Experiential learning

It’s important for our students to have many types of learning experiences while in class at Brock, and outside the classroom walls.

Student using Ground Penetrating Radar technology in GEOG 3P56 course outside on a hill
Students in biogeography course learning about ecosystems using cards

Our Department offers many opportunities for our students to gain valuable hands-on experience through internships, labs, seminars, field courses, co-op, and more. Read more about some of these opportunities below. 

Field Courses

Field courses are a great way for students to apply what they’ve learned in class and gain real world experience in geography and tourism studies. Our Department has been offering field courses for over five decades to domestic and international destinations.

Please note that not all field courses are offered every year. Please check below or contact the Department to see which courses are currently available.

This course is our longest running field course. Mandatory for all Geography and Tourism Studies majors, the Peterborough Field Course involves heading north for the October Reading Week to put your research into action. In this course, you will develop a research project and apply geographical principles and field techniques to problems in human geography, physical geography, and tourism studies.

The Department would like to extend a huge thank you to Don Wright, who has hosted our Physical Geography students on his family land (Lochlin Esker and Wetlands) since 2004. We’d also like to thank Beachwood Resort (located on beautiful Buckhorn Lake) for hosting us year after year.

Please note that this course is only open to Geography and Tourism Studies majors.

Want to learn more? Please contact the Department.

Want to earn Brock credit while travelling through beautiful Croatia? Study at the International Tourism and Hospitality Academy at Sea!

Next offered Spring 2024

This two-week field course focuses on the growth and development of London as a global city, capital of Britain and major metropolitan area examining its major functions, institutions, peoples and internal spatial structures; major planning issues involved in achieving an enriched urban environment.

This 12-day field course focuses on Vancouver as a major metropolitan area. In addition to learning about the historical geography of Vancouver and its region, you’ll explore social and cultural processes as you discover the spaces of the third largest city in Canada.

Cultural and historical geographies of Chicago. Emphasis on the urban spectacle of the modern city and the contrasting geographies of race and class inequalities through the examination of public space, architecture, housing and suburbanization, and cultural production.

This field course brings students to various locations. It is an intensive field course with relevance to Tourism Studies.

Disney/University of Florida Exchange Program

We are one of only five universities and colleges in Canada to offer this partnership program with the University of Florida.

This unique program offers students a six-month study abroad experience in the traditional classroom and in a formal work setting! Students will take online classes and earn 2.5 credits from the University of Florida while participating in academic training and gaining valuable experience at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Learn about tourism, hospitality, destination and event management in a fun and exciting environment from top-notch professors and one of the most successful tourism attractions in the world!

Term Abroad Program

Students spend their Winter terms abroad in Thailand (2024) and New Zealand (2023) with Dr. David Brown.

Labs and Seminars

Many of our courses have labs or seminars, where small groups (max 20) of students can discuss what they’ve learned or try out some of the methods they’ve learned about in lecture.

Honours Internship Course (4F99)

This course is mandatory for all of our 4th year Geography and Tourism honours students. Students complete an internship either under the direction of a faculty member or in a government or private agency. This course is only available to Geography and Tourism students.


We have three co-op programs in our Department:

  • BA Geography, Co-op (honours)
  • BSc Geography, Co-op (honours)
  • BA Tourism and Environment, Tourism Management Stream, Co-op (honours)

Study Abroad and International Exchanges

Immerse yourself in another country! As a Brock student, you have the opportunity to study, travel and make lifelong friends around the world. Learn more about yourself, become more independent and give your Brock degree an international edge. Share your Canadian culture abroad and in return experience the culture, lifestyle, and people of another country.

Brock International can assist all academically qualified Brock students to locate a university exchange partner abroad and set up a custom program of studies which will complement your degree program at Brock.

Most students go on exchange in their third year. Note that you must plan in advance – applications for exchange are usually submitted when you are in your second year of study at Brock.