
  • Welcome back Cameron Kroetsch!

    On January 23rd, we were delighted to welcome back Classics alumnus (BA ’07), Cameron Kroetsch, who participated in a virtual Lunch and Learn about municipal politics hosted by Brock Alumni Relations. Along with Caleb Ratzlaff (Ward 4 St. Catharines City Councillor), Cameron discussed what it was like to run for office, the work of elected officials in vibrant downtown communities, and how we can be active participants in our municipal government. Cameron provided a view from his current position as Ward 2 Hamilton City Councillor.

    Cameron Kroetsch (BA '07) and Caleb Ratzlaff

    Cameron Kroetsch (BA ’07) and Caleb Ratzlaff, “Getting involved in Municipal Politics.”

    Categories: Events, News

  • Mensa Latina, Winter 2025 edition

    Don’t miss the chance to learn about Roman culture and the Latin language this winter with discussion of beauty and adornment (makeup, wigs, hair dyes, and more!); the hilarious and often saucy genre of the Roman novel; and the music and musical instruments that provided a soundscape for the Roman world.

    Started during the 2021-22 academic year by Professors Fanny Dolansky and Sarah Parker, the Mensa Latina aims to introduce students to a variety of topics not covered in classes or only touched on briefly in courses on Roman history or Latin such as petkeeping in the Roman world, funerary inscriptions, and Roman naming conventions. The Mensa Latina normally meets once a month for an hour and has attracted students from Classics and Archaeology as well as other departments who range from first-year students to graduate students — and occasionally some alumni too! No formal knowledge of Latin is required, and everyone is welcome! To learn more or suggest future topics, contact Fanny Dolansky.

    Winter 2025 Mensa Latina Meetings

    Categories: Events

  • Brock at the AIA / SCS Annual Meeting

    Brock will be well-represented at the 126th joint annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of American and the Society for Classical Studies. In a panel on Fieldwork and Analysis in Crete, Angus Smith will present his ceramic research, “The Neopalatial and Postpalatial Pottery Sequence of Gournia: New Evidence for Long Term Continuities and Change” and serve as a panelist in a workshop, “Fieldwork and Families: Challenges in the Research/Life Responsibilities,” sponsored by the AIA’s Research and Academic Affairs Committee. Elizabeth Greene has organized a workshop panel, “Sharing Archaeological Stories: A Workshop with ARCHAEOLOGY Magazine, and will speak about provenance research with students on objects in Brock’s Cypriote Museum in a workshop, “Unprovenanced Antiquities and Academic Institutions: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward.” M.A. student Connor O’Rourke will present a poster, “Helen’s Heroic Worship at the Menelaion.”

    Check out the full program of the 2025 Joint Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society for Classical Studies, to be hosted in Philadelphia, PA. Join some sessions in person or virtually!

    Categories: Events, News

  • Allison Glazebrook delivers Sally Katary Memorial Lecture

    On November 28th, Allison Glazebrook delivered the Dr. Sally L.D. Katary Memorial Lecture in the Northrop Frye Center at Victoria University in the University of Toronto. Her lecture was titled, “Slavery and the Athenian Sex Trade.”

    The late Dr. Sally L. D Katary taught Ancient Studies and Classics at Thorneloe University for 30 years until her sudden passing on August 6, 2016. A world-renowned Egyptologist with a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, Dr. Katary was filmed by National Geographic on the subject of ancient Egypt and was well-known for courses on Greek mythology women in the ancient world; her students deeply appreciated her gift for storytelling. First established at Thorneloe University in her memory in 2017, The Dr. Sally L. D. Katary Memorial Lecture Series moved in 2024 to the Northrop Frye Centre at Victoria University.

    Categories: Events, News

  • Angus Smith delivers talks and untalks

    On November 25, Angus Smith delivered a talk to the Brock University Archaeological Society titled, “Top Ten Pottery Styles of Ancient Greece!” What are your favorites?

    Two days later, on November 27th, he presented an “unTalk” at the St Catharines Library titled, “My Life in Fragments: The Story of a ‘Sherd Nerd’ in Piecing Together the Minoan Past,” at which participants had the chance to engage with ancient sherds from the Department’s collection of Cypriote antiquities.

