
  • Undergraduate Student Published in Philomathes 8.1 Journal

    A hearty congratulations to Classics minor James Moens on the release of Philomathes 8.1, A Journal of Undergraduate Research in Classics in June through Austin Peay State University. James’s piece, “Agronomic Policy: Re-evaluating the Agricultural Decline of the Later Roman Empire,” along with the other articles in the journal, can be read here:

    Congratulations, James Moens!

    Categories: News

  • Photo Contest 2024: Share your photos with the Department of Classics and Archaeology

    Let us show how Classics and Archaeology transformed your Brock experience. Share a photo of your memories of Classics and Archaeology and you could be featured in a department exhibit, as we prepare to celebrate the Department’s 60th birthday.

    All photographs will be entered into one pool, but winners will be selected in each of the following categories:

    (1) Classics at Brock
    (2) Archaeological fieldwork
    (3) Study tours and travel
    (4) Department life

    Prizes for top entries!



    All past and present undergraduate and graduate student majors and minors, faculty, and staff in the Department of Classics and Archaeology are eligible to submit photos for this contest. Submitted photos should capture some aspect of your Brock experience in Classics and Archaeology—from the classroom to the field, including the many adventures, discoveries, friendships, and memories you encountered along the way.

    Please submit your photograph by email as a high resolution .jpg (a clear cell phone shot of a printed photo is also fine—we recognize that some people’s experiences may predate the digital era) to with the subject heading, Brock Classics Photo Contest. Include the following in the body of your email:

    (1) Your name (as well as your name at Brock, if different), current address and email, graduation year and major, minor or stream.

    (2) A title and short description of your photo including the names (if applicable, and if you remember) of any people represented.

    For full consideration, entrants from alumni/ae must also update their contact information with Alumni Relations at the following link before the submission deadline.

    Submission Deadline: Friday, August 26th 2024 at 11:59 p.m. We can’t wait to hear from you!

    Categories: Events, News

  • CLAS 4P20 recreate ancient artefacts at Third Space Pottery

    The Winter 2024 CLAS 4P20: Archaeology of Technology class, led by Prof. Angus Smith, took a trip in February to the Third Space Pottery studio in downtown St. Catharines to get some hands-on learning experience as part of their coursework. The focus of their course was to learn about how technological perspectives can add to the archaeological analysis and interpretation of materials from the past to produce a better overall understanding of ancient societies. At the Third Space Pottery studio, with the assistance and guidance of fellow Professors Michael Carter and Nadine Brundrett, the class made their own recreations of some well known ancient artefacts.


    Categories: News

  • Graduate Students Recipients of SSHRC Scholarships

    A hearty congratulations to two of the Department of Classics and Archaeology’s graduate students, Miranda King and Cassidy Robertson, on being recipients of prestigious SSHRC scholarships for 2024!

    For us receiving SSHRC is a huge honour because it will allow us to focus on our studies next year. It also validates our research as humanities students and as classical archaeologists.

    Miranda was the recipient of the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (SSHRC) for her work “Architectural Small Finds from the Pantelleria Project and their Cultural Meaning”.

    Cassidy was the recipient of the Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s Program (SSHRC) for her work “Considering Shipwrecks: the Utility of Predictive Modelling in Underwater Archaeology”.

    Congratulations, Miranda and Cassidy!

    Categories: News

  • Undergraduate Student Recipient of Harry C. Maynard Scholarship

    A hearty congratulations to Classics and Archaeology undergraduate student Katie Mazurkiewicz on recently being awarded the prestigious Harry C. Maynard Scholarship! The Department of Classics and Archaeology has a long history of success in encouraging students to apply for this award; we are delighted to welcome Katie to their number.

    The Harry C. Maynard Scholarship is awarded annually to students studying Classics in memory of the late Harry C. Maynard who taught Classics at the University of Toronto for many years. The Ontario Classical Association (OCA) has undertaken, by arrangement with the Trustees, to advertise the scholarship, receive applications, and rigorously access applicants. With recommendation from the OCA, the Trustees of Maynard’s estate select the recipients of this prestigious scholarship.

