
publications by faculty members

  • New Book is a Team Effort

    Congratulations to Professors Ann Howey and Martin Danahay on their new publication!

    “Neo-Victorianism and Medievalism: Re-appropriating the Victorian and Medieval Pasts” came out on May 2, 2024 from

    Categories: English Faculty, Publications

  • New book of short fiction by Professor Tim Conley

    Professor Tim Conley has recently released a new collection of short fiction, “Some Day We Will Look Back on this and Laugh,” through the Slovenian publisher Corona/Samizdat.

    “This collection of suspicious glimpses, transitory disturbances, and apocalypses postponed makes for disorientation and even light-headedness. Readers may feel the need to laugh, but not more than is advisable. Among the assorted hijinks in these pages are a global kangaroo revolution, a fatal duel over a sneeze, spots of melancholy, a telepathic gazebo, various disguises, and a demon awaiting its release from a box of breakfast cereal.”

    Copies can be purchased directly from the publisher, or from our local St. Catharines bookstore, Someday Books.



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    Categories: English Faculty, Publications