News and events

  • Meet our graduates: Jaime Barratt

    Crossing the stage at Convocation on Oct. 18 marked the beginning of a unexpected adventure for Jaime Barratt.

    The new Master of Education (MEd) graduate is travelling about 15,000 km to complete a PhD at the University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia.Read more

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  • Spirit of Brock winner finds purpose in volunteering

    For Larry Nie, receiving the Spirit of Brock medal at Brock University’s Fall Convocation on Friday, Oct. 18 capped off two life-changing years as a student in the Faculty of Education.

    Nie, who graduated on Oct. 18 from the Master of Education, International Student Program, first came to Brock from China in August 2017 to enroll in the Masters Preparation Certificate in Education (MPCE) program.Read more

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  • CUPE Job Action Updates for Teacher Candidates

    The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) confirmed that job action will begin across the province on Monday, September 30 and they will be on strike on October 7, 2019. CUPE members include custodians, maintenance staff, office administrators, clerical staff, early childhood educators (ECE), educational assistants (EA), and information technology technicians.

    At this time, each School Board is reviewing the job action directive from CUPE provincial to its members to determine the impact these will have on schools, to learning and working, and to safety in schools for students, staff and teachers.

    Boards are committed to providing our school communities with additional details on the job action as soon as they can. Please monitor the web site of your school district for its decision on whether schools remain open during the CUPE job action.

    Undergraduate Concurrent Education students involved in school‐based experiential learning placements and Teacher Candidates who begin structured experiences on Wednesday October 9, 2019 and practicum as early as the week of October 21, you need to be aware of the following specific issues:

    1. If a school district closes its schools, you are not to report to the school.
    2. If schools remain open, teaching staff are expected to be in attendance. Teachers’ contracts oblige them to report to work during job action by other bargaining units, unless they are absolutely unable to do so, in which case they need to report this to their administrator.
    3. Teacher Candidates are expected to attend schools if they remain open. If you are absolutely unable to attend, please report this to your Associate Teacher and to the Brock FOE Placement Office.
    4. If you are at a school during the CUPE job action, please be respectful of the rights of CUPE members and the normal practices for crossing any lines.
    5. As a teacher candidate, you need to be clear in your role within the school and you should not be performing a role that would otherwise be the direct responsibility of a CUPE worker.

    If you need clarification about the specific roles performed by the ECE or EA in your school/classroom, ask for guidance from your Associate Teacher or Practicum Advisor.

    The Faculty of Education Placement Office will endeavor to keep you informed of the status of specific school districts through periodic emails and our website updates.

  • Teacher Education Information Sessions

    Brock Teacher Education – BEd – Information Sessions

    Learn more about Brock’s Consecutive Teacher Education Program (BEd), including:

    • Program overview
    • Admissions requirements
    • Admission timeline

    Register online today or just join us on:

    Categories: Events, News

  • New book compares socioeconomic inequality and student outcomes

    Faculty of Education Professor Louis Volante has edited a new book comparing socioeconomic inequality and student outcomes across several Western industrialized nations, including Canada.

    Socioeconomic Inequality and Student Outcomes was a collaborative venture between Volante and his three co-editors: Sylke Viola Schnepf from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Italy, John Jerrim from the Institute of Education at the University College London in England and Don Klinger from the University of Waikato in New Zealand.Read more

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  • Education grad celebrated for leadership in Ontario schools

    For 24 years Manny Figueiredo (MEd ’01) has made significant contributions to publicly-funded education in Ontario.

    The Faculty of Education graduate was celebrated for his leadership and achievements during Brock’s Homecoming festivities. Figueiredo received the Faculty of Education Distinguished Graduate Award at the Alumni Recognition Reception on Sept. 21.Read more

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  • Arts Matter conference sparks creativity at Brock’s Hamilton campus

    From green screen masterpieces to boomwhacker symphonies, Brock’s Hamilton campus was buzzing with creativity Wednesday, Sept. 18 during the annual Arts Matter: Integrating the Arts Across the Curriculum conference.

    Now in its ninth year, Arts Matter brought together 100 of Brock’s teacher candidates from the Concurrent Teacher Education and Consecutive Teacher Education programs to participate in hands-on dramatic arts, music, dance and visual arts workshops facilitated by educators who are experts in teaching the arts.Read more

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  • Education students help local kids master reading and math

    Amid the excitement of class photos, extracurriculars and new supplies, the back to school season can be daunting and stressful for students who find reading and math challenging. Student volunteers and interns from the Brock Learning Lab are helping local students from Grades K-12 by offering literacy and numeracy tutoring.Read more

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  • Brock helps alumnus along unconventional learning path

    As a teenager, Joel Ward (MEd ’02) hated school.

    His life at the time was rocky. He was expelled from high school and ran away from home at 16.

    Ward’s relationship with education began a far cry from where it is today, as he starts his retirement after a successful career as an educator and senior administrator in the post-secondary stream.Read more

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  • Education prof takes deep look at important Canadian educator

    Brock University’s Lissa Paul has spent countless hours examining archives in four countries to track down information on a woman who died nearly 180 years ago.

    For many years, the Faculty of Education professor has been drawn to the story of Eliza Fenwick (1766-1840), an educator and author who Paul believes helped shape Canada as we know it.Read more

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