David J. Telfer

Professor, Geography and Tourism Studies

Office: MC C415
Phone: 905-688-5550 x4100
Email: [email protected]

My research focuses on the linkages between tourism and development theory, and rural tourism development. I am currently involved in an ongoing research project on Green Tourism in rural Japan.

  • Linkages between tourism and development theory
  • Tourism planning and development
  • Rural tourism development
  • Heritage tourism
  • Culinary tourism
  • Green tourism in rural Japan


Sharpley, R. and Telfer, D. J. (2023) Rethinking Tourism and Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Telfer. D.J.  and Sharpley, R. (2016) Tourism and Development in the Developing World, Second Edition. London: Routledge.

Sharpley, R. and Telfer. D.J.  (eds.). (2015) Tourism and Development: Concepts and Issues Second Edition. Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications.

Telfer. D.J.  and Sharpley, R. (2008) Tourism and Development in the Developing World. London: Routledge.

Sharpley, R. and Telfer. D.J.  (eds.). (2002) Tourism and Development: Concepts and Issues. Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications.

Journal Articles

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. J. (2023) Bending History into Heritage at Hidden Christian Sites in Nagasaki, Japan: UNESCO World Heritage Site Designation and Tourism. Journal of Heritage Tourism. https://doi.org/10.1080/1743873X.2023.2276869

Hashimoto, A., Telfer, D.J. and Telfer, K., (2023) Eurocentric Cultural Theme Parks in Japan: Domestic Tourist’s Perspective on Place Branding. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 21(3), 344-363.

Hashimoto, A., Telfer, D.J., Telfer, S. (2020) Life beyond growth? Rural depopulation becoming the attraction in Nagoro, Japan’s scarecrow village. Journal of Heritage Tourism. 16(5), 493-512. https://doi.org/10.1080/1743873X.2020.1807556

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer. D. J. (2019) Contested Geopolitical Messages for Tourists at the Okinawa Peace Park and Memorials. Japan Forum 31(3), 378-407. Note: republished in a Special Issue on Borders and Memory guest-edited by Ted Boyle

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer D. J. (2017) Transformation of Gunkanjima (Battleship Island): from a coalmine island to a modern industrial heritage tourism site in Japan, Journal of Heritage Tourism 12(2), 107-124. (Online) http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1743873X.2016.1151884.

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. (2010) Developing Sustainable Partnerships in Rural Tourism the case of Oita, Japan. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events. 2(2), 165-183.

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. (2007) Geographic Representations Embedded within Souvenirs in Niagara: The Case of Geographically Displaced Authenticity. Tourism Geographies.
9(2), 191-217

Plummer, R., Telfer, D. and Hashimoto, A. (2006) The Rise and Fall of the Waterloo-Wellington Ale Trail: A Study Of Collaboration within the Tourism Industry. Current Issues in Tourism. 9(3), 191-205

Hashimoto, A and Telfer, D. (2006) Selling Canadian Culinary Tourism: Branding the Global and Regional Product. Tourism Geographies. 8(1), 31-55.

Plummer, R., Telfer, D., Hashimoto, A. and Summers, R. (2005) Beer Tourism in Canada along the Waterloo-Wellington Ale Trail. Tourism Management. 26(3), 447-458.

Hashimoto, A. & Telfer D.J. (2003) Positioning an emerging wine route in the Niagara Region: Understanding the wine tourism market and its implications for marketing. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 14(3/4), 61-76. (Republished as book chapter)

Telfer, D. J. (2001). From a Wine Tourism Village to a Regional Wine Route: An Investigation of the Competitive Advantage of Embedded Clusters in Niagara, Canada. Tourism Recreation Research. 26(2), 23-33.

Telfer, D. J. (2001) Strategic Alliances Along the Niagara Wine Route. Tourism Management. 22(1), 21-30.

Telfer, D. J. & Hashimoto, A. (2001). Environmental Education in Tourism – A Comparison Between Canada and Japan. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education. 13(1), 18.

