Student Appeals from the Department Procedures Section XII
In the case of students wishing to appeal course or assignment grades, the following procedures shall be followed:
- The student will be asked, in the first instance, to discuss the matter with his or her instructor before appealing to the Chair.
- If the student is not satisfied after discussing the matter with the instructor, he or she may discuss the matter with the Chair or, if the instructor is the Chair, with the faculty member selected by the Striking Committee as the Appeals Alternate, who will fulfill the functions of the Chair, below.
- If, after discussion with the Chair, the student wishes to continue with the appeal, the Chair will request that two Department members review the student’s work and report to the Chair their agreement or disagreement with the assigned grade(s). These reports shall be in writing.
- The Chair will summarize the two adjudicators’ remarks and convey them orally to the student. The Chair will also present that summary to the Faculty member, who may or may not wish at that point to change the grade(s). The instructor may wish to respond to the Chair in writing.
- The Chair will report to the student the instructor’s decisions, at which point the student may carry the appeal forward to the Dean of Humanities, following the procedures outlined in the Brock Undergraduate Calendar under “Academic Regulations: Appeals.”
- The Chair shall retain copies of the student work presented for adjudication, the adjudicators’ written remarks, and the instructor’s written comments (if any), so as to have evidence of the Department’s thoughtful investigation of the student’s request for appeal.