Phillip Gordon Mackintosh

Professor, Geography and Tourism Studies

PhD Urban Historical Geography (Queen’s University)
M.Pl. Urban and Regional Planning (Queen’s University)

Editorial Advisory Board, Member, Urban History Review

Office: MC C319
Phone: 905-688-5550 x 5221
Email: [email protected]

“ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert … this or that….”

— Charles Darwin, Introduction to the First Edition of Descent of Man (1871, Vol. 1, 3)

I’ve spent most of my career researching the influence of bourgeois culture on Victorian, Edwardian, and interwar Toronto, and its production and maintenance of public spaces. This has ranged from city beautiful and park planning, and from evangelical Protestantism, fraternalism, and bourgeois domesticity, to bicycling and automobilism, and to surface infrastructure and liberal newspapers. Recently I have been researching Victorian, Edwardian, and Interwar “race” and racialized creationism.

I supervise MA student research, especially in the following fields:

  • the urban historical geography of the modern city
  • historical mobilities, including bicycling
  • public space and bourgeois culture
  • urban reform and city planning
  • Victorian gender relations and fraternalism
  • historical newspapers and liberalism
  • The urban historical geography of the modern city
  • Historical mobilities, including bicycling
  • Public space and bourgeois culture
  • Urban reform and city planning
  • Victorian gender relations and fraternalism
  • Historical newspapers
  • Liberalism
  • Victorian “race” science, and creationism
  • Mackintosh, Phillip Gordon (2023) Historical Mobilities. In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Barney Warf, ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2022) On the Excising of (Urban) Historical Geography from Canadian Geography Departments: A Reflection. Urban History Review, 50, 1-2, pp. 16-29.
  • Clyde R. Forsberg Jr. and Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2022). B.H. Roberts, Moral Geography, and the Making of a Modern Racist. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2021) Liberalism Underfoot: Paving and Social Dissolution—Brunswick Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, 1898, in Alida Clemente, Jon Stobbart, and Dag Lindstrom eds, Micro-Geographies of the City, 1750-1900, (Research in Historical Geography Series). London: Routledge.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2019) Safe Streets Act is not a stick to beat the homeless, Toronto Star, 17 July: A13.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2018) Build it and they will ride: Bicycle geography lessons for Toronto, The Conversation, December 17.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2018) Policy-makers tune out Toronto’s human roadkill, Toronto Star, 29 July: A17.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2018) Death by street – Toronto’s ongoing problems with the automobile, The Conversation, August 13.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh,‎ Richard Dennis ,‎ Deryck W. Holdsworth, eds. (2018) Architectures of Hurry―Mobilities, Cities and Modernity. Routledge Research in Historical Geography Series. London: Routledge.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2018) An Architecture of Sluggishness: Wooden Infrastructure and Anti-mobility in Toronto, 1870-1910, in Phillip Gordon Mackintosh, Richard Dennis, and Deryck Holdsworth, eds. Architectures of Hurry—Mobilities, Cities and Modernity, London: Routledge, pp. 103-119.
  • Richard Dennis, Phillip Gordon Mackintosh, and Deryck Holdsworth (2018) Architectures of Hurry: An Introductory Essay, in Phillip Gordon Mackintosh, Richard Dennis, and Deryck Holdsworth eds. Architectures of Hurry—Mobilities, Cities and ModernityLondon: Routledge, pp. 1-21.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh, Deryck Holdsworth, and Richard Dennis (2018) Epilogue: Mobilizing Hurrysome Historical Geographies, in Phillip Gordon Mackintosh, Richard Dennis, and Deryck Holdsworth eds. Architectures of Hurry—Mobilities, Cities and ModernityLondon: Routledge, pp. 211-222.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2018) Freemasonry’s Sacred Space in America. Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Religion in America. John Corrigan, ed.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2017) Newspaper City: Toronto’s Street Surfaces and the Liberal Press, 1860-1935. Toronto, Buffalo, and London: University of Toronto Press. Link to Amazon , Link to Literary Review of Canada
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2017) Two Cheers for post-Postmodern Historical Geography: An Ironic Assessment. Historical Geography, 45, pp. 136-139.
  • Matthew Farish, Phillip Gordon Mackintosh, and Kirsten Greer (2017) Introduction—Canada at 150: Critical Historical Geographies. Historical Geography, 45, pp. 101-102.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2016) Contradictory Mobility: Child Welfare and Automobiles in Interwar Toronto. Special Issue, Canadian Cities: Past into Present. British Journal of Canadian Studies 29 (2): 199-224.
  • Glen Norcliffe and Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2015) Men, Women and the Bicycle in the Late-Nineteenth Century, in Glen Norcliffe, Critical Geographies of Cycling: History, Political Economy and Culture (Farnham UK: Ashgate), pp. 155-176.
