News and events

  • Brock University course using virtual reality to enhance online learning experience

    English Language and Literature Professor, Martin Danahay is taking his online teaching approach to a new level.

    The Brock University Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature is hosting one of his Winter Term courses in a 3D classroom using virtual reality (VR) technology.

    The class, WRDS/IASC/GAME 3P15 Writing for New Media, is part of Danahay’s ongoing work to introduce VR components into teaching.

    Read more here.

  • The Word on the Street Toronto

    The Word on the Street Toronto #FallFeature!

    The Department of English Language and Literature was featured in the WOTS #FallFeauture hosted by Sienna Tristen. English Department Chair, Dr. James Allard, Brock University English Student, Claire Gittins, and Student Advisor, Mike Pratas spoke at this interview about Brock’s English program, the value of the written word in modern society, and the different opportunities students have to get involved both on and off campus.

    This conversation is pre-recorded. To find out more about Brock University’s English program, go to If you have any questions regarding the English program and admissions, send Mike an email to

    Dr. James Allard is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of English Language and Literature at Brock University. He teaches courses in British Romantic Literature and Culture, Gothic, and Speculative Fiction, and he currently serves as President of the Canadian Association of Chairs of English. Claire Gittins holds a B.A. in English Language and Literature from Brock University. She is a published poet and is currently pursuing a post-graduate certificate. Mike Pratas is a Recruitment Officer for undergraduate programs at Brock University and has held previous positions in Admissions. He is available to assist with program, admission, scholarship & fee related questions.

    Watch the recorded interview here:

    To check out more events and discussions during our 2021 festival, go to!

  • English MA’s adapt to the virtual world by hosting a virtual Colloquium

    Each year the Brock University English Language and Literature Graduate Program hosts an in-person Graduate Student Colloquium for students to present their Major Research Projects. However, during this pandemic year, on April 27th, the Brock University English MA students hosted a virtual colloquium, “Open Windows, Closed Doors: A Pandemic-Based Graduate Experience.” Graduate Program Director, Gale Coskan-Johnson and Cohort, Blake Carter, Leslie Czegeny, Emily Gabet, Kostyn Petrunick, Diana Vasu and Jakob Vujovic adapted to the virtual world by successfully hosting a virtual colloquium that welcomed over 40 guests. The graduate students presented research from their Major Research Projects via PowerPoint and Prezi for guests to view upon their arrival. Guests were then able to live chat with students and discuss the MRPs in further detail. The group celebrated together, post colloquium, with a boxed lunch provided by the Department of English, CHZPLZ and GoodGrazers

    The student projects are published on the English Language and Literature webpage here: 2021 English MA Colloquium  – English Language & Literature (