
  • Discipline Specific Online Teaching – Faculty Series

    Support logo

    CPI is offering specialized online sessions for groups of instructors geared towards disciplinary focus or specific challenges in the online environment.

    Email cpi@brocku.ca for more information or to request a session for a group.


    • Teaching languages online
    • First year large classes
    • STEM focused
    • Discipline specific
    • More to come…

    Teaching Language Online – May 2020

    CPI is hosting four, one-hour sessions in May with language instructors and those with similar interests. Visit CPI’s May Events for details and to register.

    Instructors and TAs are welcome. Registrants will receive a calendar invite to the MS Teams session.


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  • Teaching Resources

    Preparing a new online course, revising an old one or new to teaching at Brock?

    For teaching inquiries about:
    Sakai or teaching technologiesedtech@brocku.ca
    Course design, assessment and learning activitieseddev@brocku.ca,
    Experiential Education course support reach out to your EE coordinator and
    General teaching inquiries, cpi@brocku.ca

    How to be a Better Online Teacher – The Chronicle of Higher Education
    Peer Advice for Instructors Teaching Online for First Time – INSIDE HIGHER ED
    7 Ways to Facilitate Interesting Online Discussion – The Teaching Professor
    Online Teaching Group Resources – Faculty of Education

    Brock University Canada Summer Games Grants are still available – check them out.
    Brock University Experiential Education Grants are still available and can help to support EE online efforts – apply now.

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  • Get a Teams Site with Your Class Roster-Update

    Microsoft Teams logo

    New Update for Microsoft Teams

    Microsoft Teams sites can now be requested and populated by Instructors. Using the instructions outlined in Create a Team you can also automatically update your course roster of students.

    Microsoft Teams is for video conferencing and be can used for 1 on 1 meetings, office hours, or online small class discussions. CPI workshops and consultations use MS Teams.

    Questions? Email edtech@brocku.ca.

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  • Spring/Summer 2020 Teaching Awards

    Psychology Professor Tanya Martini with Neil McCartney, previous Provost and Vice-President, Academic, Photo from 2015Nominations are now open for the Spring/Summer 2020 Teaching Awards. These awards recognize and celebrate teaching excellence. We invited nominees to contact the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation for teaching dossier consultations by appointment at cpi@brocku.ca.

    Brock University Award for Distinguished Teaching – Deadline Extended to May 30

    The Brock University Award for Distinguished Teaching is presented annually to a faculty member who, in the opinion of their peers, has made an outstanding contribution to the teaching and learning environment at Brock. For more about the Distinguished Teaching Award visit the CPI website.

    External Teaching Awards

    |Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education| OCUFA Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards
    Deadline: May 22, 2020
    Website: https://ocufa.on.ca/ocufa-awards/
    OCUFA recognizes outstanding teachers and academic librarians in Ontario universities through its Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards annually. The revised Guidelines for Teaching Awards Nominations provide details on a new category for contract faculty.

    |Canadian Mathematical Society| Adrien Pouliot Award
    Deadline: May 31
    Website: https://cms.math.ca/Prizes/info/ap.html

    |Chemical Institute of Canada|The CIC Award for Chemistry Education
    Deadline: July 2
    Website: https://www.cheminst.ca/recognition/cic-awards/chemistry-award/

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  • Online TA Programming-Update

    Laptop in useTA Weekly Drop-In Discussions-Q&A

    All Brock University teaching assistants, course coordinators, lab demonstrators, and tutorial leaders are invited to join us via Microsoft Teams during our weekly drop-in discussion sessions about teaching, learning, and the role of teaching assistants in the online environment.

    Spring /Summer 2020 Online TA Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education

    Join us on Tuesday, June 2nd at 2:00 pm for the “Being an Online TA” workshop. Registration is available on the CPI events page.

    Questions? Contact eddev@brocku.ca for details.

  • All Things Teaching and Learning – Book Club

    Unsettling the Settler Within by Paulette Regan

    All members of the Brock community are invited to join us  as we discuss Paulette Regan’s

    Unsettling the Settler Within
    Thursday May 28th at 1:00 pm

    For more information on this book, the discussion and how to register, please visit the CPI Events page.

