Future students

Brock University is committed to encouraging academic excellence. The University sets aside funds to recognize our best and brightest students every year. Brock offers very competitive scholarships to entering and returning students. In addition to the awards below, please ensure you check out and apply to our OneApp to become eligible for hundreds of awards & bursaries through one application!

How to Apply to OneApp

Brock Scholars Awards

Brock Scholars awards are open to incoming students from anywhere in the world. To qualify, you must be entering your first undergraduate program in the Fall term (no previous post-secondary experience). No application is required.

The Brock Scholars Award is an academic distinction based on admission average grade and currently includes a renewable financial component to partially offset tuition fees (**students already holding a tuition waiver will therefore receive the Brock Scholars Award distinction but not the tuition offset). The minimum average to be eligible for this award is 80 per cent*. Brock calculates your admission average to the nearest 10th of a percent. We do not round averages up or down. This award is only applicable for the offer of admission with which it is enclosed.

The final value of your award may increase or decrease if your final admission average changes. To remain eligible for the scholarship amount you have been offered, you must achieve the minimum final admission average for that scholarship range.  If your final admission average is less than 80 per cent* you will no longer be eligible for a Brock Scholars award.

*U.S. applicants: learn more about Brock Scholars awards

Final admission average:

In Ontario, a student’s final admission average is determined using the top six Grade 12U or 12M credits including prerequisites. If you complete a non-Ontario curriculum, the final admission average criteria will vary by curriculum, and will be determined by the Admissions Office. Courses taken in the summer following graduation will be used for scholarship revisions, but official transcripts will only be accepted until Oct. 31.

Scholarship disbursement:

Your scholarship will be applied directly to your tuition fees. This will take place before classes begin in September, reducing the amount you owe to the University. Scholarships cannot be used for first instalments or down payments. **Students already holding a tuition waiver will have the academic distinction noted on their transcript but will not receive the tuition offset funding.

Brock course load requirements:

You must be a full-time student to receive your scholarship. If you reduce your course load to part-time status (less than 3.0 credits in the Fall/Winter terms) or withdraw from the University, the tuition offset and/or scholarship will be pro-rated or withdrawn. Please advise Student Accounts and Financial Aid of any change in your registration status, preferably before a change is made so we can assess the financial implications.

Admission average (final grades)*Amount accompanying award**
95.0% and above$13,600 ($3,400 each year)
90.0% – 94.9%$7,600 ($1,900 each year)
85.0% – 89.9%$3,600 ($900 each year)
80.0% – 84.9%$1,600 ($400 each year)

Scholarship confirmation:

To confirm your scholarship acceptance and receive your scholarship you must:

  1. Reply to your offer of admission by the deadline specified by the Registrar’s Office;
  2. Agree to permit the release of your name, program, and year of study and likeness (photo).
  3. Register in full time course load.

Scholarship renewal:

Award renewals will be assessed after completing of each milestone 5.0 full credits, and will be based on their best 5.0 full credits. A minimum 80 per cent average  in each milestone is required to renew the award. Milestones will be assessed when students reach 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 cumulative credits

  • Students pursuing a pass degree (three years of study) are eligible for a total of two renewals.
  • Students pursuing an honours degree (four years of study) are eligible for a total of three renewals.
  • You are eligible for renewal only in the first three or four years of your Brock degree.

Please note: Students pursuing the Concurrent Education program are only eligible for scholarship renewals during their first degree and will not receive a scholarship renewal in their teacher education program years (year 5 & 6).

Scholarship renewal for co-op students:

Co-op students are eligible for Brock Scholars awards and renewals.  Award renewals for co-op students will be assessed after completing each academic credit milestone of 5.0 full credits and will be based on their best 5.0 full academic credits counted towards the degree. Work term additive credit courses used towards the co-op certification on the degree are excluded.   A minimum 80 per cent average in each milestone is required to renew the award. Milestones will be assessed when students reach 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 cumulative academic degree credits. Co-op students must fill out the Brock Entrance & Returning Scholars Renewal Form to ensure their renewal is reviewed. 

