DART Alumna in Canopy Theatre’s Outdoor Theatre for Downtown Toronto production of LYSISTRATA

Brock Alumna and DART TA, Lauren Shepherd, will be seen performing this summer in Canopy Theatre’s Outdoor Theatre for Downtown Toronto production of:

LYSISTRATA – the sex strike by Aristophanes (Adapted by Germaine Greer and Phil Willmott)
Known for its bawdy humour, Lysistrata tells the tale of how one woman encourages a nation of lustful ladies to deny their husbands any sexual attention until the men declare peace and put a stop to civil war.  Germaine Greer’s adaptation keeps all of the expected phalli, sexually charged hijinks and anti-war rhetoric while also exploring issues of gender politics and class bias.  Guaranteed to be the sexiest production ever seen on Philosopher’s Stage, Lysistrata comes with a ‘mature content’ warning: This is not a family show!

Tickets can be purchased online at: www.canopytheatre.ca, or at the door. Students, Wednesday nights are PAY WHAT YOU CAN! Bring a blanket and enjoy the fun!

Event Details:

July 20 – August 6, 2011
Wednesday – Saturday
doors open at 7:30pm, curtain at 8pm


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