Congratulations to Professor Liz Greene on her promotion to full Professor! The Department is thrilled by the news and celebrates her achievement!
Undergraduate Student Recipient of CAC Mosaic Scholarship
Sukhmeet Dhur, an undergraduate student completing his second degree in Brock University’s Department of Classics and Archaeology, is the 2022 recipient of the Classical Association of Canada’s Mosaic Scholarship!
The Mosaic Scholarship seeks to encourage and support students from historically underrepresented groups in Canada, such as visible minorities and indigenous populations, in the discipline of Classics. Specializations within the general area of Classics, such as ancient history, ancient philosophy, and classical archaeology were eligible, with the main criterion being academic achievement. One scholarship is awarded each year.
Sukhmeet Dhur is the first Brock student to win the CAC’s Mosaic Scholarship! He will be using the award towards partaking in Dr. Angus Smith’s archaeological practicum in Crete this August.
Congratulations, Sukhmeet Dhur!
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Brock University well represented at annual Classical Association of Canada Conference
Brock Classics faculty and alumni have a strong showing at the annual meeting of the Classical Association of Canada happening in London, ON this week, May 13-15:
Jazz Demetrioff, now at SUNY Buffalo, presents “Locating the Greek Bathroom: The Relationship between Sanitation, Hygiene, and Defecation”
Jordan Garner, now Sustainability and Community Learning Specialist for St. George’s School, Montreal, presents “Pandora’s Discipline: Lessons from a former Classicist” at Use Your Skills: Alt-Ac Pathways for Students of the Ancient World
Allison Glazebrook, Brock University, presents “Engaging the Public Using Pressbooks”
Alison Innes, now Social Media Coordinator for the Faculty of Humanities, Brock University, and co-host of MythTake and host of Foreword, is participating in a roundtable on Podcasting the Classics in Canada
Matthew Ludwig, now at University of Toronto, presents “Characterization and Time in Sophocles’ Ajax”
Edward Middleton, now at McMaster University, presents “Urban Infrastructure and Resilience in Hellenistic Thessaly”
Adam Rappold, Brock University, presents “We Could Be Heroes: Heroization, Myth, and Forgetting in Aeschylus’ Persians”
Katharine T. von Stackelberg, Brock University, presents “Phew! I’m Not Pregnant!”: Large-Class Learning through Roleplay in a Roman Family”
Katharine T. von Stackelberg, Brock University, presents “Finding the Clitoris [in the Text]: Ecofeminist Approaches to Columella’s Garden”
For details on the conference, the full programme, abstracts, and registration see
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Peopling the Past: Ephemeral Heritage of Contemporary Mediterranean Displacement with Elizabeth S. Greene and Justin Leidwanger
In light of the recent work by Dr. Elizabeth S Greene (Brock University) and Dr. Justin Leidwanger (Stanford University), Megan Daniels, of Peopling the Past: Real People in the Ancient World and the People who Study Them podcast and blog, interviewed the pair for their final Migration Month Blog Series. In the interview, they discuss their fieldwork undertaken alongside Dr. Leopoldo Repola (Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples) under the Marzamemi Maritime Heritage Project (MMHP), which focuses on the “ephemeral heritage” encompassed by seafaring vessels throughout time used to transport people and objects across the Central Mediterranean.
