Articles by author: jsteepe

  • May 10 – Doctor of Philosophy Thesis Defence – Christopher Wicks

    Doctor of Philosophy Thesis Defence in Chemistry

    Christopher Wicks, Doctor of Philosophy candidate in the Department of Chemistry, will defend his thesis titled “Towards the total synthesis of semi-synthetic opiate species

    and presilphiperfolan-1-ol” on Friday, May 10 at 11 AM., virtually.

    The examination committee includes Elizabeth Vlossak, Chair; Costa Metallinos, Supervisor; Michael A. Kerr, External Examiner (Western University); Ian Patterson, Internal External Examiner; Dustin Duncan and Louis Barriault (University of Ottawa), Committee Members.

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  • May 7 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Maneesha Wijesundara

    Master of Science thesis defence in Chemistry

    Maneesha Wijesundara, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Chemistry, will defend her thesis titled “Synthesis and Properties of π-Extended Phenoxyl Radicals” on Tuesday, May 7 at 11:30 AM., in GSB 305, in hybrid format.

    The examination committee includes Melanie Pilkington, Chair; Martin Lemaire, Supervisor; Kenneth Maly, External Examiner, Wilfrid Laurier University; and Melanie Pilkington and Art van der Est, Committee Members.

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    Categories: News

  • May 1 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Mariana Garrido de Gastro

    Master of Science thesis defence in Biology

    Mariana Garrido de Gastro, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend her thesis titled “DYNAMICS OF SIMULTANEOUS ARBOVIRAL INFECTION IN HOST AND VECTOR CELLS” on Wednesday, May 1 at 1 PM., virtually, in closed format.

    The examination committee includes Melanie Pilkington, Chair; Fiona Hunter, Supervisor; Adam MacNeil, External Examiner, Department of Health Sciences; and Jeff Stuart and Ian Patterson, Committee Members.

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    Categories: Events

  • April 26 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Aaron Alderson

    Master of Science thesis defence in Earth Sciences

    Aaron Alderson, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Earth Sciences, will defend his thesis titled “Non-pollen palynomorphs and black carbon in sediments from Walden Pond (Massachusetts, USA): evidence of sudden onset events and human impact over the past millennium” on Friday, April 26 at 11 AM., in MC H313.

    The examination committee includes Uwe Brand, Chair; Francine McCarthy, Supervisor; Althea Davies, External Examiner (University of St. Andrews, UK); and Michael Pisaric and Joseph Boyce (McMaster University), Committee Members

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  • March 26 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Danielle Martin

    Master of Science thesis defence in Biological Sciences

    Danielle Martin, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences, will defend her thesis titled “Tracking nuclear generating station emissions and fossil fuel contributions using tree rings in southern Ontario, Canada” on Tuesday, March 26 at 1 PM., in CRN 207.

    The examination committee includes Melanie Pilkington, Chair; Michael Pisaric, Supervisor; Helene Løvstrand Svarva, External Examiner (NTNU University Museum); and Liette Vasseur and Kevin Turner, Committee Members.

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    Categories: Events

  • Feb 7 – MRP defence – Braden Saunders

    MRP in Computer Science:

    Braden Saunders, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Computer Science, will defend his MRP titled “A Novel DDoS Detection and Multi-Class Classification Method: A Graph Convolutional Network Approach” on Wednesday, February 7 at 11AM., virtually.

    The examination committee includes Glaucio H.S. de Carvalho, Supervisor; Naser Ezzati-Jivan, Committee Member.

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    Categories: Events

  • Feb 6 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Shajib Chowdhury

    Shajib Chowdhury, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Computer Science, will defend his thesis titled “LSTM-oriented Handover Decision-making with SVR-based Mobility Prediction in 5G Vehicular Networks ” on Tuesday, February 6 at 9:30 AM., in GSB 408.

    The examination committee includes Melanie Pilkington, Chair; Robson De Grande, Supervisor; Renata Queiroz Dividino, External Examiner (Brock University); and Naser Ezzati-Jivan and Glaucio Haroldo Silva de Carvalho, Committee Members.

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    Categories: Events

  • Feb 5 – MSc Thesis Defence – Jannatul Ferdous

    Jannatul Ferdous, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Computer Science, will defend her thesis titled “Reinforcement Learning-based Time-Dependable Modelling of Fog Connectivity for Software-Defined Vehicular Networks” on Monday, February 5 at 1PM., in CRN 207.

    The examination committee includes Melanie Pilkington, Chair; Robson De Grande, Supervisor; Naser Ezzati-Jivan, External Examiner (Brock University); and Ke Qiu and Glaucio Haroldo Silva de Carvalho, Committee Members.

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    Categories: Events

  • Feb 1 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Andrew Vu

    Master of Science thesis defence in Computer Science

    Andrew Vu, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Computer Science, will defend his thesis titled “The Application of Chaos Game Representations and Deep Learning for Grapevine Genetic Testing” on Thursday, February 1 at 9:30 AM., virtually.

    The examination committee includes Melanie Pilkington, Chair; Yifeng Li and Ping Liang, Co-Supervisors; Robson De Grande, External Examiner (Brock University); and Renata Queiroz Dividino and Glaucio Haroldo Silva de Carvalho, Committee Members.

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    Categories: Events

  • Feb 7 – Master of Science Thesis Defence – Mehenika Akter

    Mehenika Akter, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Computer Science, will defend her thesis titled “Topic Modeling-based Logging Suggestions for Java Software Systems” on Wednesday, February 7 at 2PM., in CRN 207.

    The examination committee includes Melanie Pilkington, Chair; Naser Ezzati-Jivan, Supervisor; Robson De Grande, External Examiner (Brock University); and Ke Qiu and Michael Winter, Committee Members.

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    Categories: Events