FMS Faculty and Staff Award Nomination

Criteria for nominations are found below. Please submit your selections and provide the requested details by May 3, 2024 using the forms below.

Criteria for nominations are found below. Please submit your selections and provide the requested details by May 3, 2024 using the forms below.


Purpose:  To recognize excellence in research in the Faculty of Mathematics and Science

The Faculty of Mathematics and Science invites all faculty to consider appropriate candidates for an annual research award recognizing excellence in research, training of HQP, and service related to research according to discipline-specific criteria.  We invite self-nominations or nominations of colleagues.


Candidates (either nominated or self-nominated) provide information from 2018 – 2024 of:

A. research productivity:

  1. Number of peer-reviewed journal papers or conference proceedings
  2. Number of Invited talks (e.g., colloquia, seminars)
  3. Number of grants secured
  4. One or two sentences on other relevant information, if required.
  5. Tri-council CV with information for 2018-2024

B. non-scheduled teaching:

  1. Number of MSc student supervisions and number of PhD student supervisions
  2. Number of honours thesis supervisions
  3. Other HQP training
  4. Number of supervisory committees (when not primary supervisor)
  5. One or two sentences on other relevant information, if required.

C. research-related service:

  1. list memberships and years on internal adjudication committees
  2. list memberships and years on external adjudication committees
  3. list role and years as editor or associate editor of journals
  4. list roles and activities (e.g., president, vice-president, treasurer, conference organizer) and years in scientific societies.

D. teaching for 2024-2025

            List the courses to be taught and any course releases (include reason for course release).


Department Chair or Delegate(s) submit applications, rankings, and ratings to the Dean’s Office for final decisions by MAY 3, 2024.

Note: any candidate may request to be considered independently of their Department Chair or Delegate(s).

Criteria for nominations are found below. Please submit your selections and provide the requested details by May 3, 2024 using the forms below.


Purpose:  To recognize teaching that inspires in the Faculty of Mathematics and Science

The Faculty of Mathematics and Science invites all faculty to consider appropriate candidates for an annual teaching award recognizing teaching that inspires through active learning, undergraduate mentorship, and service above and beyond.  We invite self-nominations or nominations of colleagues.

Application:  Nominees should submit a one-page, self-reflective essay addressing at least one of the above criteria and describing how their teaching of undergraduate courses, in particular, has inspired students.  Wherever possible, nominees may also submit supporting evidence, such as written comments from recent students and alumni explaining how the nominee’s teaching inspired them as undergraduates and how it influences their lives and careers.


Award criteria:  nominees for this award will be considered for their contributions in at least one of the following areas:

  1. Active learning: This is an instructional approach that engages students in the learning process through activities that require them to participate actively in their own learning. The goal of active learning in science and math is to provide students with a deeper conceptual understanding by actively engaging them in the learning process.  Active learning may include experiential learning, in which students actively engage in hands-on, real-world activities that allow them to apply scientific concepts and methods in a practical setting.
  2. Undergraduate mentorship: Faculty members who have a distinguished record of mentoring and inspiring undergraduate research outside the classroom, including 4th year Honours thesis projects, summer research internships, and other opportunities for undergraduates to engage in independent research.
  3. Teaching service above and beyond:  Significant contributions to the Faculty’s learning environment above and beyond the usual lecturing, marking, etc.  This includes activities such as curriculum development, embracing professional development in pedagogy, and scholarly activity resulting in the generation and dissemination of pedagogical knowledge in university science and mathematics education.

Criteria for nominations are found below. Please submit your selections and provide the requested details by May 3, 2024 using the forms below.

Purpose:  To recognize exceptional contributions by a member of staff in the Faculty of Mathematics and Science. Our staff play a critical role in the success of the faculty within a varied and challenging scope of duties. We will to recognize those that go above and beyond to contribute to the lasting impact the FMS has on our students and the community.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Science invites all faculty and staff to consider appropriate candidates for the award.

Eligibility Requirements: Faculty of Mathematics and Science permanent full time staff and those with full time contracts 12m+ in duration. Individuals who report to the Dean or Associate Deans are ineligible.

Submission Requirements: Please supply document(s) detailing the exceptional contributions the staff member  displayed during the previous academic year distinguishing themselves in their work, (exceptional service to Department, FMS, Brock or student/campus life).

Selection Process: A committee of chairs and directors + 1 non-voting chair of either the Dean or Associate Deans reviews all nominations and selects up to two (2) candidates.

Criteria for nominations are found below. Please submit your selections and provide the requested details by May 3, 2024 using the forms below.


One award will be given to a PhD dissertation nominee.


To be eligible for the 2024 award, the dissertation was (will be) submitted in final form to the Faculty of Graduate Studies between the dates of April 15, 2023 and April 15, 2024.


  • The candidate’s supervisor submits a nomination letter that is also signed by the candidate’s committee members. The letter addresses (in no more than 500 words):
    1. The importance of the research contribution;
    2. Originality, innovation of the research;
    3. Quality of the writing;
    4. Any other relevant factors indicative of research excellence;
    5. Provides the date of submission of the thesis to FGS.
  • A list of publications and conference presentations is provided and/or a statement regarding publications to come.
  • The supervisor also includes a pdf of the dissertation abstract.
  • Nomination application is submitted by May 3, 2024 to Elena Genkin.


The GPDs (or a departmental delegate) with the ADR as Chair will determine the candidate to receive each award by May 15, 2024.

Criteria for nominations are found below. Please submit your selections and provide the requested details by May 3, 2024 using the forms below.


One award will be given to a MSc dissertation nominee.


To be eligible for the 2023 award, the dissertation was (will be) submitted in final form to the Faculty of Graduate Studies between the dates of April 15, 2023 and April 15, 2024.


  • The candidate’s supervisor submits a nomination letter that is also signed by the candidate’s committee members. The letter addresses (in no more than 500 words):
    1. The importance of the research contribution;
    2. Originality, innovation of the research;
    3. Quality of the writing;
    4. Any other relevant factors indicative of research excellence;
    5. Provides the date of submission of the thesis to FGS.
  • A list of publications and conference presentations is provided and/or a statement regarding publications to come.
  • The supervisor also includes a pdf of the dissertation abstract.
  • Application is submitted by May 3, 2024 to Elena Genkin.


The GPDs (or a departmental delegate) with the ADR as Chair will determine the candidate to receive each award by May 15, 2024.

The submission form is now closed. We wish to thank everyone who submitted an entry to this year’s awards. We look forward to announcing the award recipients shortly.