The whole interview can be read here:
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Undergraduate Students Celebrated at Floralia
Back row (L-R): Sam Kelly, Daniel Belanger, John-Michael Bout, Kaylee Janzen
Front row (L-R): Kathy Rye, Jessica Kroeze, Ashley Rydzik, Jessie Simpson
Missing: Sukhmeet Dhur, Sarah Carlton MurrayOn Monday, April 11th, 2022 the Department of Classics and Archaeology at Brock University recognised the achievements of its undergraduate students at the annual Floralia. Pictured here are Sam Kelly, recipient of the Trine Varcoe Memorial Scholarship; Daniel Belanger, winner of the Classical Association of Canada Outstanding Student Award and the Geoffrey William Brown Memorial Prize; John-Michael Bout, winner of the Department of Classics Book Prize in Classical Studies; Kaylee Janzen, recipient of the Richard Parker Travel Award; Kathy Pye, winner of the Willowbank School of Restorations Arts/V. & K. Poulimenos Book Prize; Jessica Kroeze, winner of the David W. Rupp Practicum Award and the Studium Book Prize in Classics; Ashley Rydzik, winner of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South Outstanding Accomplishment Award (Undergraduate); and Jessie Simpson, recipient of the Willowbank School of Restoration Arts/V. & K. Poulimenos Practicum Award and the Department of Classics Book Prize in Anicent Art and Archaeology. Not pictured are Sukhmeet Dhur, winner of the David W. Rupp Practicum Award; and Sarah Carlton Murray, winner of the Society for Classical Studies Distinguished Student Award (Undergraduate). These awards are all stepping-stones to further success in their academic careers and we celebrate their success!
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Graduate Students Recognized at Floralia
L-R: Liz Hoffer, Sabrina Perreault, Shakeel Ahmed, Sam Fisher
On Monday, April 11th, 2022 the Department of Classics and Archaeology at Brock recognised the achievements of its graduate students at the annual Floralia. Pictured here are Liz Hoffer, recipient of the Danielle Anne Parks Memorial Scholarship; Sabrina Perrault, winner of a Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Fellowship and the Society for Classical Studies Distinguished Student Award (Graduate); Shakeel Ahmed, winner of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South Outstanding Accomplishment Award; and Sam Fisher, winner of a Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Fellowship. These awards are all stepping-stones to further success in their academic careers and we celebrate their success!
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Classics Peer Mentors and CLAS Buddies Honoured at Floralia
Back row (L-R): Kaylee Janzen, Kathy Pye, Ashley Rydzik, Daniel Belanger, John-Michael Bout
Front row (L-R): Nathan Rossi, Jessie Simpson
Missing: Annemiek Gritter, Caitlin BurrowsOn Monday, April 11th, 2022 the Department of Classics and Archaeology at Brock University celebrated recent graduates and leaders within the Classics student community at the annual Floralia. Students honoured at the event included the Classics Peer Mentors and the CLAS Buddies (pictured here). Peer mentors are upper-year students that have volunteered their time to provide academic assistance to students in first- and second-year Classics and Archaeology courses. CLAS Buddies are senior student who offer a friendly ear and their knowledge of the Classics program and university life to help our new students. CLAS Buddies and Peer Mentors do valuable work for our student community and are a shining example of our student ethos here at Brock.
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Launch of an open access resource, Houses and Households in Ancient Greece
Join Professor Allison Glazebrook and the students of CLAS 4V53/5V53 The Ancient Greek Household for the virtual celebration and launch of an open access resource, Houses and Households in Ancient Greece (, at the St. Catharines Public Library.
Register at
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Celebrate the the End of Term! Come to the Floralia – Monday 11 April!
Celebrate new graduates in Classics & Archaeology, award winners, and leaders in the student community at the Floralia on April 11 beginning at 7 p.m. in GLB 104. Three alumni of the department as well as a representative from Alumni Relations will also be present to share career journeys and how to stay connected to Brock after graduation. For more information, please contact [email protected]
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Learn about ancient Roman board and word games at this week’s Mensa Latina!
Join fellow Latin enthusiasts and those generally interested in Roman culture again this Thursday at 11 am in GLB 335 for our third meeting of the Mensa Latina. We’ll learn about ancient Roman board games, be introduced to a fabulous website where you can learn how to play ancient games online and about the fascinating world of games and play in antiquity, and try our (collective) hand at some fun Latin word games. No knowledge of Latin is necessary and everyone is welcome. This will be our second to last meeting of the Mensa Latina this term (final meeting tentatively scheduled for March 31). Hope to see you then!
Categories: Events