
  • Professor Emeritus Léonard Rosmarin announces 17th book

    Professor Emeritus Léonard Rosmarin’s 17th book entitled Words of Witness, The Fiction of Élie Wiesel was recently launched at the international Frankfurt Book Fair.

    Mosaic Press is currently offering the book at a reduced price for interested readers available on their website.

    To learn more about Professor Rosmarin’s research and other notable publications, please visit The Brock News.

  • Digital Humanities event connects students with industry leaders

    On Friday, Nov. 17, Brock’s Department of Digital Humanities hosted their annual Industry Night bringing together Brock students and leading game industry representatives for an exciting evening of connection, discussion and networking.

    Held in Brock’s Rankin Family Pavilion, Digital Humanities hosted over 20 industry representatives, mostly from a number of prestigious game studios, many of which are located in the Niagara regions.

    During the event, faculty, instructors, graduate and undergraduate students from the GAME and Interactive Arts and Science programs had the opportunity to speak one-on-one with industry experts and gain valuable perspective about the gaming industry and its future.

    With many in attendance, this unique experiential education event fostered a sense of scholarly and professional community united by a shared passion for gaming.

    This event was generously sponsored by Innovate Niagara. Staffing and space support was provided by  Co-op, Career and Experiential Education and BrockLINC.

    The Department of Digital Humanities extends many thanks to everyone who attended and contributed to the the event in support of the next generation of gaming professionals:

    Achimostawinan Games
    Adjective Noun Studios
    The Brown Homestead
    Devil’s Cider Games
    Falling Squirrel
    Innovate Niagara
    Morro Motion
    Paper Video
    Phantom Compass
    Rocketship Park
    Rockstar Games

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  • Charles A. Sankey Lecture in Masonic Studies. Sunday, March 26, 2017,3 p.m. Sean O’Sullivan Theatre Brock University

    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • MLLC collage in Library’s Learning Commons – Skill-testing questions challenge

    We invite you to view the collage in the Learning Commons, a few steps away from the Ask Us desk, and answer these skill-testing questions to win a prize:

    Begin at the display case on the left!

    *Not including the white blocks with the phrases/words:

    1) from the left side, count down 4 images and 3 across: Whose portrait is this and who painted it?

    2) from the right side, count down 3 images and 4 across: What does this sculpture represent for Italy and which city plays a central role in the story?

    Now please move to the display case on the right.

    3) from the left side, count down 3 images and 5 across: Name the painter of this scene from the circus.

    4) from the right side, count down 3 images and 3 across: Who is this man?

    Please submit your answers to these questions to: [email protected]

    We have a winner for the first skill-testing question! Congratulations to Jacob Stickel!

    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • Dr. Santos interviewed by UK magazine ‘Broadly’ about her recent co-edited volume ‘Virgin Envy: The Cultural (In)Significance of the Hymen’

    Dr. Santos interviewed by UK magazine “Broadly”
    “Why We’re Still So Obsessed with Virginity” by Zing Tsjeng at “Broadly”. "Virgin Envy," a new collection of essays, explores the tricky ambiguities of popping your cherry. We spoke to co-editor Cristina Santos about vampire hymens, "Twilight," and queer virgins.


    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • February Instructional Skills Workshop Registration Now Open!

    Brock University faculty, instructors, teaching staff and teaching assistants are invited to register for the February Instructional SKills Workshop certificate program scheduled for Saturday February 18, Sunday February 19, and Saturday February 25, from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm daily. All three days must be attended to complete the certificate program.

    Online register is open
    For additional information contact [email protected] or 905.688.5550 x3933. 
    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • Francophone radio documentary on Niagara aired across Canada

     A francophone documentary on the Region of Niagara produced by MLLC/STAC faculty member and Brock Radio volunteer Catherine Parayre has been selected recently by the National Campus and Community Radio Association and Rendez-vous de la francophonie for nationwide distribution in 2016-2017.
    For more information, please see http://www.ncra.ca/rvf


    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • New Teaching & Learning Resources

    The CPI library of teaching and learning resources are located in TH136.

    Two new additions are:

    Focus on Formative Feedback Downloadable PDF 

    Grading Strategies for the College Classroom – A Collection of Articles for Faculty.

    Questions?  Contact [email protected] or 905.688.5550 x3933.


    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • Visa Photography Instructor Amy Friend mounts exhibition.

    Photography Professor Amy Friend presents Eternal Light at the Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre in Toronto

    November 2 > 30, 2016
    The Gallery at the J
    Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre
    750 Spadina Ave. (at Bloor), Toronto Ontario

    In Jewish tradition the death of a loved one is commemorated by lighting a yahrzeit candle, often with a prayer beginning with a passage from Proverbs, “. . . the lamp of the Eternal is the soul of humanity . . .” For most Jews who perished in the Holocaust, and so many who died before, there is no surviving family to observe this ritual. It therefore falls to future generations. For a visual interpretation of the theme Future of Memory, Neuberger HEW commissioned artist Amy Friend. Exploring the notion of light, Friend used archival photographs of European Jewry before the Shoah from UJA Federation’s Ontario Jewish Archives, Blankenstein Family Heritage Centre. She carefully perforated each reproduced photo and shined light though the small openings, bringing new light into the image and recreating it as a unique work of art; a poignant and eternal tribute to life, love, and loss.

    Amy Friend is a Canadian Artist and Assistant Professor of Fine Arts at Brock University. Friend has exhibited nationally and internationally, exploring issues related to history, memory, personal archives and phenomenology. She works with the medium of photography pushing its anticipated boundaries through installation and material experimentation. Recent exhibitions include Assorted Boxes of Ordinary Life (Rodman Hall, Canada), Heaven on Earth at the DongGang Museum of Photography (South Korea) and at the GetxoPhoto Festival (Spain). She has been selected as a top 50 photographer by Critical Mass International Photography Competition for three years running. Amy Friend is represented by C3 Arts.

    Exhibit Curated by Mira Goldfarb. Generously co-sponsored by Sally & Mark Zigler in honour of their parents, Fanny & Bernard Dov Laufer and Etty & Salo Zigler.

    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • Visa LTA Instructor exhibits in Poland.

    LTA Photography Instructor Amy Friend will be exhibiting work in Pa?dziernika Poland as part of the Vintage Photography Festival October 7 to 23. For more information on click HERE.



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