to engage, and Brock has been proud to offer experiential education in 100% of our programs.  As a result of the effects of COVID19, student work-integrated learning (WIL) experiences have been impacted.  While many programs were able to continue with co-operative education and internships, practicums in the health care industries were greatly affected.  Brock is continuing to support our faculty, students and community partners in their engagement in quality WIL programming and while various industries welcome student back to their organizations, as long as public health guidelines and protocols are being followed, we will continue to provide safe and supportive opportunities for our students to apply their learning to industry and community settings.

Yes.  Various industries are beginning to welcome student back to their organizations in person and as long as public health guidelines and protocols are being followed, we will continue to provide safe and supportive opportunities for our students to apply their learning to industry and community settings.

*Please note: Nursing clinical placements are currently deferred to Winter 2021 pending Brock receiving the phase-in clinical policies from our Niagara region health partners.

This depends on the type of experience you are required to have as part of your course.  Right now, many are being done remotely or there is an option for you to find one in your home town.  If the experience requires you to be face-to-face and in Niagara, that will be communicated very clearly to you well in advance.  We also have supports available to help with short-term and long-term housing arrangements.

For students to participate in face-to-face internships and practicums, it is essential that everyone attend to public safety and take steps to reduce risk of transmission.  This means wearing appropriate PPE provided by your organization or community partner, completing the appropriate paperwork (insurance, safety checklists, etc.) provided as part of the experience, and also abiding by public health guidelines.

Public health guidance includes the following directions within Niagara:

  • Avoid crowded places. As per Ontario government, no more than 10 people.
  • Practice physical distancing (stay at least 2 metres from other individuals).
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water. Carry hand sanitizer for use when soap and water are not readily available.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Cough or sneeze into your arm or a tissue. Dispose of tissues safely and wash your hands.
  • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
  • Avoid non-essential travel.
  • Stay home as much as possible. Minimize your time in public spaces.
  • Take extra precautions to protect vulnerable people and communities.
  • Self-isolate if you may have been exposed to COVID-19 or if you have travelled internationally in the past 14 days.

Please be sure to be abiding by public health guidelines in the community you are completing your internship or practicum in as these may differ.

We have created a website specifically for this!

Please use this website as a guide to the courses that may contain an experiential component based on courses that are currently being offered as well as courses that included experiential components last year. Please note, however, that the Brock timetable and academic calendar always hold the most current and accurate information on courses being offered for your reference.

Yes, students are encouraged to use this resource as a starting point for getting a virtual experience under way on a positive note.

Tips for working at home – Students


FAQs: Employer & Community Partners

Yes, absolutely you can continue to post jobs on our university-wide event and job portal, CareerZone. If you already have a CareerZone account, please feel free to post your positions. Our team is still reviewing these postings on a daily basis.

Yes, absolutely. Virtual interviews can be arranged by using either Interviewstream or Microsoft Teams:


  • Employers can conduct private 1 on 1 interviews or can pre-upload questions and offer a taped interview session.

Microsoft Teams

  • Ideal for employers who are conducting group interviews.

The use of either platform can be arranged by a member of the Career Education team. Please contact [email protected] if you have questions and/or would like to explore one of these interview options.

We are happy to host your virtual session on Microsoft Teams and promote your session to our students through a variety of virtual channels.

Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss your specific needs and how we can support your campus engagement strategy.

Yes, we expect students to continue with their job search through the spring, summer and into fall. CareerZone will be the primary platform to search for opportunities and engage with our team. We recognize recruitment practices and timelines may be modified in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and our team looks forward to supporting you during this time. For assistance on how to promote and fill your opportunities, please connect with us at [email protected].


General Co-op Education Information

You can still book student appointments with your co-op team via CareerZone>Co-op>Appointment. You can choose the format of your virtual meeting as follows:

  • Microsoft Teams: for both Video and Audio only appointments (access to Wi-Fi is required). All Brock students have access to this. A Mobile version of this platform can be downloaded through the App store.
  • Phone

*Please select the type of appointment you prefer at the time of booking.

We developed these resources for COVID-19 for our students including all recently released financial aid programs from the Government. 

In addition to the government funding support listed in our “COVID-19 Resources“, Brock University has created the COVID-19 UndergraduateStudent Emergency Bursaryand the COVID-19 Graduate Student Emergency Bursaryto provide emergency financial relief to students in financial hardship. The Student Emergency Bursaries will be used to provide emergency financial aid for both graduate and undergraduate students and will be available to help students in need. If you plan to apply to this bursary, we will be happy to provide a letter of verification to go along with your application to confirm your work term situation. You can simply email us at [email protected] to request such a letter.

