Associate Professor, Roman Art and Archaeology

PhD, Department of Art History and Archaeology
University of Missouri, 1999
Major: Roman and Late Roman Art and Archaeology
Minor: Ancient Studies
Dissertation: Burial Customs of Roman Cyprus: Origins and Development; Dr. K.W. Slane advisor.
MA, Department of Art History and Archaeology
University of Missouri, 1991
Major: Roman Art and Archaeology;
Minor: Classics
Thesis: Roman Coinage of Cyprus; Dr. M.L. Rautman advisor.
AB-ScB, Classical Archaeology, Latin; Fluid Mechanics
Brown University, 1988
Danielle Parks taught at Brock University in the Department of Classics (now the Department of Classics and Archaeology) from 2001 until her death in 2007. She was instrumental in creating the Master of Arts in Classics program at Brock.
Even after being diagnosed with leukemia in late 2004, Danielle continued her wonderful work teaching, writing, giving public lectures, and participating in archaeological excavations. She continued supporting her students and colleagues even from her hospital bed.
Danielle and her work are remembered in many ways, including the annual Danielle Anne Parks Memorial Scholarship at Brock University to support BU graduates studying Greco-Roman culture and The Danielle Parks Memorial Fellowship at the CAARI, set up for graduate students of any nationality who are working on the archaeology of Cyprus.
Janes, S., D.A. Parks and K. Winther-Jacobsen. 2013. Special finds analysis and catalogue. In M. Given, A.B. Knapp, J.S. Noller, L. Sollars and V. Kassianidou (eds.), Landscape and interaction: the Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus. Volume 1: methodology, analysis and interpretation. Levant Supplementary Series. London: Council for British Research in the Levant.
Buell, M., C. Mavromatis, and D.A. Parks. 2009 Kourion Mapping Project: a contextual spatial analysis of the Kourion acropolis. Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: 261-294.
Parks, D.A. 2009 Alexandrian elements in Hellenistic and Roman burial customs of Cyprus. In Egypt and Cyprus in Antiquity: proceedings of the international conference, Nicosia 2003, ed. D. Michaelides, V. Kassianidou, and R. Merrillees. Oxford: Oxbow.
Parks, D.A. 2009 Engendering Hellenistic and Roman tombs: the contribution of the Swedish Cyprus Expedition. Finds and results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition 1927–1931: a gender perspective. Vol. 5, 207-219. Medelhavsmuseet. Focus on the Mediterranean.
Parks, D.A. 2009 Engendering Hellenistic and Roman tombs: the contribution of the Swedish Cyprus Expedition. Finds and results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition 1927–1931: a gender perspective. Vol. 5, 207-219. Medelhavsmuseet. Focus on the Mediterranean.
Parks, D.A. 2004 Funerary landscapes of Roman Cyprus. Unpublished paper given at Society for American Archaeology, Montreal, Quebec.
Parks, D.A. 2003 Review of Ancient Cypriote Art in the Severis Collection (V. Karageorghis), Ancient Cypriote Art in Berlin: Antikensammlung Museum fur vor- und fruh- geschichte Munzkabinett (S. Brehme et al.), and The collection of Cypriote Antiquities in the Kunsthistorisches Museum (A. Bernhard-Wakher et al.). American Journal of Archaeology 107(1): 128-130.
Parks, D.A. 2003 Clay coffins in the Cyprus Museum. Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: 247-261.
Parks, D.A., and H. Neff 2002 A geochemical vector for trade: Cyprus, Asia Minor, and the Roman East. In M.D. Glascock (ed.), Geochemical evidence for long-distance trade, 205-214. Westport: Bergin and Garvey.
Parks, D.A. 2002 Epitaphs and tombstones of Hellenistic and Roman Cyprus. In C. Callaway (ed.), Ancient journeys: a festschrift in honor of Eugene Numa Lane: The Stoa: A Consortium for Electronic Publication in the Humanities.
Parks, D.A., C.M. Mavromatis, and N.K. Harper 2001 Preliminary report of excavations at Kourion’s Amathous Gate Cemetery, 2000. Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: 233-245.
Parks, D.A., C.M. Mavromatis, and N.K. Harper 2000 Preliminary report of the 1999 excavations at Kourion’s Amathous Gate Cemetery. Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: 305-316.
Parks, D.A., M. Given, and N.E.M. Chapman 1998 Excavations at Kourion’s Amathus Gate cemetery, 1997. Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: 171-185.
Parks, D.A., and N.E.M. Chapman 1999 Preliminary report of the 1998 excavations at Kourion’s Amathus Gate cemetery. Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: 259-268.
Parks, D.A. 1999 Burial customs of Roman Cyprus: origin and development. PhD, University of Missouri, Columbia.
Parks, D.A., M. Av’iam, and E.J. Stern 1997 Clay coffins from Agia Napa-Makronisos and their connections. In S. Hadjisavvas (ed.), Agia Napa, Excavations at Makronisos and the archaeology of the region, 189-196. Nicosia: Cyprus Department of Antiquities.
Parks, D.A. 1997 Excavations at Kourion’s Amathus Gate Cemetery, 1996. Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: 271-276.
Parks, D.A., and L. Steel 1996 Amathus Swedish tomb 6: a Roman burial in an Iron Age tomb. Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: 165-169.
Parks, D.A. 1996 Excavations at Kourion’s Amathus Gate Cemetery, 1995. Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: 127-133.