2024 Undergraduate Program Related Fees

Course audit

The charge for auditing a course is 50% of the normal course fee or the withdrawal charge at the time of the change to audit status, whichever is greater. This applies to all students including those in the flat fee system as audit courses are not for credit or able to be applied towards your program/degree.


Students 60 years of age or older by the first week of class may opt for a tuition waiver for undergraduate courses for credit listed in the Undergraduate course calendar, excluding Faculty of Education Adult Education courses. Tuition is the only fee waived. The seniors waiver does not cover graduate courses or other non credit courses or programs. Audit fees are included in the waiver coverage. Those senior students opting for the waiver are still responsible for the payment of all ancillary fees, including per credit and sessional fees applicable for the course load taken. Students must contact Brock Central to request a waiver. Should the student not successfully complete a course(s) or withdraws from a course(s), they will be required to pay full tuition or withdrawal fees.

Challenge for credit

The charge for challenging a course for credit is 50% of the year 1 UG ARTS course fee for the course.


Co-op fees

Effective 2010-11 fall and winter as approved by the Brock University Senate on March 24, 2010, co-op work terms will now be a new co-op education half credit course which will carry an applicable tuition charge. With the introduction of the new co-op credit and payable tuition, administrative fees currently tied to work terms will be eliminated.  This course structure will allow students to acquire 0.5 additive credits for these co-op specific activities.  The additive credits cannot be used to replace course work that is required for an academic degree.  They apply strictly to the requirements of obtaining a co-op certification on your degree. 

All co-op fees are non-refundable.

Entry fee$865.20
Co-op Student Support Fee$300.00
0N90 Professional Preparation Course$838.16
Work terms (per term)Applicable half credit fee

Nursing practicum fees 2024

Students in the Nursing program will be assessed course and/or practicum fees in the following manner:

This practicum fee is broken down and charged as students register in the following courses:

Course (BscN)AmountCourse (BN/MN)Amount
NUSC 1P01$25NURS 4L01$100
NUSC 1P02$25NURS 4L03$280
NUSC 1P03$25NURS 4L04$50
NUSC 1P30$18.50NURS 4P15$22.00
NUSC 2P12$36NURS 4P16$20.00
NUSC 2P14$125NURS 5L05$25
NUSC 2P16$210NURS 5D19$215
NUSC 2P80$250NURS 5L07$240
NUSC 3P80$250
NUSC 3P90$170
NUSC 3P92$145.50
NUSC 3P94$45
NUSC 4D80$250
NUSC 4F92$31
NUSC 4F96$477.50
NUSC 4F98$227.50