Associate Professor, Geography and Tourism Studies
Core Faculty Member, MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies
Executive Board Member, Graphic Medicine International Collective
Co-editor, ACME-International Journal of Critical Geographies
Executive Committee Member (Treasurer), Canadian Association of Health Humanities
Executive Committee Member (Secretary), American Association of Geographers, Mental Health in the Academy Affinity Group
Past-Chair, Canadian Women and Geography (2016-2018)

PhD Geography (York University, Toronto)
MSc Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (Middle East Technical University, Ankara)
BSc Political Science and Public Administration (Middle East Technical University, Ankara)
Phone: 905-688-5550 x4417
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @nomadic_ebru
Fields of study:
- Urban Geography
- Citizenship Studies
- Feminist Geographies
- Geographies of Sex-Work
- Geographies of Health and Addiction
- Graphic Medicine
- Scholarly Activism and Research as Resistance
Current research projects:
- Witnessing Social Citizenship: Microgeographies of Street Level Sex Workers in St. Catharines
Research interests:
- Urban Geography
- Citizenship Studies
- Emotional/Affective Geographies
- Feminist Geographies
- Geographies of Health and Addiction
- Geographies of Sex-Work
- Graphic Medicine
Ustundag, Ebru. 2018. Book review symposium – Brenda Parker’s “Masculinities and Markets: Raced and Gendered Urban Politics in Milwaukee” Antipode Foundation Book Review (with Winnifred Curran, Leslie Kern and Heather McLean).
Ustundag, Ebru and Gokboru Tanyildiz. 2017 ‘Urban public spaces, virtual spaces and protest’ in Urbanization in a Global Context: A Canadian Readers Guide edited by Linda Peake and Alison Bain. London: Oxford.
Ustundag, Ebru. 2017. ‘Becoming Fieldnotes’ in Intimate Writing edited by Pamela Moss and Courtney Donovan. Routledge.
Donovan, Courtney and Ebru Ustundag. 2017. Graphic Narratives, Trauma and Social Justice, Studies in Social Justice, 11(2): 221-237
- GEOG 1F90: Introduction to Human Geography
- GEOG 3P53: Community Development and Social Planning
- GEOG 3P66: Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning
- GEOG 3P86: Place, Belonging and Exclusion
- GEOG/WST 3P74: Geography and Gender
- GEOG 4P46: Cities and Globalization
- GEOG 5P02: Methodologies for the Critical Examination of Geographical Issues
- GEOG 5P50: Critical Geographies of the City
- GEOG 5P70: Geographies of Ineqaulity and Exclusion
- SJES 5P02: Theorizing Social Justice and Equity Studies
- SJES 5P75: Social Justice and the City
Recipient of the CTLET Best Practices Award (2010)
OUSA Teaching Excellence Award (2017)
Current Graduate Students (Supervision)
Pierce, Katelyn. Detached from Our Bodies: Depathologizing Mental Health in Female Autobiographical Graphic Novels. (MA in Geography)
Giesbrecht, Jennica. Rethinking Intimate Geographies of Deathscapes. (MA in Geography)
Lubna, Jerin. Understanding Bangladeshi Immigrant Women’s Experiences in Hamilton, Ontario. (MA in Geography)
Current Graduate Students (Committee Member)
Laurie, Claire. Barriers to sexual health care in the Niagara Region. (MA in Geography)
Fields, Chelsea. Motor City or Creative City? Gentrifying Downtown Detroit, Michigan. (MA in Geography).
Planche, Jill. The Larger Stages: The ‘Becoming Minor’ of South African Theatres (PhD in Interdisciplinary Humanities).
Undergraduate Thesis Supervision
Rohe, Craig. 2009. Sustainable Transportation in The Golden Horseshoe.
Rea, Britany. 2012. A Critical Analysis of A ‘National Strategy On Inuit Education.
Willamson, Jennifer. 2018. “Provide Service with a Smile”: An Analysis of the Mental Well-being of Part-time Female Retail Workers in St. Catharines, ON
Undergraduate Thesis Co-Supervision
Noltie, Kristen. 2017. Graffiti in The Creative City, St. Catharines Ontario.
Andres, Hannah. 2018. Inclusive Space Creates Room For Community: Community Development And Revitalization In Downtown Niagara Falls, Ontario
Graduate Student Thesis Supervision
Wood, Ian. Geography, 2012. Regulating Informal Vendors in Public Spaces in The Peripheral Districts of Lima, Perú: Municipal Responses To Informal Sector. (MA Thesis, Geography).
Wallace, Jade. 2012. Are Ableist Discourses Necessary Components of Arguments in Favor of Decriminalizing Physician Assisted Suicide? (MRP, SJES).
Hinsberger-Fox, Blaire. 2015. Harm Reduction and Social Justice: Examination of Discourse Surrounding Safe Injection Sites in Toronto. (MRP, SJES).
Epp, Rick. 2016. Co Supervisor. Coming Out by Staying In. (MA Thesis, Geography).
Deschamps, MJ. 2018. Care Amidst the Condos? Understanding Gentrification’s Unjust Impact on Social And Health Service Delivery To Vulnerable Populations In Ottawa, ON. (MA Thesis, SJES).
Nikolovoski, Marina. 2018. Examining Governance, Risks and Human Rights of Water in Canada. (MRP, Geography)
Graduate Thesis Committee Member
Narrain, Suzanne. 2009. The Re-Branding Project: The Genealogy of Creating A Neoliberal Jane and Finch. (MRP, SJES).
Agana, Ayure-Inaga Mark Anthony. 2010. Sustainability and The Management of Common-Pool Resources: The Case of Irrigation Farming In The Upper East Region Of Ghana. (MRP, Geography).
Rell, Kayla. 2011. New Urbanism and Smart Growth Ideas: Critical Evaluation and Assessment of Niagara Region Residential Communities. (MRP, Geography).
Barber, Jess. 2012. Technologies of The Sexual Encounter: Grindr And Urban Gay Places. (MRP, Geography).
Currie, Natalie. 2012.. The Art of Resisting Colonial Education. (MA Thesis, Geography).
Coskan, Mert. 2013. Illegal Aliens and The Inconspicuous Geographies of US Immigration and Border Policing Within 100 Miles Of The US-Canada Border (MA Thesis, Geography).
Haanstra, Janice. 2013. Complicating Our Representations and Understandings of Young Girl’s Involvement in the Sex Industry in Thailand (MA Thesis, SJES).
Wierzba, Tomasz. 2014. Transforming Downtown St. Catharines Into a ‘Creative Cluster. (MA Thesis, Geography).
Sarioglu, Ezgi. 2016. “Where Are You, Darling?” “Here I Am, Darling!”: Call and Response as LGBTI Resistance Formation Before, During And After The Gezi Park Protests In Turkey. (MA Thesis, SJES).
McCarten, Andrew. 2017. Glasgow’s Queer Battleground. (MA Thesis, Geography)