Articles tagged with: event

  • Brock profs to share teen mental health, water research at Science Meets Parliament

    Canada may contain a wealth of freshwater, but for Julia Baird, the country’s water sustainability isn’t a given.

    Through her work, the Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Human Dimensions of Water Resources and Water Resilience explores the importance of managing water effectively.

    The Associate Professor in Brock’s Environmental Sustainability Research Centre and Department of Geography and Tourism Studies will share her work during a trip to Ottawa to represent the University at the Science Meets Parliament 2024 event May 6 and 7.

    Alongside Baird will be Danielle Sirianni Molnar, CRC in Adjustment and Well-Being in Children and Youth, whose work focuses on youth perfectionism and well-being.

    The Brock Associate Professor of Child and Youth Studies will highlight her research into teens who, on the outside, are high achievers exceeding the expectations of their teachers and parents. On the inside, however, they experience high levels of stress and anxiety that contribute to poor mental health, Sirianni Molnar says.

    Baird and Sirianni Molnar will join other Tier 2 CRCs, Indigenous Principal Investigators and Banting Postdoctoral Fellows across the country to discuss topics arising from their research with Members of Parliament, Senators, staff and civil servants.

    “One of the really exciting things for me is that the event is about creating connections to those who are directly involved in policy-making, relationships that can be built over time,” says Baird.

    “This is a fantastic opportunity to learn how research gets translated into policy so that we can have greater impact with the public and get our research findings to where it helps youth and their families,” says Sirianni Molnar.

    Organized by the Canadian Science Policy Centre and the Office of the Chief Science Advisor, Mona Nemer, the two-day event brings together the country’s scientific and political communities through virtual workshops, face-to-face meetings, observation of committee meetings, attending Question Period and a networking reception.

    “Brock University researchers make important and valuable contributions to scientific discovery in Canada,” says Vance Badawey, Member of Parliament for Niagara Centre. “I’m happy that Dr. Julia Baird and Dr. Danielle Sirianni Molnar will be representing Brock at Science Meets Parliament 2024 and proud they will be representing the Niagara community on the national stage.”

    Chris Bittle, Member of Parliament for St. Catharines, says next month’s event is an opportunity to showcase Brock’s “world-class research.”

    “I look forward to Dr. Julia Baird and Dr. Danielle Sirianni Molnar using this national platform to highlight their critically important research and share their knowledge with policy-makers from across the country,” he says.

    Baird is looking forward to connecting with officials at the Canada Water Agency, created last year to improve freshwater management across the country.

    “I explore the concept of governance and water resilience a lot in my work and was hoping to discuss those themes,” she says. “I’d love to talk about decision-making and how we can organize ourselves in ways that supports the long-term sustainability of Canada’s water.”

    Sirianni Molnar hopes her meetings will help her take the pulse on mental health issues among Canadian youth as well as raise awareness of perfectionism among youth.

    “I want to understand the perspectives of government officials: what are they seeing and hearing from their constituents about mental health needs?” she says. “This would be really helpful for my team and I to know so that we could better direct our research and more effectively align our resources.”

    She’s also looking forward to gaining communication and networking skills from training sessions offered at the event.

    Baird agrees, saying she aims to foster these communication and networking skills with Niagara community members to help them connect with local policy-makers.

    Baird and Sirianni Molnar are also looking forward to meeting fellow researchers from across Canada.

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  • Data shows eclipse’s weather impact

    Brock University Associate Professor Kevin Turner and Microcomputer Support Analyst/Technician Dimitre Iankoulov from the Department of Geography and Tourism Studies collected temperature, humidity, wind speed and shortwave radiation data using a scientific weather station during the April 8 eclipse. Turner compared the data with other local stations and confirmed that the temperature dropped by about three degrees Celsius and the wind speed climbed several kilometres per hour as the eclipse went into totality. Turner says that although the numbers do not seem dramatic, the fast pace at which it happens is captivating and triggers our human response. “The experience and observations are reminders of stellar processes and interactions that are much bigger than us or anything we can control,” he says.

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  • IN THE NEWS: Eclipse on the Escarpment

    Brock experts talk total social eclipse: Associate Professor of Physics Thad Harroun spoke to the Hamilton SpectatorYourTV Niagara, the St. Catharines Standard and Newstalk 610 CKTB about Brock’s Eclipse on the Escarpment event and the once-in-a-lifetime celestial phenomenon. Professor of Educational Studies David Hutchison spoke to the St. Catharines Standard and to Newstalk 610 CKTB about the educational impact of the eclipse and his own experience viewing one as a child. Associate Professor of Visual Arts Amy Friend and Professor of Visual Arts Keri Cronin spoke with CBC Radio One about photographing the eclipse. Professor of Earth Sciences Mariek Schmidt spoke with CTV News from Brock’s eclipse event. Assistant Professor of Physics Barak Shoshany also spoke to YourTV Niagara about the science behind the total solar eclipse.

