Congratulations to first-year MA students Kathy Pye and Connor O’Rourke for their success in the Classical Association of Canada’s Undergraduate Essay Contest (senior division), for papers written during their final year as undergraduates at Brock.
Connor earned first prize in the competition for his essay, “Cult Classics: Helen’s Divinely Heroic Worship at the Menelaion.” Kathy received second prize for, “The Unchanging Definition of Beauty: Homer’s Helen to Dario di Giovanni’s Abduction Series in the Quattrocento.” Both papers were written as the final project in CLAS 4V57: Helen of Troy, taught by Adam Rappold.
The Undergraduate Essay Contests are designed to showcase and reward exceptional research done by undergraduate students taking Classics courses at Canadian universities. Learn more about the competition and prior winners here.

The Abduction of Helen from Cythera, 1468