All registered academic degree courses with an academic weight will be included in the student’s milestone calculation. Courses for the milestone will be calculated in the following order: full credit courses, duration two half-credit courses, and finally, duration three half-credit courses. 

OSAP implications:

Please note: If you are intending to apply for OSAP for the academic year, do not list this scholarship under “Award Income” in your OSAP application. We will report this and all other Brock-funded awards on your behalf.

Prestige Awards

Are you an exceptional student? Chances are you are eligible for one of these prestigious awards.

The Brock Leaders Citizenship Society Award is given to incoming secondary school students from all faculties who have achieved exceptional academic success, outstanding leadership, and community involvement. By accepting the award the student is also inducted into the prestigious Brock Leaders Citizenship Society. The total value of the award is $8,000 ($2,000 per year) and is renewable each year the student remains a member of the Brock Leaders Citizenship Society.

Receiving the award and entering the society:

Successful recipients of the Brock Leaders Citizenship Award will receive notification in the spring prior to their first year of study at Brock University. When the recipients arrive on campus in September, they will be entered into the Brock Leaders Citizenship Society. The society provides exceptional students a means of connecting with other campus leaders to further their personal development and their involvement within the community. The Brock Leaders Citizenship Society provides its members the opportunity to meet with other Brock leaders on a regular basis to share ideas, projects and to network.

To renew the Brock Leaders Citizenship Society Award and remain a member of the society, students must:

  • Maintain an 80 per cent average in full time studies;
  • Have a minimum of 20 hours devoted to community service/involvement per term and a total of 40 hours for the Fall/Winter session;
  • Complete at least one level of the Foundation in Leadership Program each year (i.e., year one – bronze level, year two – silver level, year three – gold level, and year four – platinum level)

If you feel you have what it takes to join the Brock Leaders Citizenship Society, complete the BLCS application form.  Please note, if your supporting documents are too large, you may receive an error on upload.  Please reduce your file size.  If the problem persists, you may send an (one) email to [email protected] with all of your documents attached.  Please use the following format in your email subject line:  BLCS 2024 1234567 (your unique 7 digit student number) Smith (your last name).  BLCS 2024 1234567 Smith.

This honour is awarded to one of the incoming Brock Leaders Citizenship Society Award recipients each year. Please apply for this award by completing the Brock Leaders Citizenship Society Award application.

This honour is awarded to one of the incoming Brock Leaders Citizenship Society Award recipients each year. Please apply for this award by completing the Brock Leaders Citizenship Society Award application.

Are you graduating from a high school in the Niagara Region? If so, be among the next generation of leaders. If you plan to go to Brock, have excellent grades, and you’re engaged in your school and community, start the nomination process for this $2,500 scholarship.

*Please note: this is open to students in a Niagara Region high school only (including international students who are studying in a Niagara Region high school).

What do I need to do?

Complete the student application from the link below, and submit it to Brock University between January 8, 2025 (12:01 AM)  and 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025 to be eligible. Five students from each school may be nominated and two students will be awarded. If you have any questions, contact [email protected]

Fill out the Brock University Niagara Principal’s Scholarship applicationThe application is now open.

Student application

Description and selection

Brock University is pleased to continue our entrance scholarship program for Niagara area secondary schools. The Brock University Niagara Principal’s Scholarship is founded upon our institution’s core values: academic excellence and a lasting commitment to our Niagara community. Begin at Brock and be among the next generation of leaders in Niagara. The Niagara Principal’s Scholarship is intended to recognize two students from each of Niagara’s secondary schools who best demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and an exceptional commitment to school and community. Recipients will be selected by their school principal. Each principal may nominate up to five candidates for the Niagara Principal’s Scholarship of which, two students will be selected. The value of each award is $2,500. We look forward to recognizing highly engaged students from each of Niagara’s secondary schools to continue the tradition of scholarly achievement and contribution to school and community.