    Newstalk 610 CKTB broadcasts from Brock: Niagara in the Morning with Tim Denis broadcast from Brock’s main campus on Monday, April 8. Throughout the morning, Denis spoke with Matt Melnyk, Director of Student Recruitment; Lesley Rigg, President and Vice-Chancellor, and Tim Kenyon, Interim Provost and Vice-President, Academic; Shahryar Rahnamayan, Professor of Engineering and Chair of the Yousef Haj-Ahmad Department of Engineering; and Julia Baird, Associate Professor in Brock’s Environmental Sustainability Research Centre and Department of Geography and Tourism Studies.

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  • Brock’s community eclipse event set to educate and engage

    As Niagara prepares to witness the rare total solar eclipse, Brock University is welcoming the community to campus Monday, April 8 for a learning experience like no other.

    Eclipse on the Escarpment will feature more than a dozen free educational exhibits that will engage adults and children alike in science, history and culture through interactive experiments, hands-on projects, informative posters and interesting simulations, followed by a community viewing of the total solar eclipse.

    Among the experiences, which begin at noon in Ian Beddis Gymnasium, will be a live experiment that will see Biology researchers use an infrared thermal imaging camera to monitor the reaction of Oxalis plants during the darkness of the total solar eclipse.

    “Oxalis are known to display rapid plant movement by retracting their leaves towards the shoot when kept in darkness. This phenomenon seems to be mediated by a protein called phototropin,” says Alonso Zavafer, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences and Engineering. “Phototropin acts as a light switch by detecting blue light and controlling the internal water level of the leaves. During the day, there is blue light and the leaves open, while at night when only far-red and near infrared light is present, the leaves close.”

    Zavafer says the reaction is believed to be an evolutionary response to promote photosynthetic growth during the day and prevent dehydration of the leaves at night. He expects the plants will close their leaves during the total solar eclipse when the sun is blocked by the moon.

    Two men stand next to a scientific weather station and large screen projecting live weather data. The weather station is a tall metal contraption with several instruments attached to it to capture data such as temperature and wind speed.

    Kevin Turner (left), Associate Professor of Earth Sciences and Geography and Tourism Studies, and Dimitre Iankoulov, Micro Support Analyst/Technician with the Department of Geography and Tourism Studies, have been testing the scientific weather station they will use to measure and record shortwave radiation, temperature, humidity and wind speed and direction during the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8.

    “Plants can move and sense the day and night cycles,” he says. “Our experiment will show plants can be fooled by the eclipse into thinking they are experiencing a night cycle.”

    Other exhibits will explore animal behaviour during an eclipse, the role of the 1919 eclipse in confirming the theory of general relativity, the 17th-century poem titled “The Eclipse,” ancient tools used to calculate and display celestial information. the history of the moon, and a NASA initiative involving a computer simulation of a lunar rover that follows the physics of the moon.

    A chemistry-focused exhibit will highlight the celestial origins of the elements in the periodic table with physical examples participants can touch, while an exhibit led by Earth Sciences faculty and students will feature a display of meteorite and rock samples, a moon photo selfie station and a hands-on demonstration on creating an impact crater.

    Physics students will demonstrate how to create a pinhole camera, which can be used to safely view the eclipse as a projection on paper. Visitors can bring a cereal box or similarly sized cardboard container to make their own.

    Guests from Niagara College solar spectroscopy, Niagara Geopark, SETI Institute and Space Place Canada will also be on site, many using specialized equipment to view, monitor or livestream the eclipse.

    Among the scientific observations expected to take place on campus will be the use of a digital smart telescope to observe physical, meteorological and biological phenomena, while also livestreaming the eclipse to the Brock University YouTube channel with the assistance of BrockTV.

    Brock’s Department of Geography and Tourism Studies will be using a scientific weather station during the eclipse to measure and record changes in temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, as well as shortwave radiation, which is the sun’s energy reaching the Earth each second.

    The community viewing will take place on Alumni Field from 2 to 4:30 p.m., with the eclipse reaching maximum totality at 3:19 p.m.

    Solar eclipses can be safely viewed with the use of ISO-certified eclipse glasses. Looking directly at the sun with the naked eye can cause permanent eye damage. Complimentary viewing glasses will be available on Monday, April 8 in Ian Beddis Gymnasium from noon to 3 p.m. or at several locations across campus beginning at 11 a.m. on a first-come, first-served basis, while quantities last.

