Oscar-winning digital effects specialist will speak at Brock

A digital effects specialist who has worked on movies such as Avatar and King Kong will headline next week’s Interacting with Immersive Worlds conference at Brock University in St. Catharines.

Dejan Momcilovic is a motion capture supervisor at New Zealand’s WETA Digital, a studio co-founded by director Peter Jackson. The studio has won Academy Awards for its work on Avatar, King Kong and Lord of the Rings. It has also worked on films such as District 9 and X-Men First Class.

Motion capture is the process of transferring an actor’s performance onto digital characters, such as the blue-skinned Na’vi in Avatar or Gollum in Lord of the Rings. Momcilovic will give the conference keynote speech, which is free and open to the public.

Read the full story in The Brock News

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