Articles tagged with: Biological Science

  • June 21 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Jacob Kevin Lee

    Master of Science thesis defence

    Mr. Jacob Kevin Lee, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend his thesis titled “An examination of Notch signalling in the regenerating caudal spinal cord of the axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum:  Establishment and characterization of an axolotl Opto-Notch1 construct for light-induced upregulation of Notch1 signalling in vivo” on Tuesday, June 21 at 10am in MC H313.

    The examination committee includes Cheryl McCormick, Chair; Robert Carlone, Supervisor; Paul J. LeBlanc, External Examiner (Applied Health Sciences); and Gaynor Spencer and Aleksandar Necakov, Committee Members.

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  • July 30 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Autumn Heyde

    Master of Science thesis defence

    Autumn Heyde, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend her thesis titled “Crawford Lake Consumers: Water Column and Palynological Studies” on Friday, July 30, 2021 at 9 a.m. in virtual format.

    The examination committee includes Cheryl McCormick, Chair; Francine McCarthy, Supervisor; Andrew S. Medeiros, External Examiner (Dalhousie University); and Glenn Tattersall and Michael Pisaric, Committee Members.

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  • Feb 13 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Pardis Asgari

    Master of Science thesis defence

    Pardis Asgari, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend her thesis titled “Stress and the Development of Social Behaviour in Adolescent Female Rats” on Thursday, February 13 at 9 a.m. in Plaza 600F.

    The examination committee includes Francine McCarthy, Chair; Cheryl McCormick, Supervisor; Veena Dwivedi, External Examiner (Brock University, Dept. of Psychology); and Joffre Mercier and Miriam Richards, Committee Members.

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  • Jan 22 – Master of Science thesis defence – Amanda Kornel

    Master of Science thesis defence

    Amanda Kornel, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend her thesis titled “Examining the Roles of Octopamine and Proctolin as Co-Transmitters in Drosophila melanogaster” on Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. in ST107.

    The examination committee includes Cheryl McCormick, Chair; A. Joffre Mercier, Supervisor; Rosa da Silva, External Examiner (McMaster University); and Gaynor Spencer and Aleksandar Necakov, Committee Members.

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    Categories: Events