We will rely on your respective Academic Department/Faculty’s decision on your academic standing. Please make sure that you consult with your Academic Advisor before making the decision.

Labour Market and Interview Information

We understand that the current situation is evolving, and there may be changes as we work through the coming weeks – we ask for your flexibility, as different organizations may have different responses to the current situation in Canada. There is funding available from the Federal Government to support employers hiring co-op students. The Co-op team will continue to support our students with their job search.

We expect our students to stay engaged with their job search process.  In anticipation of a potential slowdown of employment market, if you are not successful in securing a position but have demonstrated your commitment and engagement to try to secure a position throughout the process, we will work with your Academic Department/Faculty to find ways to accommodate a change in your co-op work/study sequence.

We will ask our employers to conduct all interviews virtually. Employers will decide how they want to conduct the interview and will provide instructions prior to your interview time.

Some common platforms/methods of conducting interviews can include:

  • Phone – Audio only.
  • Facetime – Video and Audio only options.
  • Zoom – Video and Audio only options. Access to Wi-Fi is required. No pre-registration is required.
  • Microsoft Teams: Video and Audio only options. Access to Wi-Fi is required. All Brock students have access to this.
  • Lifesize: Video and audio only Access to Wi-Fi is required.
  • Skype: for both Video and Audio only options. Access to Wi-Fi is required. You will need to have an account and username to access this platform.
  • Other: specific platform used by employers.


  • We recommend you complete virtual interviews in a quiet location, preferably at a desk or table, with any materials you need to refer to close by (i.e. laptop, notes, pen, etc.). For Video calls, we recommend using a laptop or desktop; using a mobile device is not recommended.
  • Book a virtual mock interview with one of our Talent Development Specialists to better prepare yourself for this interview experience.
  • Additional resources, including Interview Stream (an online tool featuring thousands of questions to help students prepare for interviews), can be found in the Student Resources Section of CareerZone.

Co-op Work Term Information

Yes, our Registrar’s office recommends that co-op students register their co-op work term before the online registration deadline if they secure a work term maintain your full-time status. It is especially important for students who have applied for OSAP. The Co-op office will not be able to endorse your late fee appeal if you secured a work term prior to the registration deadline. Click here for “Important Dates” published by the Registrar’s office. Any questions regarding your financial account at Brock and/or OSAP applications, please contact: [email protected].

We will assist you in completing the Back Dated Withdrawal process and request for a full reversal of the tuition you paid for your work term.

If you have not already done so, please let us know if you are currently not in Canada so that we can connect with your employer to confirm their plans, and how we can proceed.  It is essential that you get in touch with us as soon as possible so that we can make alternative arrangements if needed.

We will work with your Department to look at what a revised sequence will be, and what can be accommodated.  We always try to ensure the new work/study sequence will not delay graduation; however, it will also depend on your academic schedule, course offerings, and what can work given the length of time remaining in your course of study.   

For undergraduate students who are ending their degree on a work term, we will approve to have you graduate with the co-op distinction without completing the last required work term if the incomplete work term was caused by the pandemic.

For Undergraduate students who have academic terms scheduled after their work term, if you have been engaged with our office pre-pandemic during your job search term, we will do the best that we can and will work with your academic advisors to investigate options for your individual work/study plan.

For Graduate co-op students who are ending their degree on a work term as their only work term, unfortunately, you will have to withdraw from co-op and graduate with the regular program.

For graduate co-op students who have academic terms scheduled after their scheduled work term, if you have engaged with our office per pandemic during your job search term, we will do the best that we can and will work with your Graduate Programs Office to investigate options for your individual work/study plan.

Please contact your assigned Talent Performance Consultant immediately. We will work with you on an action plan to meet your needs. 

Information for International Co-op Students

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) have published detailed information on how the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is affecting immigration servicesincluding information about travel restrictions. Due to the rapidly changing situation, we encourage you to read through and consult the government websites regularly.
An important reminder of travels:

You’re exempt from the travel restrictions and are able to enter Canada if you’re traveling for a non-discretionary or non-optional purpose AND

  • you’re an international student who has a valid study permit or
  • you were approved for a study permit on or before March 18, 2020, or
  • you’re coming from the United States

When you travel to Canada

Make sure you have proof that you’re exempt from the travel restrictions and that you’re traveling for a non-optional or non-discretionary purpose.

