Request a refund

If you have a financial emergency or if you are withdrawing from studies
and need a review of your file right away, please contact us.

Scholarship release process

If you have a credit on your account from an award not required to be applied to your student account that is not required to be applied to current or future fees (normally identified with DNR_xxx) you may request a refund as noted below.  Health and Dental Plan or Meal Plan adjustments are NOT eligible for refund and  credit will be applied to future fees unless you have applied to graduate and all fees are paid in full or you have completely withdrawn and all fees are paid in full.

  • after the last day to add/drop courses in September;
  • after the last day to add/drop courses in January.

If the credit is eligible for release after reviewing your account, you will receive an electronic money transfer.  Details are emailed to your Brock email address upon completion of the Request a Refund form.  Credits on account resulting from Health and Dental plan reversals remain on account and will be applied towards your next term fees due.
If you are receiving OSAP and have a scholarship, please read the OSAP release process.

Bursary release process

If you did not receive OSAP  but did receive bursary assistance and currently have a credit on account, fill out the refund request form.

If you are receiving OSAP and have received a bursary, please read the OSAP release process.

OSAP release process and US Federal Loans process

If you have a credit balance on your account after all fees owed to the University have been paid and you received OSAP or US Federal Loans, your OSAP/US Loans file must be reviewed before any credit can be released to you. If the credit on your student account is due to a reduced course load, you are required to submit an OSAP course load change form and have your OSAP file updated before submitting a request for refund. US Federal Loans recipients will be subject to RT4 calculations and regulations.  Depending on your assessment, and in accordance with OSAP/US Federal Aid regulations, your credit, in whole or in part, may be sent back to the National Student Loans Service Centre to repay a portion of your OSAP or National Student Loan Data System to repay unearned loans.

International Refund process

In cases where payments are made or received by non-approved payment methods or exceed the amount of the student’s tuition and residence fees for the session, where no fees are billed, or where payment for student living expenses is made to the University, the University will return the funds to the original payer by the original method of payment and/or country of origin. Administration and/or wire payment handling fees will apply.

Request a refund

Please complete this form to request a refund for an outstanding credit balance. Refunds will be done via INTERAC e-transfer. You must use your Brock e-mail address and have a Canadian bank or credit union account for e-transfer.  Refunds typically require 10-15 business days for processing.  During peak times, additional processing time may be required.   Requests received now for credits that are not yet eligible for release or not yet posted on your student account will not be processed and will be deleted.

Refunds cannot be processed for the first 10-15 days of November and February due to system freeze for Ministry reporting.  The Refund Request Form will be made available once the reporting is completed.

Thank you for your patience.

  • This field must be your BROCK e-mail address. Example: [email protected]
    HEALTH AND DENTAL PLAN CREDITS ARE APPLIED TO FUTURE TERM FEES AND NOT REFUNDED UNLESS ALL FEES ARE PAID IN FULL AND YOU HAVE APPLIED TO GRADUATE. If you are requesting a refund now for credits that are not yet eligible for release or not yet posted to your account, your request will be deleted.
  • You may not use Brock as your personal bank account. Please only pay what you owe. Personal funds should be sent to your own personal bank account. Administrative fees may apply to overpaid accounts.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.