Tuition Due Dates

Students are financially responsible for all tuition and related fees associated with registered courses. The University does not mail statements to prompt payment. To determine your account balance you must access your financial account information through the student self-serve portal.

Your payment must be received by Brock on or before the due date. To avoid interest, service charges, and other consequences, be sure that you allow sufficient time for payments to be received based on the method of payment (i.e. bank payments can take up to 5 business days to be received by the university). Interest and service charges will not be waived for late payment.

Outstanding balances will accrue interest and student account access may be restricted. Valid interest charges will not be reversed for payments received after the due date.

Any additional fees charged throughout the academic year are due immediately. Interest and service charges will not be waived for late payment.

Payment due dates – All students, including OSAP:  Payment is due by the due date or the date of registration, which ever is later.

OSAP Students

Students with a confirmed OSAP assessment before July 31 of $12,000.00 or more may pay a reduced residence 1st instalment amount. Please see residence fees for details. OSAP students living in residence should check their student financial history online, to determine the minimum first instalment. That amount is subject to change, based on your registration and or reassessments made by OSAP.

It is the students’ responsibility to ensure their OSAP application is complete and a confirmed assessment has been obtained in order for payment to reach the University in a timely manner and meet due dates.  Interest charges will accrue on outstanding balances as noted above.

All Students including International Cohort (ISP)Payment date
Spring Term 2024May 1, 2024
Summer Term 2024July 15, 2024
Fall Term 2024September 4, 2024
Winter Term 2024January 6, 2025

More important date information:

Undergraduate/Teacher Ed


Graduate Funding – notification of required payment
Students receiving a funding package will have these amounts applied to their financial history account each term. The applicable term fees will be applied against the funding and any residual amounts will be available to the student. Questions regarding funding should be directed to the Faculty of Graduate Studies – [email protected].