When the border services officer greets you, they will look at several factors, including whether

  • you’re already living in Canada
    • If you’re already living in Canada, your return is non-discretionary.
  • you’re able to complete a 14-day quarantine period as soon as you arrive at your final destination
  • you begin studying after you complete your quarantine
  • you need to be in Canada for your program (for laboratories, workshops)
  • pursuing your studies online is not an option at your school or not possible from your home country (due to internet restrictions or bandwidth limitation)

You must also bring

  • a valid study permit, or
  • a port of entry letter of introduction that shows you were approved for a study permit, if you’re coming from the United States, or
  • a port of entry letter of introduction that shows you were approved for a study permit on or before March 18, 2020, if you’re coming from any other country

Before you travel, you can contact the Border Information Service for more information.

A border services officer will make a final decision on your eligibility to enter Canada when you arrive.

Health requirements for travellers to Canada

To travel to Canada, you must

If you require further assistance with this, please contact IRCC directly or reach out to Brock International at: [email protected].

Generally, you need to give biometrics if you apply for:

  • a visitor visa
  • a work or study permit (excluding U.S. nationals)
  • an extension of your stay in Canada, known as a visitor record (as of December 3, 2019)
  • a work or study permit extension (as of December 3, 2019)

If you gave biometrics in the last 10 years for a visitor visa, work permit, or study permit and they’re still valid, you don’t have to give them again if you’re applying to visit, work, or study. Use the Check Status tool to find out if your biometrics are still valid.
You now automatically have 90 days (instead of 30) to give your biometrics. You have 90 days, even if your biometrics instruction letter (BIL) says that you have 30 days. You don’t have to contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to get this extension, and you don’t need a new BIL for a future appointment. If you cannot give biometrics within 90 days, use the 
Web form to contact IRCC. Your application won’t be refused or closed if you can’t give your biometrics during this period.
Please keep monitoring 
Service Canada offices’ notice and biometrics updates. Should you have any concerns, please reach out to Brock International Services.

If you submitted your application for a co-op work permit extension, you will be under implied status when your current co-op work permit expires before the extended permit is being issued.  “R186(u) allows for persons to continue working under the conditions of an expired work permit, as long as they applied for a new work permit before the original work permit expired and have remained in Canada. Once the decision has been made, the client will either have to leave Canada or will continue as a worker who holds a valid work permit.” Click here for further information on “implied status” for work permit holders.


General FAQs

Yes. The entire co-op team is working remotely to assist you. Please contact your Employer Talent Partnership Consultant or any staff member for assistance, using our staff directory. Or simply, email us at: [email protected]. We will respond to you within 24 business hours.

Typically, students complete a 12-16 week work term during the summer. We will be granting students their co-op work term credit even if there is a delay in their start date or reduction in the number of weeks/hours they will be working as a result of COVID-19. Please contact us to discuss further.

Brock has compiled a list of resources available to organizations. The list is not exhaustive, and we encourage you to check the government websites frequently as information changes rapidly.

We understand that challenges that COVID-19 is causing. There are several grants, tax credits and funding programs that subsidize the cost of hiring a co-op student. Please contact us at: [email protected] for more information.

Summer 2020 Co-op Work Term

Yes. In response to COVID-19, we recommend Co-op employers allow students to work from home or to take every precaution to adhere to the physical distancing requirements set out by the province. Our students are very thankful for the opportunity you have provided them, and we are very thankful to you for your on-going role as a Brock Co-op Partner. We will gladly post a job for you, and will schedule interviews by phone or webcam.

The Brock team has created the following tip sheets for you to help onboard and manage your co-op hires remotely.

If you have a job available opportunity, please contact the co-op office to discuss how we can best assist you in filling the position. We still have many outstanding students seeking employment for the summer.

We recognize that employers are facing challenging time and that they may not be able to on-board students for a May start date. We are being flexible and accommodating a modified start date that ensure the success of our students and employers.

Fall 2020 Co-op Work Term

Yes. We plan to start posting jobs on May 7 and continue to promote qualifying co-op opportunities until all students are employed. Brock has a continuous hire model, so you can post, interview and we will extend offers on your behalf at your convenience.

Interviews typically start as early as May 25 and run continuously. Interviews will take place virtually (by webcam or phone). As always, our Brock team is happy to extend an offer to your top student on your behalf and the student will have 48 hours to accept or decline the offer.

Yes. More than ever before, there are many grants, wage subsidy programs and the co-op tax credit to help offset the cost of hiring a student. Check out our funding website for more information or simply contact us: [email protected] to start the conversation.