Telfer, D. J. & Wall, G. (2000). Strengthening Backward Economic Linkages: Local Food Purchasing by Three Indonesian Hotels. Tourism Geographies. 2(4), 421-447.

Telfer, D. J. & Hashimoto, A. (2000). Niagara Icewine Tourism: Japanese Souvenir Purchases at Inniskillin Winery. Tourism and Hospitality Research: The Surrey Quarterly Review. 2(4), 343-356.

Recent Book Chapters

Telfer, D. J. (2023) “Tourism and Development.” In M. Clarke and X. Zhao (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 590-595.

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, David J., (October 2020) “The Tourism Industry Response in Assisting Resident Evacuees after the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes”. In Mike Hall and Girish Prayag (eds.) Tourism and Earthquakes. Channel View Publications: Bristol. pp. 115-137.

Telfer, D. J. (2019) “Tourism and (Re)development in the Developed World”. In R. Sharpley and D. Harrison (eds) A Research Agenda for Tourism and Development, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK. pp. 206-232

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. J., (2019) “Ekiben, the Travelling Japanese Lunchbox: Promoting Regional Development and Local Identity through Food Tourism”. In Eerang Park, Sangkyun Kim and Ian Yeoman (eds.) Food Tourism in Asia. Singer Publishers. pp 132-147

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. (2016) “Culinary Trails”. In Timothy, D. (ed) Heritage Cuisines: Traditions, identities and tourism. London: Routledge. pp. 132-147.

Sharpley, R. and Telfer D. J. (2015) “Tourism and Development: A Decade of Change”. In R. Sharpley and D. Telfer and, (Eds.) Tourism and Development: Concepts and Issues (2nd Edition). Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications. pp. xi-xxii

Telfer D. J. (2015) “Chapter 2: The Evolution of Development Theory and Tourism”. In R. Sharpley and D. Telfer and, (Eds.) Tourism and Development: Concepts and Issues (2nd Edition). Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications. pp.31-76

Telfer D. J. (2015) “Chapter 5: Tourism and Regional Development Issues”. In R. Sharpley and D. Telfer and, (Eds.) Tourism and Development: Concepts and Issues (2nd Edition). Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications. pp.140-177.

Telfer D. J. and Hashimoto A. (2015) “Chapter 14: Tourism, Development and International Studies”. In R. Sharpley and D. Telfer and, (Eds.) Tourism and Development: Concepts and Issues (2nd Edition). Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications. pp. 400-427

Telfer D. J. and Sharpley, R. (2015) “Chapter 16: Conclusion: Tourism and Development”. In R. Sharpley and D. Telfer and, (Eds.) Tourism and Development: Concepts and Issues (2nd Edition). Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications. pp.453-468.

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. J. (2013) “Green Tourism Souvenirs in Rural Japan: Challenges and Opportunities”. In J. Cave, L. Jolliffe and T. Baum (eds.) Tourism Souvenirs on the Margins: Global Perspectives. Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications. pp. 119-131 (=)

Telfer, D. J. and Hashimoto, A. (2013) “Wine and Culinary Tourism in Niagara”. In M. Ripmeester, P. Mackintosh, and C. Fullerton (eds.) An Introduction to Niagara Wines. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. pp. 281-300

Telfer, D. and Hashimoto, A. (2013) “Raising Awareness of Local Food through Tourism as Sustainable Development: Lessons from Japan and Canada”. In C.H. Hall and S. Gossling (eds.) Sustainable Culinary Systems: Local Food, Innovation and Tourism and Hospitality. London: Routledge. pp.135-155.

Recent Conference Presentations

Telfer D. J., Hashimoto, A. (2023) Historic and Heritage Tourism Along the Tōkaido Road in Edo Japan. Japan Studies Association of Canada 2023 Conference (28 Oct – 1 September), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. J. (2023) The Growth of Komika Restoration as Heritage Tourism in Japan. Japan Studies Association of Canada 2023 Conference (28 Oct – 1 September), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. J. (2022) Translation of Real World Landscapes into Anime Landscapes. Japan Studies Association of Canada 2022 Conference (21-23 October) Toronto Metropolitan University

Hashimoto, A., Telfer D. J., and Telfer, K. (2021). Eurocentric Theme Parks in Japan: The Gap Between Developers and Tourists’ Perspectives. Japan Studies Association of Canada 2020 Annual Conference, Online (1-3 October 2021). Thompson Rivers University.