The principal at each Niagara secondary school may recommend up to five applicants, of which two awards will be made, based on a combination of the following factors:

  1. academic achievement;
  2. extracurricular activities beyond the students’ school requirements and/or significant citizenship contributions to their community;
  3. financial need may also be considered.

 Application requirements

Receiving the Niagara Principal’s Scholarship will not exclude students from consideration for any other award program at Brock.

Nominees require:

  1. A minimum 80 per cent average;
  2. A 500 word (max) biography that includes your activities and contributions to your school and community;
  3. A recommendation from your school’s principal or the principal’s designate. Up to five students may be nominated from each school at the discretion of the principal;
  4. You must also apply for admission, be admitted to and register at Brock University to receive this scholarship. If you have not applied to Brock, apply now at ouac.on.ca.

Submitting the application

Students must complete and submit the application to Brock University by the deadline.  You will immediately receive a confirmation that Brock has received your application along with a copy of the application. Check your junk or spam folder if you do not see it in your inbox.

Application opens January 8, 2025 and must be received by April 1, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.

Once the student application closes on April 1, 2025, Brock University will forward a list of all applicants to each school. The principal/guidance office must submit an endorsement for up to five students by 11:59 p.m. on April 14, 2025. The endorsements must be ranked in order. Two students will be awarded.

Brock University will notify the successful applicants shortly after the principal’s deadline.

Goodman scholarships are awarded to students entering the Goodman School of Business who have demonstrated at least two of the following:

  • Leadership in school life and community life or evidence of entrepreneurial talent;
  • Exceptional high academic grades;
  • Financial need.

Applications close April 15 annually for the next Fall/Winter entrance. These awards are worth up to $8,000 and may be renewed based on a minimum 75 per cent average at Brock University.

Please apply for this award by completing the Brock University OneApp.

Brock University is increasing its overall Scholarship & Award opportunities for First Nations students who do not have access to funding through their Band Council.

Brock is excited to offer the new Chancellor’s First Nations Award annually to one student coming directly from high school, who is First Nations and has a high level of academic standing.

Who is eligible?

Recipients must be First Nations and have achieved a minimum 80% final high school academic average, must meet the standard admission requirements for Brock and must prove band membership (status card). Recipients must also be recommended for this award by their Secondary School Indigenous Lead/Counsellor.  Preference will be given to students who have no other access to funding (i.e. not sponsored through First Nations band).

Successful recipients of this award shall excel in one or more of the following areas:

  • Academic achievement
  • Cultural or artistic pursuits
  • Athletics
  • Contribution to the community

This renewable award will be made annually to one entering First Nations undergraduate student at Brock University based on the recommendation of their Secondary School Indigenous Lead/Counsellor  in any area of study. Recipients of this award will be encouraged to apply for and accept other funding such as Indspire AwardsBrock-funded awards and OSAP non-repayable grants. This award will pay for tuition including ancillary and material fees for 4 years or 20 credits/attempted credits, whichever comes first, a single residence room and standard meal plan during the Fall and Winter terms for up to 4 years or 20 credits/attempted credits, whichever comes first and textbooks for required courses purchased at the Brock Campus Store through the textbook billing program.

Recipients must maintain an academic average of 70% to renew the award.

What do I need to do?

 Complete the student application from the link below, fill it out, and submit it by 4:30pm, Monday June 2, 2025. Provide the Lead/Counsellor endorsement link to your Secondary School Indigenous Lead/Counsellor.   A maximum of two students from each school may be nominated.  Both the student application and the Secondary  School Indigenous Lead/Counsellor endorsement must be received by 4:30 pm June 13, 2025.  

Application Open — Chancellor’s First Nations Award application

For school use only: Application Open – PRINCIPAL OR lead/Counsellor’s Endorsement form

If you have any questions, you may contact Student Accounts & Financial Services at [email protected]