
  • Creating a Sonic Community in the Roman Amphitheatre — Research Seminar with Dr. Michael J. Carter on Nov. 25

    Join us for a research seminar with Michael Carter of Brock University on Thursday Nov. 25 at 3:30 pm:

    Clamor Ingens Totius Populi. Creating a Sonic Community in the Roman Amphitheatre”

    Synopsis: The sonic component of Roman arena spectacles (munera) is generally not something that we think very much about. Our interest tends to be in the visual aspect of the games: who and what were seen, who saw them, and how they reacted to what they saw. But the ‘spectators’ at a show were ‘audience members’ too, and what they heard mattered. This paper explores the importance of sound in the amphitheatres of the Roman world and the creation of a sonic community there.

    This is a virtual event. Click here or copy the following into your browser to attend:

    Also see the event poster.

    Categories: Events

  • Read all about the Marzamemi Project

    The Marzamemi Project Field Report by Justin Leidwanger, Elizabeth S. Greene, and Andrew Donnelly has just been published on AJA Online. The report covers the 2013-2019 fieldseasons of excavating a 6th century CE shipwreck off the southeast coast of Sicily.


    Dr Greene would like to thank the many Brock students who have volunteered for the project over the years: Michael Anderson, Calantha Babineau, Sydney Bryk, Carol Buckingham, Charles Craik, Nicole Gavin, Liz Hoffer, Esther Knegt, Aileen Lawless, Colin Mackenzie, Alex Moore, Matthew Snider. Additional students who enrolled in the Brock practicum from elsewhere are: Sarah Crabbe, Kyle Hubbard, and Sheri Kapahnke.

    AJA Online April 2021

    Categories: News

  • New Spring 2021 CLAS courses on offer!

    We might not be able to travel the world this spring but the Department of Classics has created two new spring courses to look forward to!

    CLAS/VISA 3V20 Virtual Study Tour of Italy (0.5 credit)

    Archaeological and art historical investigation of Etruscan and Roman Italy. Archaeological sites and museums that will be visited virtually through synchronous and asynchronous online sessions include Rome, Pompeii, Hadrian’s Villa, Cerveteri, and Tarquinia. Coursework will also involve movies and some cooking! The course will run for five weeks from early May to early June.
    Offered online.
    Restriction: Permission of the Instructor.
    Contact Dr Carrie Murray for more information.

    CLAS/HIST 3V70 Digital Modeling in Archaeology (0.5 credit)

    Introduction to digital modeling of archaeological artifacts, alongside ethical considerations associated with their utilization. Course includes training in computer applications for processing and analysis of digital models created as part of the Marzamemi Maritime Heritage Project. If in-person contact is possible, we will also produce models locally using photogrammetry, laser scanning, and structured light scanning.
    Offered online.
    Restriction: permission of the Instructor.
    Contact Dr Elizabeth Greene for more information.

    Categories: News

  • AIA Lecture on Sunday March 14 with Dr Elizabeth S. Greene

    The 2020-2021 AIA Lecture Series will culminate with a lecture by our own Dr Greene. Her lecture will discuss her fascinating current research project. Join us on Sunday, March 14th at 3:00pm for “Ephemeral Heritage: Boats, Migration, and the Central Mediterranean Passage”.

    Registration for the event can be done by clicking here.

    For more information on the AIA Niagara Peninsula Society click here.

    Categories: Events

  • Brock’s Dr von Stackelberg talks gardens and Caligula with Salon

    Recent excavations in Piazza Emanuele II in Rome have revealed the pleasure gardens, Horti Lamiani, connected with Caligula. An exciting new exhibition is being mounted to display the numerous sculptures and other finds from the site. See the NY Times article for more information.

    Brock’s resident expert on ancient Roman gardens, Dr Katharine T. von Stackelberg, was interviewed by Salon to get her take on the importance of the Horti Lamiani. See the Salon article for more.

    Categories: Events, News

  • AIA Lecture Sun Feb 28th with Prof Barringer Speaking about Greek Sanctuaries

    The AIA Niagara Peninsula Society will welcome Prof Judith Barringer (University of Edinburgh) on Sunday 28 February at 3:00 EST to give a presentation: The Workings of Treasuries in Greek Sanctuaries.

    All are welcome to virtually attend the event. Pre-registration is required.

    Please visit the AIA Niagara Peninsula page of this website for a link to the registration form or go straight to the MS Form for the registration link.






    Many of you will recognize her work from one of the textbooks used in the undergraduate Greek art sequence, The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece.

    Categories: Events

  • CAC’s Desmond Conacher Scholarship due April 1st

    Brock students, are you thinking of studying Classics for a graduate degree?

    Apply for the Canadian Classical Association’s Desmond Conacher Scholarship for a $3000 prize, applications are due April 1st.

    See the CAC website for details


    Categories: News

  • Dr Greene to Give Upcoming Research Talks Online

    Dr Liz Greene, from Brock’s Department of Classics, is due to give three upcoming research talks online about maritime archaeology in the ancient Mediterranean. Because of the pandemic these will all be available to join online. Please use the suggested links from the other institutions for further details.

    Friday, February 19, 2021 @12:00 PM EST
    “Ephemeral Heritage: Migration, Boats and Heritage in the Central Mediterranean Passage.”
    Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World Lecture Series, University of Pennsylvania.

    Tuesday, February 23, 2021 @6:00 PM EST
    “Exchange in the Age of Lyric Poetry: The 6th-century BCE Shipwreck at Pabuç Burnu, Turkey.”
    New York Society of the Archaeological Institute of America, New York, NY.

    March 2021– Further details TBD
    “Ephemeral Heritage: Migration, Boats and Heritage in the Central Mediterranean Passage.”
    Department of Classics, Western University, London, ON.

    Categories: Events, News

  • AIA Niagara Lecture by Kristina Killgrove (UNC) on the Victims of Oplontis, Sun Jan 31 @ 3:00

    The AIA Niagara Peninsula Society will welcome Dr Kristina Killgrove on Sunday 31 January at 3:00 to give a presentation: Death Comes to Oplontis. Victims of Mt Vesuvius Reveal Life in 79 AD. The talk promises to be a fascinating look into the physical remains of victims of the eruption that covered the Vesuvian lands.

    All are welcome to virtually attend the event. Pre-registration is required. Please visit the AIA Niagara Peninsula page of this website for a link to the registration form.

    Brock News Story by Alison Innes– Kristina Killgrove


    Categories: Events

  • Access AIA Annual Meeting 2021

    The joint annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) and the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) was held virtually for the first time Jan 5-10, 2021.

    If you are interested in seeing the presentations, you can register and access the recorded sessions for 30 days following the conference.

    Be sure to look out for Dr Greene in her research presentation with Justin Leidwanger: “Ephemeral Heritage: Migration, Boats and Heritage in the Central Mediterranean Passage”

    and a workshop in which she acted as the respondent: “Examining the Context of Monuments, Monumentality, and Counter-monuments” (sponsored by the Cultural Heritage Committee).

    Categories: News