Graduate Teaching Assistant Practicum

If you are interested in completing the Graduate Teaching Assistant Practicum or if you need some more information, please contact the Educational Development team at to assist you in this process and document your success.

three grad students show their whiteboard mind maps

The practicum consists of a number of components that together reflect growth as a facilitator of student learning.

You can document your ongoing professional development through our Graduate Teaching Assistant Practicum (GTAP). The GTAP consists of a number of components that together reflect growth as a facilitator of student learning: workshop attendance and participation, an Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) and two observations of classroom teaching. The practicum is documented within a teaching dossier and is completed at your own pace.

Components of practicum: Must include selections from A, B and C

A. Professional development

  1. Workshops*
    • Each workshop attended can be applied to meet the requirements of the GTA Practicum or the TA Certificate in Teaching and Learning (eight workshop credits required for the Basic certificate and 16 for the Advanced).
  2. ISW (24-hour Instructional Skills Workshop)
  3. Teaching and learning course

B. Teaching Assessment

  1. Teaching Component
    • Participants design, develop and deliver two classes (workshops, lectures, seminars) which are observed by a teaching and learning consultant from CPI. Participants meet with the observer before the class to articulate learning objectives and delivery strategies. Following the class, the participant and observer meet a second time to discuss the class and identify areas of strength and improvement. Students are expected to draft a 2-3 page reflection piece on the class, identifying critical incidents and opportunities for further reflection.
    • ISW (24-hour Instructional Skills Workshop)

C. Two Teaching Observations/Commentary

  • Participants observe two lectures, seminars, or classes facilitated by a veteran instructor. Each observation is to be accompanied by a reflective statement identifying what was observed in terms of instructional strategies used and learning outcomes obtained.

Note: Each component above will be reflected and documented through the compilation of a teaching dossier.

*Subject to approval, institutional partners whose workshops may contribute to the GTA practicum: