English Students’ Association

Welcome to the English Students’ Association Homepage! We’re glad you found us.

On this website you will find information everything you need to know about the English Students’ Association (ESA): its reason for being, membership, professional development, and events. The ESA is a great way to get involved on campus, gain some volunteer experience for your resume, and meet new people.

Bookmark this page for future reference and be sure to stay connected with us on social media for updates!

What is the ESA?

The ESA is an association run by and for the students of the English Department at Brock University.

We have two main focuses:

1) Social– bringing English students together with each other, faculty, the Humanities as a whole, other clubs and departments, and the local community.

2) Academic Development– we want to help you and the whole Brock community be the best students you can be—while you’re here, and after!

To these ends, we host events of all sorts in an attempt to make the best of both of these worlds.

Who is the ESA?

The ESA has three levels of membership, which is open to every Brock student.

1)    General Membership:

Any undergraduate student may be a general member of the ESA.  Only undergraduate students will have voting rights on the ESA. Associate non-voting members shall be allowed.

2)    Associate Committee Membership:

Committee members are the wonderful people who volunteer their time, enthusiasm, energy, and creativity, to help make our events the successes they always are.  Commitment is up to the volunteer and is based on individual course loads and other extra-curricular involvements, in terms of both time and responsibilities.  We appreciate your help when you can offer it.

Committee members generally act autonomously on various projects and initiatives in small groups or individually, with guidance and assistance from the Executive team.

All of the time you dedicate to the ESA is tracked on your Student Experience Record & Co-Curricular Record. Learn more about these here.

3)    Executive:

The Executive team consists of a President and a Vice-President. They not only help to plan events, but run them too.  The Executive has access to faculty, staff, equipment, funds, and are the ones making the final decisions for the association with input from the Committee and General Membership. The Executive team administrates the ESA as a whole, directing the Associate Committee towards the club’s objectives and providing any assistance when requested or required.


The most important activity run by the ESA is the Essay Clinics: a peer-review service offered to all undergraduate students at Brock University (essays only!). There are at least two 2-hour time-slots every Fall & Winter semester, typically running weeks 4-12.

ESA Constitution & Role Overview

Role Overview

Information of our roles in the ESA.

ESA Constitution

More information about our club structure and membership.

Connect with us

Stay up to date with the English Students’ Association via our social media pages.