All students registered in graduate programmes in the Faculty of Humanities are eligible to apply for Graduate Student Associate status in the Humanities Research Institute (HRI).
Graduate Student Associates will receive announcements of and invitations to HRI symposia and special events, as well as invitations to events and workshops geared towards graduate students. Graduate Student Associates will also have the opportunity to apply for HRI funding to support knowledge mobilization activities. This funding process is competitive, and a student in an MA programme may receive funding only once in the duration of his/her programme; a student in a PhD programme may receive the funding twice.
To apply for Graduate Student Associate status in the HRI, please submit the following, electronically, to your Graduate Program Director:
- A completed application form.
- A curriculum vitae (use SSHRC curriculum vitae or the format found here) — Notes on constructing a curriculum vitae.
While applications for Graduate Student Associate status may be submitted at any time, adjudication will take place only twice per year. The deadlines for adjudication are October 15 and February 1.
HRI Graduate Student Associates Funding for Knowledge Mobilization
Graduate students are eligible to apply for funding for knowledge mobilization activities. Funded activities include (but are not restricted to):
- Travel to professional conferences to present research;
- Open access fees for online publications; and
- Hosting websites for online exhibits.
Travel to present at graduate student conferences will not be supported.
Up to six grants of $300 each will be made each year to Graduate Student Associates. Students in MA programmes may receive HRI knowledge mobilization funding once during their programme. Students in PhD programmes may receive funding twice.
Applications for knowledge mobilization funding must include the following:
- Details of the activity
- For a conference, include title, dates, location, the name of the organizing body, confirmation of paper acceptance, and the abstract that was submitted.
- For open access fees, provide the title of the paper, the name of the journal or publisher and their terms of publication (including open access fees), the abstract that was submitted, and confirmation of paper acceptance.
- For online exhibits or other knowledge mobilization activities requiring website hosting fees, include the title and dates of the online activity, a summary of the exhibit/activity, name of the web hosting site and fees.
- A current curriculum vitae
- A detailed budget
- A statement of other sources of revenue held or applied for.
Please submit applications electronically as one PDF document to the HRI (