Faculty news

  • Brock French Studies and Visual Arts combine for art exhibit at Rodman Hall

    Two departments at Brock are working as one in the art exhibit “Chaussettes vertes et bonne nuit, les _toiles /Green Socks and Good Night Stars.

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    The Brock News
    The Brock Press

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  • Call for Nominations: Clarke Thomson Award for Excellence in Sessional Teaching – Deadline March 15

    Students, faculty, alumni and staff are invited to recognize part-time/sessional teaching staff that have contributed significantly to student learning at Brock University. All instructors on contracts or limited-term appointments who teach undergraduate classes, and who have been teaching at Brock University for two or more years, are eligible. One award is available annually.

    If you know a sessional instructor that has contributed significanly to student learning at Brock – consider nominating them for the Clarke Thomson Award for Excellence in Sessional Teaching.

    Award details are available online http://www.brocku.ca/pedagogical-innovation/awards-grants/clarke-thomson-award

    Questions? Contact the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation at X3933 or cpi@brocku.ca. Deadline: March 15, 2015


    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • Spanish Program now offers certificates, outreach and international courses

    Study in Buenos Aires, Argentina – Spring/Summer 2015
    Language courses from beginner to advanced available.
    SPAN 2V90: Em/bodying Trauma and Memory through Testimony
    (2 weeks at Brock + 2 weeks at the University of Buenos Aires)
    Examination of Argentine testimonial genre in late 20th to 21st century focusing on physical and psychological embodiments of trauma and memory.
    Students are expected to pay their own expenses.
    Contact: csantos@brocku.ca

    Study in Canada – Spring/Summer 2015
    Community outreach and internship
    SPAN 3F80: Im/migrant and Community Outreach Internship
    (at Brock University)
    Promotes community engagement as a medium for linguistic fluency and cultural understanding of the Hispanic im/migrant experience. Students will be placed with community organizations and agencies. Provides students with career-oriented volunteer experience at participating sites.
    Contact: iblayer@brocku.ca, csantos@brocku.ca

    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • Professor Joe Norris receives the 2015 Tom Barone Award for Distinguished Contributions to Arts Based Educational Research

    Professor Joe Norris of the Department of Dramatic Arts is recipient of the 2015 Tom Barone Award for Distinguished Contributions to Arts Based Educational Research. Offered by the Arts Based Educational Research (ABER) Special Interest Group for the American Educational Research Association (AERA), this triennial award recognizes artist/scholars for distinguished research, professional practice, and service that advances the public understanding of arts based educational research. The award is presented to an individual whose professional career has significantly advanced the field of arts-based educational research through extraordinary and significant leadership, research, teaching, professional practice, and/or service. The award established in 2012, is named in honor of Tom Barone, the first Chair of the ABER SIG whose dedication to the development of the field and community of arts based educational researchers is exemplary. Tom Barone was also the first recipient of this award in 2012.

    The criteria upon which the award was based are:
    • Outstanding accomplishments in the area of arts-based educational research.
    • Existence of a body of work over 10 years or more or evidence that the research has significantly influenced the field.
    • Service to the ABER research community (reviewer, editorial boards, conference organizing)
    • Evidence of contributions to the growth of new ABER researchers (teaching, mentoring, co-authorship) and contributions to the growth of new ABER researchers (teaching, mentoring, co-authorship).

    Professor Norris teaches DART 1F95 Drama in Education and Applied Theatre I, DART 3F93 Social Issues Theatre for Community Engagement and other foundational courses for students interested in pursuing studies in Drama in Educationn and Applied Theatre.  His company ‘Mirror Theatre’ regularly presents in the Brock and regional communities.  Professor Norris publishes his material at his website www.joenorrisplaybuilding.ca

    When announcing the award, Rita Irwin, Chair of 2015 Tom Barone Award Committee, wrote "It goes without saying that you have provided many distinguished contributions over 25 years and are abundantly meritorious for this award. We all look forward to celebrating this achievement with you at AERA." Professor Norris will receive the award at the April 2015 AGM of the American Educational Research Association in Chicago.  The Department congratulates Professor Norris!

    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • The passing of the late Poet, Terrance Cox

    We are very saddened to learn of the passing of our dear colleague and friend, the late poet Terrance Cox.

    Terrance taught for almost thirty years in Music and Dramatic Arts and helmed the first year course DART 1F93 for many, many years. Though he had not been well for a few years and was no longer teaching for the Department and the University we have always kept a very big place in our hearts for him.

    Our colleague Gyllian Raby remembers that "Terrance was special and his larger than life persona was a gift. I feel a big Terrance shaped hole in the air of St. Catharines."
    We are sharing our memories herePlease share with us. 

    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • Visa Instructor screens new video in Matheson Learning Commons.

    Visual Arts Instructor Arnold McBay will be screening a video (his first such work) titled Presencia 2 on the Digital Art Wall of the Matheson Learning Commons in the James A. Gibson Library between February 2 to March 27. Click HERE to see a working clip or read more information about this work. This video is an addendum/response to his work featured in a two-person exhibition at the Grimsby Public Art Gallery with Visual Arts Associate Professor and Chair Duncan MacDonald that will be on view February 7 through March 22, 2015.

    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • Winter 2014 TA Workshops Online Registration – NOW OPEN!

    Online registration is now open for the TA workshops commencing January 10 through March 21. Open to all Brock University teaching assistants, lab demonstrators, tutorial leaders, and marker graders. Eleven new topics to choose from. Build your skill set and confidence, earn TA credits towards 3 different TA certificate programs. Register at www.brocku.ca/cpi Questions? Contact Lianne Fisher at cpita@brocku.ca, X 5329.

    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • Voix plurielles 11.2 (2014), now available

    Voix plurielles, the journal of the Association of Professors of French at Canadian Universities and Colleges (APFUCC), has just published its December issue (11.2).

    Bonne lecture ! 
    Categories: News, Uncategorised

  • Pedagogical Walk & Talk – Wed. Dec. 17


    Wednesday 17 December
    1 pm to 2 pm
    TH253A  Meet outside the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation

    The Brock University community are invited to join staff from CPI as we walk Brock University’s trails and talk about teaching and learning.

    Perhaps you tried something new in class and want to chat with someone?  Or you would like to talk more about a recent workshop you attended — come out and join in.

    If the weather does not cooperate we will wander Brock hallways.

    Categories: News

  • New! Book Club

    Are you interested in reading about issues and interests in post-secondary education? If so, please come and share your thoughts. We will be discussing Book#1: Appreciative Inquiry in Higher Education: A Transformative Force
    by Jeanie Cockell and Joan McArthur-Blair. This is available as an e-book in the James A. Gibson Library.

    Friday December 12, 10:00 am, TH 253

    Categories: News, Uncategorised