Articles tagged with: Biological Sciences

  • Master of Science Thesis Defences – Dec 11 and Dec 15 -Alysha Gullion, Ethan Gibbons, Nicholas Aksamit, Raikhan Zakarina

    Master of Science thesis defence in Biological Sciences


    Alysha Gullion, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend her thesis titled “Influence of cover crops on invertebrate diversity in Niagara organic vineyards” on Monday, December 11 at 9:30 AM., virtually.

    The examination committee includes Melanie Pilkington, Chair; Liette Vasseur, Supervisor; Caroline Provost, External Examiner (Centre de Recherche Agroalimentaire de Mirabel); and Sudarsana Poojari and Kiyoko Gotanda, Committee Members.

    Master of Science thesis defence in Computer Science

    Ethan Gibbons, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Computer Science, will defend his thesis titled “Memetic Algorithm for Large-Scale Real-World Vehicle Routing Problems with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery with Time Windows” on Monday, December 11 at 1:30 PM., virtually.

    The examination committee includes Shahryar Rahnamayan, Chair; Betty Ombuki-Berman, Supervisor; Brian Ross, External Examiner (Brock University); and Michael Winter and Ke Qiu, Committee Members.

    Master of Science thesis defence in Computer Science


    Nicholas Aksamit, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Computer Science, will defend his thesis titled “Combining the Power of Attention Models

    and Many-objective Computational Intelligence Algorithms for Drug Design” om Friday, December 15 at 10 AM, virtually.

    The examination committee includes Cheryl McCormick, Chair; Betty Ombuki-Berman and Yifeng Li, Co-Supervisors; Naser Ezzati-Jivan, External Examiner (Brock University); and Rahnuma Islam Nishat and Youlian Pan, Committee Members.

    Master of Science thesis defence in Chemistry

    Raikhan Zakarina, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Chemistry, will defend her thesis titled “Solvent-free zinc-catalysed hydroboration of esters ” on Friday, December 15 at 2:30 PM., in Plaza 600F.

    The examination committee includes Ping Liang, Chair; Georgii Nikonov, Supervisor; Joe Gilroy, External Examiner (University of Western Ontario); and Divya Matta and Martin Lemaire, Committee Members.

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  • Dec 7 – PhD Thesis Defence – Andréanne Hébert-Haché

    Andréanne Hébert-Haché, a PhD in Biological Sciences candidate, will defend her thesis titled “The influence of grapevine cultivar, clone, and rootstock on cold hardiness and dehydrin proteins” on Thursday, December 7th at 9:30 a.m., in hybrid format.

    The examination committee members are Brian Roy, Chair; Debbie Inglis and Jim Willwerth, Co-Supervisors; Horst Caspari, External Examiner (Colorado State University); Michael Pisaric, Internal Examiner; and Vincenzo de Luca and Charles Despres, Committee Members.

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  • May 31 – PhD Thesis Defence – Hyun Suk (Leeko) Lee

    Hyun Suk (Leeko) Lee, a PhD in Biological Sciences candidate, will defend the thesis “Feasibility study using remote sensing technologies to improve zonal vineyard management ” on Wednesday, May 31 at 9:30 a.m., virtually.

    The examination committee members are Brian Roy, Chair; Debbie Inglis and Jim Willwerth, Co-Supervisors; Yu Jiang, External Examiner (Cornell University); Kevin Turner, Internal Examiner; and Ralph B. Brown and Marilyne Carrey, Advisory Committee.

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  • April 26 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Jacob Medeiros

    Jacob Medeiros, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend his thesis titled “Interactions between caffeic and caftaric acids, furan-derived aroma compounds, and chitosan during base wine ageing” on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 2 p.m., in virtual format.

    The examination committee includes Cheryl McCormick, Chair; Gary Pickering and Belinda Kemp, Co-Supervisors; Marc Bradshaw, External Examiner (Strewn Winery); Jim Willwerth, Committee Member.

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  • Department of Biological Sciences Seminar Series – Friday March 10

    “Where Should we Focus to Improve Health Post-Pandemic Emergency?”
    Dr. M. Mustafa Hirji, Medical Officer of Health & Commissioner (Acting), Public Health & Emergency Services, Niagara Region
    Friday March 10th, 2023 at 12h00-13h00 EST
    Room TH 256

    Brock University_Department of BIological Sciences_Advertisement for Mustafa Hirji – Mar 10 2023

    Talk Outline:

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  • Oct 5 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Jessica Carlene Prosser

    Master of Science thesis defence

    Jessica Carlene Prosser, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend her thesis titled “Role of Viral Infections in Rapid Prunus Decline in the Niagara Region” on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. in virtual format.

    The examination committee includes Cheryl McCormick, Chair; Jonathan Griffiths and Charles Despres, Co-Supervisors; Baozhong Meng, External Examiner (University of Guelph); Ping Liang, Committee Member.

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  • Aug 29 – Doctor of Philosophy Thesis Defence – Eric De Hoog

    Eric de Hoog, a PhD in Biological Sciences candidate, will defend the thesis “Modulation of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels by Retinoic Acid Signaling” on Monday, August 29th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The defence will take place in MC H313.

    The examination committee members are Brian Roy, Chair; Gaynor Spencer, Supervisor; Alan Lomax, External Examiner (Queen’s University); Val Fajardo, Internal Examiner; and Cheryl McCormick and Joffre Mercier, Advisory Committee.

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  • Aug 2 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Olivia Rita Marie Bagshaw

    Master of Science thesis defence

    Olivia Rita Marie Bagshaw, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend her thesis titled “Evaluating and targeting mitochondrial dynamics and plasticity in conditions of mitochondrial dysfunction” on Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2022 at 1 p.m. in MC H313.

    The examination committee includes Yifeng Li, Chair; Jeff Stuart, Supervisor; Adam J. MacNeil, External Examiner (Brock University, Dept. of Health Sciences); and Jeffrey Atkinson and Paul J. LeBlanc, Committee Members.

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  • Jan 18 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Charlene Marcotte

    Master of Science thesis defence

    Charlene Marcotte, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend her thesis titled “Winemaking techniques to manage tannins of Cabernet sauvignon and Pinot noir wines made in Ontario, Canada ” on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 1 pm, in virtual format.

    The examination committee includes Cheryl McCormick, Chair; Debbie Inglis and Belinda Kemp, Co-Supervisors; Kevin Usher, External Examiner (Summerland Research and Development Centre); and Jeff Stuart and Gary Pickering, Committee Members.

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    Categories: Events

  • Jan 6 – Doctoral Thesis Defence – Fereshteh Moradi

    Doctoral thesis defence in Biological Sciences


    Fereshteh Moradi, Doctor of Philosophy candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend her thesis titled “Investigating the Effect of Cell culture Compositions on Mitochondrial Metabolism, Dynamics, and Transcriptome and Proteome of cells” on Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 11 am, virtually.

    The examination committee includes Brian D. Roy, Chair; Jeff Stuart, Supervisor; Jim Uniacke, External Examiner (University of Guelph); Val A. Fajardo, Internal External Examiner; Gaynor Spencer and Rebecca MacPherson, Supervisory Committee Members.

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