Brock will be well-represented at the 126th joint annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of American and the Society for Classical Studies. In a panel on Fieldwork and Analysis in Crete, Angus Smith will present his ceramic research, “The Neopalatial and Postpalatial Pottery Sequence of Gournia: New Evidence for Long Term Continuities and Change” and serve as a panelist in a workshop, “Fieldwork and Families: Challenges in the Research/Life Responsibilities,” sponsored by the AIA’s Research and Academic Affairs Committee. Elizabeth Greene has organized a workshop panel, “Sharing Archaeological Stories: A Workshop with ARCHAEOLOGY Magazine, and will speak about provenance research with students on objects in Brock’s Cypriote Museum in a workshop, “Unprovenanced Antiquities and Academic Institutions: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward.” M.A. student Connor O’Rourke will present a poster, “Helen’s Heroic Worship at the Menelaion.”
Check out the full program of the 2025 Joint Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society for Classical Studies, to be hosted in Philadelphia, PA. Join some sessions in person or virtually!