Academic Plan

Brock’s Academic Plan outlines the University’s priorities with respect to its academic operations. The Academic Plan will help direct efforts and resources to those actions that align with the priorities identified in the report. In doing so, the Academic Plan expands and sharpens the focus on objectives listed in the Institutional Strategic Plan priority area to “offer a transformational and accessible University experience.”

The Academic Plan covers the period 2023 to 2028, spanning beyond the life of the current Institutional Strategic Plan and thereby providing a foundation for the next strategic planning exercise.

The Academic Plan was developed and refined through several rounds of consultation with the University community, including students, staff, faculty members, and professional librarians. The Academic Plan was developed in collaboration with the Planning, Priorities and Budget Advisory Committee (PPBAC) of the University Senate. The Plan was also approved by Senate in January 2023.

The Academic Plan:

  • revisits the key mission and values listed in the Institutional Strategic Plan;
  • situates the plan in the context of Brock’s broader planning ecosystem;
  • outlines the origin and purpose of the plan in the current late-pandemic context;
  • describes the method and process used to generate the draft plan;
  • lists actions under five thematic academic priority areas, including:
    • High-quality and meaningful educational experience
    • Accessible, flexible and customizable
    • Supportive and student-centred
    • Equitable, diverse and inclusive
    • Future-oriented

Download Brock’s Academic Plan.