The Goodman School of Business is a globally oriented and community dedicated business school that engages and challenges through scholarly initiatives, education and practice. The following faculty and staff have been recognized for their outstanding excellence and demonstrate our values of passion, perseverance and professionalism.

Research Awards

Samir Trabelsi
Accounting (ACTG) Distinguished Scholar of the Year

Anteneh Ayanso
Finance, Operations and Information Systems (FOIS) Distinguished Scholar of the Year

Magnus Hultman
Marketing, International Business and Strategy (MIBS) Distinguished Scholar of the Year

Dirk De Clercq
Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (OBHREE) Distinguished Scholar of the Year
Goodman Distinguished Scholar of the Year

Lianxi Zhou
Professor of Marketing and International Business
Goodman Emerging Scholar of the Year

Saima Naseer
Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management

Samir Trabelsi
Accounting (ACTG) Department Researcher of the Year

Walid Ben Omrane
Finance, Operations and Information Systems (FOIS) Department Researcher of the Year

Magnus Hultman
Marketing, International Business and Strategy (MIBS) Department Researcher of the Year

Dirk De Clercq
Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (OBHREE) Department Researcher of the Year
Goodman Distinguished Scholar of the Year

Eugene Kaciak
Professor of Operations Management and Business Research
Goodman Emerging Scholar of the Year

Sadia Jahanzeb
Associate Professor of Human Resource Management

Tanya Tang
Accounting (ACTG) Department Researcher of the Year

Eugene Kaciak
Finance, Operations and Information Systems (FOIS) Department Researcher of the Year

Magnus Hultman
Marketing, International Business and Strategy (MIBS) Department Researcher of the Year

Dirk De Clercq
Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (OBHREE) Department Researcher of the Year
Goodman Emerging Scholar of the Year

Sadia Jahanzeb
Associate Professor of Human Resource Management

Fayez Elayan
Accounting (ACTG) Department Researcher of the Year

Skander Lazrak
Finance, Operations and Information Systems (FOIS) Department Researcher of the Year

Lianxi Zhou
Marketing, International Business and Strategy (MIBS) Department Researcher of the Year

Dirk De Clercq
Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (OBHREE) Department Researcher of the Year
Goodman Emerging Scholar of the Year

Yun Ke

Michelle Lau
Accounting (ACTG) Department Researcher of the Year

Tejaswini Herath
Finance, Operations and Information Systems (FOIS) Department Researcher of the Year

Kai-Yu Wang
Marketing, International Business and Strategy (MIBS) Department Researcher of the Year

Dirk De Clercq
Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (OBHREE) Department Researcher of the Year

Samir Trabelsi
Accounting (ACTG) Department Researcher of the Year

Mohamed Ayadi
Finance, Operations and Information Systems (FOIS) Department Researcher of the Year

Trish Ruebottom
Marketing, International Business and Strategy (MIBS) Department Researcher of the Year

Dirk De Clercq
Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (OBHREE) Department Researcher of the Year

Staci Kenno
Accounting (ACTG) Department Researcher of the Year

Walid Ben Omrane
Finance, Operations and Information Systems (FOIS) Department Researcher of the Year

Trish Ruebottom
Marketing, International Business and Strategy (MIBS) Department Researcher of the Year

Dirk De Clercq
Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (OBHREE) Department Researcher of the Year

Tanya Tang
Accounting (ACTG) Department Researcher of the Year

Eugene Kaciak
Finance, Operations and Information Systems (FOIS) Department Researcher of the Year

Kai-Yu Wang
Marketing, International Business and Strategy (MIBS) Department Researcher of the Year

Dirk De Clercq
Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (OBHREE) Department Researcher of the Year
Goodman Distinguished Researcher of the Year

Maxim Voronov

Jingyu (Jennifer) Li
Accounting (ACTG) Department Researcher of the Year

Anteneh Ayanso
Finance, Operations and Information Systems (FOIS) Department Researcher of the Year

Narongsak (Tek) Thongpapanl
Marketing, International Business and Strategy (MIBS) Department Researcher of the Year

Dirk De Clercq
Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (OBHREE) Department Researcher of the Year

Kareen Brown
Accounting (ACTG) Department Researcher of the Year

Anteneh Ayanso
Finance, Operations and Information Systems (FOIS) Department Researcher of the Year

Narongsak (Tek) Thongpapanl
Marketing, International Business and Strategy (MIBS) Department Researcher of the Year

Dave Bouckenooghe
Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (OBHREE) Department Researcher of the Year
Teaching Awards
Goodman Faculty Teaching Excellence Award

Narongsak (Tek) Thongpapanl
Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Programs) And Professor of Marketing
Goodman Faculty Teaching Excellence Award

Pascale La Pointe-Antunes
Associate Professor of Accounting
Beta Gamma Sigma Professor of the Year Award

D. Paul Scarbrough
Professor of Accounting

Dirk De Clercq
Professor of Management

Ernest Biktimirov
Professor of Finance

Carmen Cullen
Associate Professor of Marketing

Jennifer Li
Professor of Accounting

Mark Julien
Professor of Human Resource Management

Ernest Biktimirov
Professor of Finance
Staff Awards
Valerie Desimone & Lauren Smith
Administrative Assistant (FOIS Department) & Student Leadership Coordinator

Mohsen Alghazali
Accreditations & Quality Assurance Manager

Steve Agiropoulos
Academic Advisor

Harry Serabian
Technical Analyst

Meredith Heaney
Manager, International Exchanges and Partnerships