    People coming to campus for the event are reminded that paid parking is available through the Honk mobile app. Parking may also be paid in person at a kiosk inside the Walker Sports Complex near the Hungry Badger from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    Visitors travelling to campus are encouraged to arrive early to avoid traffic delays and to consider taking public transportation.

    Those looking to enhance their eclipse experience are invited to attend one of two free public lectures this week about the celestial spectacle and the significance of lunar and solar cycles.

    Brock representatives will also be out in the community this weekend. Physics students and professors will be at the Niagara Parks Power Station from Friday, April 5 to Sunday, April 7 showcasing eclipse-viewing tools such as a telescope and Sun Spotter, and leading children in a sun colour-changing activity.

    Brock’s Let’s Talk Science team will be leading eclipse-related hands-on activities Monday, April 8 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Vale Health and Wellness Centre in Port Colborne as part of the City of Port Colborne’s eclipse programming. Activities include creating a pinhole camera and eclipse art.

    For more information about Eclipse on the Escarpment, please visit

    Story reposted from The Brock News

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  • PHOTO GALLERY: Community gathers for Brock’s inaugural World Water Day Celebration

    The Rankin Family Pavilion Atrium saw a flood of interested students, staff, faculty members and community visitors on Friday, March 22 at Brock’s World Water Day Celebration.

    Hosted by Brock’s Water Resilience Lab and Department of Geography and Tourism Studies, the inaugural event featured a research showcase, educational exhibits, artistic displays, interactive stations — including a bottled water versus tap water taste-testing station courtesy of Niagara Region ­— and community organization booths with job and volunteer opportunities as well as valuable information about the many ways that water affects the Niagara region.

    View the photo gallery here

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  • Community invited to Brock’s World Water Day celebration

    THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2024 | by  | From The Brock News

    Water — and all that it means to the world — will be celebrated at an upcoming community event hosted by Brock University.

    Brock’s Water Resilience Lab and Department of Geography and Tourism Studies will host the inaugural World Water Day Celebration on Friday, March 22 to showcase the many ways people study, appreciate and engage with water at the University and across the Niagara region.

    The free public event, funded in part by the Council for Research in the Social Sciences, brings to life a long-term goal of Julia Baird, Canada Research Chair in Human Dimensions of Water Resources and Water Resilience.

    “Water touches so many aspects of our lives — what we learn and the research that happens at Brock, as well as issues of water management, water conservation and the well-being of our community and ecosystems in the broader Niagara community,” says the Associate Professor in the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre and the Department of Geography and Tourism Studies.

    Baird has worked closely with Samantha Morris, Academic Advisor and Communications Co-ordinator in Geography and Tourism Studies, and graduate student volunteer Hannah Marlen Lübker to bring together the community to share the myriad of ways that water is important.

    The World Water Day Celebration will open at 10 a.m. in the Rankin Family Pavilion on Brock’s main campus. Students can learn about the many water-related courses on offer and the community can discover some of the dynamic water research being undertaken at Brock.

    Between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., attendees can peruse water-themed informational and research posters from graduate and undergraduate students, an array of artistic submissions, featured course highlights or displays that combine all of these features, such as a PhotoVoice exhibit from one of Baird’s courses and the VISA 2P90 exhibit currently on display in the Matheson Learning Commons and Thistle display cases on  “Women, Water, and Words: An Exploration of Visual Culture in Niagara.”

    The James A. Gibson Library has also curated a featured collection of print and e-books entitled “Exploring Deep Waters” to highlight ways to learn more about water.

    From 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., interactive booths will open featuring Brock researchers and community groups and organizations, including the following:

    • Niagara Region
    • Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority
    • Niagara Parks Commission
    • Niagara Geopark
    • Soaring Eagles Indigenous Elementary School
    • Brock’s Department of Geography and Tourism Studies
    • Water Resilience Lab

    Researchers will share their projects and community organizations will highlight their work as well as volunteer and student job opportunities that may be available. Visitors present during the interactive portion of the day can enter a prize draw, which includes a $50 gift card for Someday Books. The draw will take place at 1:30 p.m.

    All members of the Brock and wider communities are invited to drop in and enjoy this all-encompassing tribute to water.

    Reposted from The Brock News

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  • For the love of Pi

    A woman hands a university student a mini box of pie while two other students are already eating pies nearby.

