Science Stores


Science Stores is located in Mackenzie Chown, E304.

Science Stores Staff

Irene Palumbo, Science Stores Manager – ext. 3407,

Alison Smart, Science Stores Assistant – ext. 3389,

Christopher Moffatt, Science Stores Assistant – ext. 4934,

General email

Hours of Operation – Monday-Friday – 10am-12pm, 1pm-4pm

Please see the following documents for a list of our inventory.

For ordering of items not stocked in Science stores, please complete the generic order form and email it to or drop off a paper copy to Science Stores.

Please see the following documents for vendor information.

Chemical waste is collected from labs every other Wednesday (see Waste Removal Calendar).  Please drop off (or email) your waste removal forms to Science Stores by Tuesday at 3 p.m. prior to the scheduled removal date. Labels and forms are available in Science Stores.

Handling and transportation of cylinders at Brock University