Allison M. J. Glazebrook

Professor, Greek Social and Cultural History; Genders and Sexualities; Greek Oratory

BA (Alberta), MA (Queen’s), PhD (Buffalo)

Phone: 905 688 5550 x3319
Fax: 905 984 4859

Fall 2024 Teaching

GREE 2P01: Language and Literature I

Winter 2025 Teaching

CLAS 4V54/5V54: Adornment of the Body,
: Language and Literature II

My research relates to the social and cultural history of ancient Greece, and focuses on women, gender, sexuality, and slavery. I use texts, vase iconography, and archaeological data to explore these topics. Much of my research focuses on sexual labour in classical Athens, including how male discourse constructs and manipulates the image of the sex labourer in such contexts as the law courts and the symposium. My current SSHRC-funded project explores the cycle of slavery in the Athenian sex trade. If you have an interest in ancient history, think about applying to the graduate or undergraduate program in Classics at Brock University.

2023 Recipient of the Faculty of Humanities Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Activity

2019 Visiting Speaker for the Western Tour (Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia) of the Classical Association of Canada

2018 Recipient of the Faculty of Humanities Award for Excellence in Teaching

2024. “Discourses of Desire in Ancient Greece and Rome” in The Cambridge World History of Sexualities, Vol. II: Sexualities: Systems of Thought and Belief. Eds. Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks and Matthew Kuefler. 87-113. Cambridge University Press. 2024.

2022. Themes in Greek Society and Culture: an Introduction to Ancient Greece, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press. (co-edited with Christina Vester).

2022. “Gender and Sexuality” in Themes in Greek Society and Culture: An Introduction to Ancient Greece, 2nd ed. Eds. Allison Glazebrook and Christina Vester. Oxford University Press. 291-212.

2021. Sexual Labor in the Athenian Courts. University of Texas Press.

2021. “Female Sexual Agency and an Enslaved “Olynthian”: Demosthenes 19.196-8” in Slavery and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity. Eds. D. Kamen and C.W. Marshall. University of Wisconsin Press. 141-58.

2017. “Gender and Slavery” in The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Slaveries. Eds. Stephen Hodkinson, Marc Kleijwegt, and Kostas Vlassopoulos. Oxford University Press. Oxford Handbooks Online.

2016. “Prostitutes, Women, and Gender in Ancient Greece” in Women in Antiquity: Real Women across the Ancient World. Eds. Stephanie Lynn Budin and Jean Macintosh Turfa. Routledge Publishing. 703-13.

2016. “Is There an Archaeology of Prostitution?” in Houses of Ill-Repuke: The Archaeology of Brothels, Houses and Taverns in the Greek World. Eds. Allison Glazebrook and Barbara Tsakirgis. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 169-96.

2016. Houses of Ill-Repute: The Archaeology of Brothels, Houses and Taverns in the Greek World. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (Co-edited with Barbara Tsakirgis).

2015. “A Hierarchy of Violence? Sex Slaves, Parthenoi and Rape in Menander’s Epitrepontes” in Beyond Courtesans and Whores: Sex and Labor in the Graeco-Roman World. Ed. Allison Glazebrook. A special issue of Helios. 42.1: 81-101.

2015. “Sexuality” in Oxford Bibliographies in Classics. Ed. Dee Clayman. New York: Oxford University Press.

2015. “‘Sex Ed’ at the Archaic Symposium: Prostitutes, Boys and Paideia” in Sex in Antiquity: New Essays on Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. Eds. Mark Masterson, Nancy Rabitowitz and James Robson. New York: Routledge Publishing. 157-78.

2014. “The Erotics of Manumission: Prostitutes and the πρᾶσις ἐπ’ ἐλευθερίᾳ” EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity4: 53-80.

2013. “Bodies and Sexuality” in In Antiquity, A Cultural History of Women. Vol. 1. Ed. Janet H. Tulloch. New York: Bloomsbury. 33-55 (with Nicola Mellor).

2012. “Prostitutes, Plonk and Play: Female Banqueters on a Red-Figure Psykter from the Hermitage,” Classical World105.4: 497-524.

2011. Greek Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean, 800 BCE to 200 CE. Madison WI: University of Wisconsin Press. (co-edited with M. M. Henry).

July 2024. “(Re)Housing Women’s Knowledge in the Attic Orators” in the panel, What do Women Know? Gendered Knowledge and its Rhetorical Representations in Classical Athens at ISHR, Vancouver BC.

May 2024. “Vulnerability, Sex, and Labour in Lysias 4: A Case Study” in the Women’s Network Panel at the CAC, Quebec City, Quebec.

February 2024. “The Cycle of Slavery in Athenian Sexual Labour” at the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, University of Bonn.

November 2023. “Slavery and Sexual Labour in Classical Athens.” University of Ottawa.

September 2023. “Community, Women, and Place in Isaios” at the Midwestern Ancient Greek History and Political Theory Colloquium in London, Ontario.

July 2023. “Emotional Labour in the Attic Orators” at CCC, Coimbra, Portugal.

May 2023. “The Importance of Place: Women in the Athenian Polis” at CAC, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

March 2023. “The Ancient Athenian Brothel: Problems of Interpretation at IEMA, SUNY Buffalo, New York.

September 2022. “All Decked Out: Making Sense of a Kore’s Dress and Adornment” for a panel on Kore 670 at the Royal Ontario Museum.

May 2022. “Female Networks in Attic Oratory: A Case Study” at Women’s Collectives in Antiquity and Beyond at Toronto, Ontario.

April 2022. “Engaging the Public Using Pressbooks” at the CAC, London, Ontario.

March 2021. “An Influential Woman: The Unnamed Anthropos in Lysias 4” Department of Classics, University of Texas, Austin.

July 2019. “Finding a Place: Locating Women in Attic Oratory” at FIEC in London, UK.

July 2019. Women, Slaves, and Metics in Attic Oratory. Panel co-organized with Konstantinos Kapparis for FIEC, London, UK.

June 2019. “An Olynthian Woman in Crisis: Slavery, Violence, and Sex at the Symposium” at Sex and the Ancient City: Aspects of Sexual Intercourse in Greco-Roman Antiquity.  A Conference in Honour of Professor Chris Carey at the University of Cyprus, Cyprus.

March 2019. “Working Women: Female Labour in Classical Athens” at the Acropolis Museum Auditorium, Athens, Greece. Sponsored by the Embassy of Canada in Greece and the Ministry of Culture, Athens, Greece.

January 2019. “(Dis)Placing Timarchos: The Use of Place in Aeschines 1” at the SCS in San Diego, California.

Past President, Classical Association of Canada 2020-22

President, Classical Association of Canada 2018-20

Vice President, Classical Association of Canada 2016-18

Member of the Board, Canadian Institute in Greece 2016-22

Associate Editor Greek History, Phoenix 2015-22

Scientific Committee, Eugesta: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity 2015-Present