    As people around the world celebrated Pi Day on Thursday, March 14 (or 3/14) with a slice of pie — sweet, savoury or even pizza — Brock’s Map, Data and GIS Library (MDGL) provided a variety of fruit-filled mini pies and demonstrated its map services to 50 Brock community members. Mathematicians mark the day in recognition of pi, the irrational number 3.14159…, which is part of many formulas used in physics, astronomy, engineering and other fields. It is also used to calculate the circumference and area of a circle. From left are fourth-year Geography student Emily Owen, third-year Biology and Geography student Alyssa McInally, Brock’s Map Library Associate and Geospatial Data Co-ordinator Sharon Janzen and fourth-year Geography student Julia Gardner.

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  • Seed exchange brings spring to campus

    Plant and gardening enthusiasts got a head start on spring at the Department of Geography and Tourism Studies’ third annual seed and plant exchange. Members of the Brock community perused a variety of fruit, vegetable, herb and flower seeds to take home on Wednesday, Feb. 28. Student Affairs Case Coordinator Keely Burger (left) and Associate Director of Student Affairs Darryl Veld (right) chose to brighten their office spaces with some of the household plants and cuttings available at the event. Five volunteers and representatives from the Brock University Seed Library were on site providing advice and additional resources during the exchange. More photos can be viewed on the Geography and Tourism Studies FacebookX and Instagram accounts.

    Story reposted from The Brock News.

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  • Brock’s first World Water Day event seeks community submissions

    Brock will celebrate World Water Day by inviting students, researchers, artists and community organizations to come together and share their work and interests related to water.

    Hosted by the Water Resilience Lab and the Department of Geography and Tourism Studies, Brock’s inaugural World Water Day Celebration on Friday, March 22 aims to help attendees learn about water and efforts to protect this essential resource.

    Members of the Brock community — including students, staff, faculty and alumni — are encouraged to submit research and informational posters, course highlights, artwork and interactive activities to be included in the event.

    Anyone interested in taking part can use the submission form to apply before the 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, March 7.

    Display materials will need to be delivered by Wednesday, March 20 to prepare for installation.

    Limited funding to support student posters, provided by the Council for Research in the Social Sciences, is available by application on the submission form.

    The World Water Day Celebration will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Rankin Family Pavilion, with interactive stations and community organization booths open from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

    All members of the Brock and wider community are invited to attend.

    Story reposted from the Brock News.

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  • Opportunities for study, work in growing field of geomatics

    From The Brock NewsTHURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2023 | by 

    The demand for skilled employees in geospatial technologies is growing — and so is Brock’s reputation for preparing students for employment in the field.

    With many students at the University training in geomatics, the outside world — including the Canadian Hydrographic Services (CHS) — is taking notice.

    Part of the Government of Canada, the CHS is responsible for ensuring the safe navigation of Canada’s waterways by surveying and making mapping products for use by commercial navigators and recreational boaters.

    Representatives from the organization will visit campus next week to speak with Geomatics students about potential employment opportunities.

    A portrait of Haley Lang against white background.

    Haley Lang was recently attracted to Brock’s minor in Geomatics because of her interest in the relationship between environmental restoration and geomatics.

    Geomatics involves geospatial technologies and the collection and study of data about the surface of Earth and other planets. The science and technology studied in geomatics relates to cartography, remote sensing and geographical information systems (GIS) and has a wide range of applications in the real world, according to Associate Professor Kevin Turner in the Department of Geography and Tourism Studies.

    “Innovative use of geospatial data enhances our ability to make more informed decisions across many fields, including natural resource management, ecology and conservation, Earth and atmospheric science, hazard and emergency response, urban planning, transportation, business and policy development,” he says. “Geomatics is useful for students across many departments and programs who are interested in incorporating spatial context and practical analytical tools into their skill sets.”

    Turner says graduates equipped with skills in geomatics are sought after by employers in government and private sectors and within academic research programs.

    “This is demonstrated by the effort the CHS is placing into their recruitment campaign, which we look forward to learning more about next week,” he says.

    Brock students in any program can minor in Geomatics through the Department of Geography and Tourism Studies or integrate courses in geomatics with their major to develop skills for future employment.

    Geography and Tourism Studies major Haley Lang says she is declaring a minor in Geomatics because she has long been taken by the old adage about a tree falling in the woods and making a sound — in other words, how the world changes whether or not it is being observed.

    “We can really only see what is happening in front of us, but with geomatics, we can understand landforms, surfaces and the Earth as a whole on a greater scale,” she says. “I am fascinated with how the broad discipline of geomatics helps to bridge gaps within research and provide a greater understanding of the world we’re in.”

    All students are welcome to attend the CHS information session, which takes place Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 9 a.m. in MCC-405 of the Mackenzie Chown Complex, but they are asked to RSVP via ExperienceBU in advance.


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