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. J.  (2020) Japan Studies Association of Canada 2020 Annual Conference, Online (17-18 October 2020) “Heritage Tourism and Pilgrimage at UNESCO’s Hidden Christian Sites in Nagasaki: The Balance between Commodification and Heterotopia”

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. J.  (2019) Japan Studies Association of Canada 2019 Annual Conference, Sackville, NB. Canada, (3-6 October 2010) “Sustainable Satoyama Tourism in the Revitalization of Rural Japan”

Fullerton, C., Telfer, D. J. and Boggs, J. (2019) Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Canada (27-31 May) “Reaching New Heights: The Rise of Hotel Towers in Niagara Falls, Canada”

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. J.  (2018) International Conference on Tourism Research (ICTR) 2018, Jyväskylä, Finland (22-23 March 2018) “Evolution of a Dutch Cultural Theme Park to Technology Entertainment in Japan”

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. J.  (2017) Japan Studies Association of Canada 2017 Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, (12-15 October 2017) “A Comparison of Historic Tourism at the Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama”

Telfer, D. J. and Hashimoto, A. (2017) 1st Global Congress of Special Interest Tourism and Hospitality APU, Beppu , Japan 24-26 June 2017.  “An Analysis of Marketing Special Interest Tourism through the “Canadian Signature Experiences Program”.

Telfer, D. and Hashimoto, A (2016) IRSA Congress 2016 Sustainable and Just Rural Transitions: Connections and Complexities. Session 28: Rurality in the eye of the (urban) beholder? (Re)constructing rurality through urban imaginaries. “Selling the rural environment to urban inhabitants: Green Tourism in Kunisaki Peninsula, Japan.” (10-14 August 2016), Toronto, Canada.

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. (2016) EIRASS 23rd International Conference on Recent Advances
in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Edinburgh, UK, (11-14 July 2016).  “The Changing Role of the Convenience Stores in Rural Japan in the Context of Demographic Shifts”,

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. (2015), EIRASS 22nd Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference, Montreal, Canada, 27-30 July. “Retailing Hot Springs and Spas as Wellness Tourism in Rural”

Telfer, D. & Hashimoto, A. (2015), Association of Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management, Asia Pacific University, Beppu, Japan 20 June “Urban Tourism Development in Niagara Falls”, Canada

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. J.  (2014) Japan Studies Association of Canada 2014 Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, (17-19 October 2014) “A Battlefield Memorial as a Dark Tourism Attraction: The case of Okinawa”

Hashimoto A. and Telfer, D. (2014 July) Canadian Geographers’ Association 2014/Congress of the Humanities and Social Science 2014, St. Catharines, Canada (May 24-30, 2014). “Gunkanjima (Battleship) Island from Industrialisation to Decay: A Modern Industrial Heritage Tourism Site in Japan”

Hashimoto A. and Telfer, D. (2014 July) XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan, (July 13-19, 2014). “Multi-Sensorial Experiences at Aso Farmland, Kumamoto, Japan”

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. J.  (2013) Japan Studies Association of Canada 2013 Annual Conference, Saskatoon, Canada, (3-6 October 2012) “Nagasaki Bomb Museum: Dark Tourism Destination.”

Hashimoto, A. and Telfer, D. J. (2013) International Geographic Union Kyoto, Japan Regional Conference. (4-9 August). “Tourism as an Agent in Community Post-Disaster Recovery”.

  • TOUR 2P30: Culture, Heritage and Tourism
  • TOUR 3P30: Tourism Planning and Development
  • TOUR 3P95: Visitor Attraction Management
  • TOUR 4P30: Themes in Tourism Development