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Sangeeta Hollo teaches courses in auditing, external reporting, and problem solving and integration for the Bachelor of Accounting program. She holds a MAcc and BA from the University of Waterloo.
Prior to academic work, Hollo practiced public accounting, working at Deloitte as a senior accountant and audit manager, Home Trust Company as the Internal Audit Manager, and Canadian Tire as a Senior Financial Analyst. She also earned the Chartered Accountant (CA) designation, the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation, and the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) designation.
Hollo has been the faculty advisor for the Brock University Accounting Conference (BUAC) and a coach for the Goodman JDCC Accounting team. She has also led CPA Ontario workshops for the assurance elective and capstone modules of the CPA PEP Program.