    Teaching Assistants will receive 2 credits towards their Certificate in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education.

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  • Moving Your Course Online

    Planning Your Online Course

    Planning Your Online Course 

    CPI’s online workshops are available to groups of instructors to plan & design for online learning.

              • Learning outcomes
              • Online Assessment
              • Video lectures
              • Instructor presence
              • Student interaction & engagement
              • Example Online Courses

    Visit CPI’s Flexible Teaching & Learning site for more details.

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  • TA Workshops – Saturday September 22

    Professional Development for Brock University Teaching Assistants

    Open to all Brock University teaching assistants, marker graders, tutorial leaders, and lab demonstrators. TA workshops are applicable to all disciplines.

    Instructional Strategies 101: Saturday September 22, 2018, 9:00 a.m. – 10:20 a.m., ST 103 Active Learning Classroom (across from the Guernsey Market)
    Join us for an interactive session that will add more tools to your instructional toolbox. This will include both discussions and demonstrations of a wide variety of strategies or techniques one can use to deepen learning. Online registration is now closed.

    Teaching and Accessibility: Saturday September 22, 2018, 10:30 a.m. – 11:50 a.m., ST 103 Active Learning Classroom (across from the Guernsey Market)
    Please join staff members of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and the CPI to explore ways of facilitating greater access to learning in our seminars, labs, and tutorials. Together, we will explore some of the challenges students with disabilities may experience in small group learning contexts and discuss ways to address these challenges to foster engagement and learning. Online registration is now closed.

    Participation in each workshop will earn 1 TA credit towards the completion of a TA Certificate.

    For additional information contact cpi@brocku.ca, or 905-688-5550 ext. 3933.



  • Isaak Sakai Workshops – September 12 & 17

    Instructional Skills Workshop Feb 21-23, 2018Looking for some assistance with Isaak Sakai Brock’s Learning Management System?

    Sakai Update Workshop: Join the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation for a discussion and demonstration of Sakai’s version 12. This version offers some polish after the substantial interface changes that came with Sakai 11, but will also offer up some new tools and features.

    Update notes for the Sakai 12 update at Brock are available at https://kumu.brocku.ca/sakai/Update_Notes:_Isaak-Sakai_12.

    WHO: Open to all Brock University faculty, sessional instructors and teaching staff. While all are welcome to attend, this session is tailored to participants that are familiar with Isaak-Sakai.
    WHAT: This session will provide key information on the Sakai 12 update to participants that are familiar with Isaak-Sakai. Learn how these enhancements can be used to support teaching in your courses. Computers will be provided within this space.
    WHEN: Wednesday, September 12, 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm, Classroom A, ST228, James A. Gibson Library

    Getting Started with Isaak Sakai Workshop:

    This hands-on Isaak/Sakai introductory workshop is ideal for those new to Isaak Sakai and those with an interest in becoming familiar with or use the features offered to support your teaching.

    WHO:  Open to all Brock University faculty, sessional instructors and teaching staff from all disciplines. While all are welcome to attend, this session is tailored to participants that are new to Isaak-Sakai or who have at most an introductory level of comfort.
    WHAT:  This workshop is designed to be a hands-on orientation. The format consists of commonly used tools in Isaak-Sakai followed by flexible hands-on work with your course materials for the remaining half hour. Participants are encouraged to bring course materials. Computers will be provided within the workshop space.
    WHEN: Monday, September 17, 10:00 am – 11:30 am, James A. Gibson Library, Classroom A, ST228

    One-on-one consultations are available by appointment at edtech@brocku.ca and X4734.


  • New Faculty Instructor Teaching Day Aug 21

    Professional Development for Brock University faculty & instructors.

    Open to new Brock University Faculty and Sessional Instructors.

    Welcome to Brock University!  Each year the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation (CPI) hosts a New Instructor Teaching Day for newly hired full-time and part-time instructors at Brock.  This event is also open to those who may have missed it the previous year.

    Included will be information on how CPI can support you in your teaching at Brock University. Please bring any questions you may have about teaching at Brock University.

    Online registration is now closed for New Faculty/Instructor Teaching Day Tuesday August 21 | 9:00 am – 1:00 pm |