Students on exchange/study abroad

Funding is available for Brock students on an international exchange program through Student Loans, Scholarships, and Bursaries. For information on funding available for students visiting Brock on an exchange program, please contact us.


If you are a Co-op student or a student who has completed a course(s) with a letter grade, please fill out the Brock Entrance & Returning Scholars Renewal Form after completing each 5.0 credit milestone have ensure your renewal is reviewed. Please note, renewal milestones will be assessed when students reach 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 cumulative credits and a minimum 80 per cent average  in each milestone is required to renew the award.

Students on exchange programs are eligible to apply for our many scholarships and awards for returning Brock students.
Search awards to find those best suited to you, and to apply online.

If you are a recipient of one of our renewable Brock Scholars awards, you’ll need to do the following to ensure you get your scholarship renewals promptly:

  1. Be sure your exchange courses are registered on your Brock transcript under a letter of permission.
  2. When you return to Canada, be sure your passing marks are posted on your transcript as soon as they are available.

If you are a Co-op student or a student who has completed a course(s) with a letter grade, please fill out the Brock Entrance & Returning Scholars Renewal Form after completing each 5.0 credit milestone have ensure your renewal is reviewed. Please note, renewal milestones will be assessed when students reach 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 cumulative credits and a minimum 80 per cent average  in each milestone is required to renew the award.


Bursaries are grants that don’t need to be repaid and are offered to help students fund their education. Brock offers assistance for students going on a Brock exchange program or approved Study Abroad program.

Undergraduate students who will be participating in international learning programs, in an international student exchange (Students participating in the Goodman International Exchange Program are not eligible for the International Mobility Award) or an approved international field course, are eligible to receive funding regardless of demonstrating financial need, based upon the following criteria*:

International Mobility Awards $175 – $1,000*: Varies based on credit count and/or length of the exchange period.  The International Mobility Award is available to undergraduate students participating in an international learning program, including a student exchange or an approved international field course.

Instructors of field courses must send the list of students participating in the course to Brock International via [email protected], in order for the award to be processed. The course must be designated as an international field course in the relevant academic department or Faculty. Instructors must also ensure that students in the international field course receive the pre-departure services offered by Brock International prior to travel. Pre-departure briefings can be arranged through [email protected] and must be completed at least 1-month prior to the departure date.

International Mobility Award-Diverse Locations $500* per term: Awarded annually to outgoing Brock students that are selected to participate on exchange or summer programming in diverse locations as determined by Brock International. This award may be given in addition to the International Mobility Award and will only be available until the funds are exhausted.

International Mobility Ambassador Award $500* per term:  The Mobility Ambassador Award will be awarded annually to select returning exchange Brock students, who participated in a Brock International exchange program, to promote their mobility experience to fellow Brock students. Students will be required to produce 20 hours of work per term for the Brock International office. This award will only be available until the funds are exhausted. Open to undergraduate students only for a maximum for two academic durations. Applications available from Brock International.

International Mobility Bursary, Varies*:  based on credit count and/or length of exchange/financial need and funding available. The International Mobility Bursary is available to undergraduate students participating in an international learning program, exchange or an approved international field course who demonstrate financial need.  Apply through the OneApp.

Funding for students participating on student exchange will be managed by Brock International.

Students already receiving internal funding to participate in study abroad and/or student exchange at Brock University (e.g., from Faculty or Department) are only eligible to receive this funding if they can demonstrate financial need.

For further questions, please contact Brock International at [email protected].

*Disclaimer: As Funds Permit.*

Other bursaries are available, based on application. Students need to complete only one application to be considered for all of our bursary programs.

Visit OneApp to get started.