  • Michael Ripmeester, Phillip Gordon Mackintosh, and Christopher Fullerton, eds. (2013) The World of Niagara Wine, Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  • Michael Ripmeester, Phillip Gordon Mackintosh and Christopher Fullerton (2013) Introduction: The World of Niagara Wine, in Michael Ripmeester, Phillip Gordon Mackintosh and Christopher Fullerton, eds., The World of Niagara Wine (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press), xvii-xxiv.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh and Clyde R. Forsberg, Jr. (2013)  ‘Co-agent of the millennium’: City planning and Christian eschatology in North American City, 1890-1920, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103, 3, pp. 727-747.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2012) Reviews: Paula Lupkin, Manhood factories: YMCA architecture and the making of modern urban culture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010, xxiv + 253 pages, paperback, Social and Cultural Geography, 13, 1, pp. 90-92.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2011) Reviews: Mark Kingwell and Patrick Turmel, eds., Rites of Way: The Politics and Poetics of Public Space, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2009, xvii + 190 pages, $24.95, paperback, The Canadian Geographer, 55, 2, pp. 265-266.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2011) The “occult relation between man and the vegetable”: Transcendentalism, immigrants, and park planning in Toronto, circa 1900, in Andrew Baldwin, Laura Cameron, and Audrey Kobayashi, (Eds.), Rethinking the Great White North: Race, Nature and the Historical Geographies of Whiteness in Canada, Vancouver, UBC Press, pp. 85-106.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh and Richard Anderson (2009) The Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund: Transcendental Rescue in a Modern City, 1900-1915, The Geographical Review, 99, 4, pp. 539-562.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2010) Polite Athletics and Bourgeois Gaieties: Toronto Society in Late Victorian Niagara-on-the-Lake, in Joan Nix and Barry K. Grant eds., Covering Niagara: Studies in Local Popular Culture (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press), pp. 3-24.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2010) Reviews: P. Howell, Geographies of Regulation: Policing Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Britain and the Empire, Cambridge University Press, 2009, ix + 312 pages $99.00, hardcover, Journal of Historical Geography, 36, 4, pp. 491-492.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2010) Reviews: Mariana Valverde, The Age of Light Soap and Water: Moral Reform in English Canada, 1885-1925, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, xiv + 205 pages, $27.95 paperback, Canadian Historical Review, 91, 1, pp. 141-143.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2010) Reviews: Richard Dennis, Cities In Modernity: Representations and Productions of Metropolitan Space, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, xvii + 436 pages, paperback $44.99, Journal of Historical Geography, 36, 3, p. 110.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh and Clyde R. Forsberg (2009) Performing the Lodge: Masonry, Masculinity, and Nineteenth-Century North American Moral Geography, Journal of Historical Geography, 35, pp. 451-472.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh and Glen Norcliffe (2007) Women and Men and the Bicycle: Gender and the Geography of Cycling in the Late Nineteenth Century, in Dave Horton, Paul Rosen, and Peter Cox, eds., Cycling in Society, Transport and Society Series (Aldershot, Ashgate), pp. 153-177.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2007) The Fin de Siécle Bicycle Gymkhana in Ontario, Canada, in Glen Norcliffe and Rob van der Plas, eds., Cycle History: Proceedings: 17th International Cycle History Conferences, Toronto, Canada, 6-7 July, 2006 (San Francisco, van der Plas Publications).
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2007) Reviews: Robert Fogelson, Bourgeois Nightmares: Suburbia, 1870-1930, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2005, 264 pages, $22.00 paperback, Journal of Historical Geography, 33, pp 707-708.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2007) A Bourgeois Geography of Domestic Cycling: The Responsible Use of Public Space in Toronto and Niagara-on-the-Lake, 1890-1900, Journal of Historical Sociology, 20, 1/2, pp. 128-157.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh and Glen Norcliffe (2006) Flâneurie on Bicycles: Acquiescence to Women in Public in the 1890s, The Canadian Geographer, 50, 1, pp. 17-37.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2006) Reviews: Judy Giles, The Parlour and the Suburb: Domestic Identities, Class, Femininity and Modernity, Berg, Oxford and New York, 2004, ix + 197 pages, $26.95 paperback, Journal of Historical Geography, 32, 2, pp. 461-463.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2005) Asphalt Modernism on the Streets of Toronto, 1890-1900, Material History Review, 62, pp. 20-34.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2005) ’The Development of Higher Urban Life’ and the Geographic Imagination: Beauty, Art, and Moral Environmentalism in Toronto, 1900-1920, Journal of Historical Geography, 31, 4, pp. 688-722.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2005) Scrutiny in the Modern City: The Domestic Public and the Toronto Local Council of Women at the Turn of the Twentieth-Century, Gender, Place, and Culture, 12, 1, pp. 29-48.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (2004) Reviews: Amy DeRogatis, Moral Geography: Maps, Missionaries, and the American Frontier, Columbia University Press, New York, 2003, xii + 242 pages, $24.50 paperback, Journal of Historical Geography, 30, 4, pp. 803-805.
  • Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (1999) “‘Wheel within a Wheel’: Frances Willard and the Feminisation of the Bicycle” in Glen Norcliffe and Rob van der Plas, eds.,Cycle History: Proceedings: 9th International Cycle History Conferences, Ottawa, Canada 19-21 August 1998 (San Francisco, van der Plas Publications), pp. 21-28.

The Gourmet Club (2004), Directed by Juha Wuolijoki, screenplay by Raymond Mackintosh and Phillip Mackintosh, Finnish adaptation by Juha Wuolijoki and Pekko Pesonen.

  • GEOG 2P03 Cities in a Globalizing World
  • GEOG 2P50 Geography of Canada
  • GEOG 3P45 Urban Dystopias
  • GEOG 5P50 Critical Geographies of the City