Outbound Exchange | Study Abroad Programs

We partner with many prestigious business schools all over the world where you can study while paying regular tuition fees to Brock.

Courses are taught in English and count toward your Brock degree so you stay on track to graduate. Exchanges are available for one semester, full year or short term summer program.

Goodman exchange students often tell us it was the highlight of their university experience.

“I had a 10/10 experience on exchange this term. It was an experience that still feels unreal to be and will honestly be a highlight of my undergraduate degree. I would absolutely recommend exchange to any student considering going on one, I cannot describe what a life changing event it is. It is one thing to go on vacation to different countries, however, living with Flatmates recreates the first-year experience with the additional difference of being in an unknown place having to figure out what to do on the fly.”

– Naren Sothinathan, BAcc Co-op (Aston University, England, Fall 2022)

How to apply


Goodman students must be in good academic standing (70% minimum major average for BBA/BAcc and 75% for MBA students) to participate in an exchange. BBA/BAcc students can choose to go in 3rd or 4th year. The recommended semester for all Co-op students to participate is Fall of 4th year.


January 15, 2024: Early bird deadline for Short-Term 2024, Fall 2024, Winter 2025 or Full Year 2024-2025 (priority processing given to those who submit complete application by this date)

February 1, 2024: Final deadline for Short-Term 2024, Fall 2024 or Full Year 2024-2025

June 30, 2024: Final deadline for Winter 2025

Application Process

Research the partner schools available and determine your top three preferred host schools

  1. Prepare a short statement outlining your reasons for wanting to participate (submit with online application)
  2. Ask one of your instructors to complete an Academic Reference Form for you
  3. Apply online (no need to wait for references to be submitted)

International Short-Term Programs

International Short-term Programs allow you to study internationally for a short time period (2-6 weeks) and earn credits toward your degree. The courses are fast-tracked and relevant to current world issues. Some include excursions to company headquarters, organized social/cultural activities, weekend trips and sightseeing.

Partner Schools

Goodman students can participate on exchange basis (no tuition fees paid to the partner school) in the following short-term programs:

MBA Programs

Copenhagen Business School – Denmark
June 24 – July 26

WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management – Germany
May 10 – May 24 (Session 1)
May 15 – May 27 (Session 2)

EDHEC Business School– France
June 24 – July 5

Undergraduate Programs

BI Norwegian Business School – Norway
June 24 – July 12

Copenhagen Business School – Denmark
June 24 – July 26

EDHEC Business School-France
June 24 – July 5

IESEG School of Management – France
June 17 – June 28

KEDGE Business School-France
June 10 – July 12

Toulouse Business School – France
June 10 – June 28 (Toulouse)
July 1 – July 19 (Barcelona)
June 10 – July 19 (Toulouse & Barcelona)

WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management – Germany
May 26 – June 14

The above dates are approximate and may change slightly. Please connect with the exchange office to confirm exact dates. 

Experiential Chinese Culture Study Tour


All short-term exchange program students pay tuition to Brock and receive academic credit(s) for the successful completion of one of the above programs.

To be eligible, Goodman students must be in good academic standing (70% minimum major average for BBA/BAcc and 75% for MBA students).

Application Instructions:

  1. Ask one of your instructors to complete an Academic Reference Form for you
  2. Prepare a statement (minimum 100 words) outlining your reasons for wanting to participate in a short-term exchange
  3. Apply online
  • Join the ‘Goodman Global’ Brightspace page via the Discover tab
  • Send us a message on the international tab of the Goodman Portal if you have specific questions
  • Several information sessions are held throughout the year. Watch for information on upcoming events

Of course! All the courses you will be taking at our partner schools are taught in English. In some countries, it is a good idea to have a basic knowledge of the native language. In other countries, you can get by with just English.

Since the grading system varies so greatly in every country, it is impossible to transfer your marks back to Brock’s system accurately. When you finish your term abroad, Brock will receive a copy of your transcript and enter Pass or Fail on your account. Please note that although your exchange marks will not be calculated in your average, your actual mark will be required when applying for graduate school or professional designations. After you are approved to go on exchange, you will be required to submit a Course Approval Form and we will assess each course so that they will transfer back to your degree as appropriate. There are 3 options for how the course will be transferred, depending on content and contact hours:

  • Specific course (i.e. OBHR 3P97)
  • Unspecified Business credit (i.e. BUSI 200+)
  • Unspecified credit (i.e. NON-BUSI 200+)

You must pass all of your classes in order to receive credit for your studies abroad.

Since we have learning agreements with our partner schools, you are exempt from international student fees. You will pay your regular tuition to Brock, and be responsible for your living expenses. If you currently receive OSAP or scholarships, you will continue to receive them while on exchange.

There are many more scholarships and bursaries available for exchange students – you just have to be diligent in applying for them! Read the SAFA Exchange website first to find out about OSAP, scholarships and bursaries. There are also country-specific scholarships for Graduate students available through the Government of Canada.

Travel expenses, while you are abroad, will be your highest cost. Make sure you research the country you will be living in as expenses vary greatly. However, accommodation and other living expenses will not be much different than living in residence at Brock. Keep in mind that there are also expenses that you will avoid when you go on exchange, such as most of your textbook costs.

Students usually apply in second year to go on an exchange program in third year. If you are intending to go in fourth year, you would apply in third. If you are planning an exchange in your final semester, please note that you may not be able to graduate until the Fall convocation. Due to timing differences in study periods at our partner schools, grades may not be available in time to meet the deadline to graduate. Please note that these circumstances are beyond the control of Brock and as such, we cannot be held liable for these occurrences.

You will work together with the Goodman International Exchange office and the partner institution in order to organize your exchange. Some partner universities will provide a great deal of assistance, for instance, communicating with you regularly through the application process, providing airport pick-up, holding an orientation and providing on-campus housing or homestay families. Others will require you to be more independent. We are here to help. We provide a mandatory pre-departure orientation session. However, it is your responsibility to organize your exchange and to carefully review and follow our guidelines.

“Do lots of research before you pick a place to go. But no matter where you choose you will have an amazing time, seeing a new culture and seeing what other countries have to offer is an experience that doesn’t come very often. The Goodman International Programs office is very responsive and helped me with any questions that I had. The exchange was one of the best times of my life and I highly recommend going on exchange to anyone. It’s ok to be nervous or scared, but those feeling will go away quickly once you get settled in and familiarize yourself with the city. Just go and make the most of it!”

– Joey McLay (ESIC Business and Marketing School, Spain, Fall 2022)

Contact Us

Goodman International Exchange Office
Goodman Portal