    Congratulations, Katie Mazurkiewicz!

    Categories: News

  • Undergraduate Student Recipient of Harry C. Maynard Scholarship

    A hearty congratulations to Classics and Archaeology undergraduate student Andréa Szpika on recently being awarded the prestigious Harry C. Maynard Scholarship! The Department of Classics and Archaeology has a long history of success in encouraging students to apply for this award; we are delighted to welcome Andréa to their number.

    The Harry C. Maynard Scholarship is awarded annually to students studying Classics in memory of the late Harry C. Maynard who taught Classics at the University of Toronto for many years. The Ontario Classical Association (OCA) has undertaken, by arrangement with the Trustees, to advertise the scholarship, receive applications, and rigorously access applicants. With recommendation from the OCA, the Trustees of Maynard’s estate select the recipients of this prestigious scholarship.

    Congratulations, Andréa Szpika!

    Categories: News

  • 2024 Summer Reading Challenge in on!

    The Department of Classics and Archaeology is launching a Summer Reading Challenge this year through Instagram for the @BrockHumanities community to read fiction and non-fiction about the ancient world! Share your reviews and thoughts on classical books and get a chance to win prizes at the departmental Fall Open House in October!

    For more information and a list of book recommendations, see the Classics and Archaeology Summer Reading Challenge page.

    Don’t forget to check out and follow @BrockHumanities on Instagram!

    We can’t wait to see your posts! Now, time to get reading…


    Categories: Events, News

  • Humanities Research Institute’s Spring Term Symposium

    The Department of Classics and Archaeology will be well represented at the Humanities Research Institute’s Spring Term Symposium, featuring in-progress work by graduate students and faculty in the Humanities. Nadine Brundrett and Michael Carter will present in the morning session, “Rediscovering a lost Roman inscription: From provenance to provenience for CIL X 1074.” In the afternoon Fanny Dolansky and M.A. student Sarah Murray will address, “Pedagogies in progress: Creating a Latin commentary for classroom use as a component of a Major Research Paper in Classics.” The full program is available here.

    Join the event in person on Monday, April 15, 2024, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. in the Charles A. Sankey Chamber or virtually via Lifesize. For best performance use the Chrome browser.

    Categories: Events, News

  • Madelyn Huston to present at Mapping the New Knowledges

    Congratulations to Classics (Text and Culture) M.A. student Madelyn Huston, who will deliver a presentation titled “Briseis’ Lament and the Agency of Enslaved People” at Brock’s Mapping New Knowledges Research Conference on Wednesday, April 10th. The conference includes 21 paper sessions and a poster presentation featuring graduate and undergraduate research across campus, as well as a keynote address by Dr. Adam Dickinson (Department of English Language and Literature) titled, “Writing Metabolism: Art, Science, and Research Creation.” The full program is available here.

    Categories: Events, News

  • A busy February for Classics and Archaeology faculty

    February was a short month, but Classics and Archaeology faculty kept busy with an assortment of lectures and publications.

    • On February 2, Carrie Ann Murray presented “Religious Worship and Mobility at the Lago di Venere Sanctuary, Pantelleria” for the University of Toronto’s Classics Department Lecture Series.
    • On February 5th, Allison Glazebrook delivered the Joseph C. Miller Memorial Talk at the Bonn Centre for Dependency and Slavery Studies of the Universität Bonn. Her lecture was titled, “Slavery in the Athenian Sex Trade.”
    • Elizabeth Greene wrote two short articles for the Institute of Nautical Archaeology Quarterly, “The Archaic Shipwreck at Pabuç Burnu and Stories of Everyday Mobility” and (with J. Leidwanger), “The Marzamemi 2 ‘Church Wreck’ and a Changing Late Antiquity.”
    • Katharine von Stackelberg published “The World of Nature” in J. Toner (ed.) The Cultural History of Leisure Vol. I: A History of Leisure in Antiquity. (Bloomsbury, February 2024).

    Stop by the Department to chat with faculty about their current research!


    Categories: News