Undergraduate advising
Our advisors are here to help you to understand and meet the academic requirements of your program, and to access Brock resources to support your academic, personal and professional well-being. You are strongly encouraged to connect with your academic advisors on a regular basis. Students interested in learning more about majoring or minoring in Geography or Tourism are also encouraged to speak to our advisors.
Our Department has two academic advisors to assist you:
Pam Isaak
Academic Advisor & Communications Coordinator
Office: MC C324
[email protected]
Teresa Shanley
Administrative Coordinator & Academic Advisor, Graduate & Undergraduate Programs
Office: MC C322
[email protected]
Our advisors are offering booked in-person, phone and MS Teams appointments. Click the button below to book your appointment in the my.brocku.ca portal today!
How to book your academic advising appointment:
- Log into the my.brocku.ca portal
- Visit your Applicant and Student Self Serve page on your Brock portal and select “Appointment Bookings”
- Select “Advising Services”
- Select “Geography and Tourism Studies”
- Follow the instructions to book your appointment
Video/Phone appointments:
After booking your appointment, you will receive an invitation sent by your advisor from Microsoft Teams Calendar. You will need to:
- Accept the invitation
- Go to the Teams Calendar and click on your appointment
- Click “Join” to join the video/phone appointment
We offer drop-in advising for quick (10 mins or less) advising consultations.
Drop-in hours will resume in September.
- Fill out one of our program planners to make sure you’re on track to graduate. Bring this to your appointment.
- Make sure when you look for your program requirements that you know your regulation year (you can find this on your my.brocku.ca portal). It’s important to make sure you are following the correct year.
- Write down your questions or comments and bring them with you to your appointment.
- Make a scheduled academic advising appointment
- Come in during our posted drop-in hours
- Email us at [email protected]
Looking for an academic advisor for another program?
Graduate advising
MA in Geography students can contact our Graduate Program Director for academic advising. Contact information is available below.
Dr. Atsuko Hashimoto
Graduate Program Director & Professor
[email protected]