    Read more in the Brock News about the UnTalks at the St Catharines Public Library and new approaches to engaging the community in the joy of learning:

    Humanities reimagines public lecture series


    Categories: Events, News

  • Mensa Latina heads to Special Collections

    Along with faculty members Fanny Dolansky and Sarah Parker, Mensa Latina students had the chance to visit Special Collections in the Gibson Library, where archivist David Sharron introduced them to writing and illustration on manuscripts in the Brock collection. It was an amazing opportunity for a hands-on experience of the transmission and circulation of ancient texts. The Mensa Latina (which means ‘Latin Table’) is an informal gathering of students who want to learn more about Roman culture and the Latin language.

    Mensa Latina students look at manuscripts with David Sharron in Special Collections

    Categories: Events, News

  • Mensa Latina, Fall 2024 edition

    Don’t miss the chance to learn about Roman culture and the Latin language this fall with discussion of board games and other forms of play, a hands-on experience of manuscripts and handwriting, and the many holidays celebrated by the Romans.

    Fri. Sept. 27th @ 10 AM-11 AM: Game time with Dr. Fanny Dolansky and Dr. Sarah Parker in GLB 335

    Fri. Nov. 1st @ 10 AM-12 PM: Manuscripts and paleography: a visit to Special Collections in the Gibson Library with Dr. Sarah Parker and  David Sharron (meet by the main desk in the Gibson Library)

    Fri. Nov. 29th @ 10 AM-11 AM: Roman holidays with Dr. Fanny Dolansky and Dr. Sarah Parker in GLB 335

    Started during the 2021-22 academic year by Professors Fanny Dolansky and Sarah Parker, the Mensa Latina aims to introduce students to a variety of topics not covered in classes or only touched on briefly in courses on Roman history or Latin such as petkeeping in the Roman world, funerary inscriptions, and Roman naming conventions. The Mensa Latina normally meets once a month for an hour and has attracted students from Classics and Archaeology as well as other departments who range from first-year students to graduate students — and occasionally some alumni too! No formal knowledge of Latin is required, and everyone is welcome! To learn more or suggest future topics, contact Fanny Dolansky.

    Mensa Latina Poster with fall meeting schedule

    Categories: Events

  • Photo Contest 2024: Share your photos with the Department of Classics and Archaeology

    Let us show how Classics and Archaeology transformed your Brock experience. Share a photo of your memories of Classics and Archaeology and you could be featured in a department exhibit, as we prepare to celebrate the Department’s 60th birthday.

    All photographs will be entered into one pool, but winners will be selected in each of the following categories:

    (1) Classics at Brock
    (2) Archaeological fieldwork
    (3) Study tours and travel
    (4) Department life

    Prizes for top entries!



    All past and present undergraduate and graduate student majors and minors, faculty, and staff in the Department of Classics and Archaeology are eligible to submit photos for this contest. Submitted photos should capture some aspect of your Brock experience in Classics and Archaeology—from the classroom to the field, including the many adventures, discoveries, friendships, and memories you encountered along the way.

    Please submit your photograph by email as a high resolution .jpg (a clear cell phone shot of a printed photo is also fine—we recognize that some people’s experiences may predate the digital era) to [email protected] with the subject heading, Brock Classics Photo Contest. Include the following in the body of your email:

    (1) Your name (as well as your name at Brock, if different), current address and email, graduation year and major, minor or stream.

    (2) A title and short description of your photo including the names (if applicable, and if you remember) of any people represented.

    For full consideration, entrants from alumni/ae must also update their contact information with Alumni Relations at the following link before the submission deadline.

    Submission Deadline: Friday, August 26th 2024 at 11:59 p.m. We can’t wait to hear from you!

    Categories: Events, News

  • 2024 Summer Reading Challenge in on!

    The Department of Classics and Archaeology is launching a Summer Reading Challenge this year through Instagram for the @BrockHumanities community to read fiction and non-fiction about the ancient world! Share your reviews and thoughts on classical books and get a chance to win prizes at the departmental Fall Open House in October!

    For more information and a list of book recommendations, see the Classics and Archaeology Summer Reading Challenge page.

    Don’t forget to check out and follow @BrockHumanities on Instagram!

    We can’t wait to see your posts! Now, time to get reading…


    Categories: Events, News

  • Classics and Archaeology High School Day

    On Saturday, April 6th, fourteen students (and three parents) from six high schools in the Niagara Region visited the Department to participate in Classics and Archaeology High School Day, an event organized by our Recruitment Committee.

    Katharine von Stackelberg, Angus Smith, Allison Glazebrook, Michael Carter, and Adam Rappold introduced students to ancient artifacts, Roman coins, the Greek alphabet, and traditions of games and play–including a scavenger hunt in the Department.  We hope the experience leads some of our visitors to choose Brock for their studies!

    Categories: Events