Creating a Sonic Community in the Roman Amphitheatre — Research Seminar with Dr. Michael J. Carter on Nov. 25

Join us for a research seminar with Michael Carter of Brock University on Thursday Nov. 25 at 3:30 pm:

Clamor Ingens Totius Populi. Creating a Sonic Community in the Roman Amphitheatre”

Synopsis: The sonic component of Roman arena spectacles (munera) is generally not something that we think very much about. Our interest tends to be in the visual aspect of the games: who and what were seen, who saw them, and how they reacted to what they saw. But the ‘spectators’ at a show were ‘audience members’ too, and what they heard mattered. This paper explores the importance of sound in the amphitheatres of the Roman world and the creation of a sonic community there.

This is a virtual event. Click here or copy the following into your browser to attend:

Also see the event poster.

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