
  • New Brock Job Title for Classics Alumna Alison Innes

    Congratulations to Classics and Archaeology alumna Alison Innes (MA ’13) on her new position as the Brock University Faculty of Humanities’ “Strategic Initiatives and Outreach Officer”! Previously the “Social Media Co-ordinator”, this change in job title became effective on Monday, March 20th, 2023.

    Alison will also be starting her PhD in Interdisciplinary Humanities at Brock this Fall!

    Congratulations, Alison Innes!

    Categories: News

  • Undergraduate Student Recipient of Harry C. Maynard Scholarship

    A hearty congratulations to Classics and Archaeology undergraduate student Daniel Belanger on recently being awarded the prestigious Harry C. Maynard Scholarship! The Department of Classics and Archaeology has a long history of success in encouraging students to apply for this award; we are delighted to welcome Daniel to their number.

    The Harry C. Maynard Scholarship is awarded annually to students studying Classics in memory of the late Harry C. Maynard who taught Classics at the University of Toronto for many years. The Ontario Classical Association (OCA) has undertaken, by arrangement with the Trustees, to advertise the scholarship, receive applications, and rigorously access applicants. With recommendation from the OCA, the Trustees of Maynard’s estate select the recipients of this prestigious scholarship.

    Congratulations, Daniel Belanger!

    Categories: News

  • Dr. Carrie Murray named as a joint review editor of journal Ancient West & East

    Dr. Eóin O’Donoghue (left) and Dr. Carrie Murray (centre), the new joint Review Editors of Ancient West & East from Peeters Publishing, with Stephanie Peeters, Peeters Publishing Representative (right)

    The Department of Classics and Archaeology’s own Dr. Carrie Murray has officially been named as a joint Review Editor of Ancient West & East!

    Ancient West & East is an academic journal devoted to the study of the periphery of the ancient world, its so-called barbarian milieu, the activities thereabouts of Greeks and Romans, and the relations between them and local peoples. Much attention is paid to local societies and cultures and their links with the early Byzantine and Near Eastern civilisations as well as the Graeco-Roman.


    Categories: News

  • Prof. Dolansky in new volume on youth in antiquity

    Kudos to Prof. Dolansky for her chapter “Belief and ideology” in A Cultural History of Youth in Antiquity. The volume, edited by C. Laes and V. Vuolanto was recently published by Bloomsbury and belongs to a series on the history of youth.

    According to a press release on the volume from the University of Manchester:

    Young women, sub-elite young people and cultures that are often overlooked in history books are given a platform, and it is the first book volume ever to examine congenital, intellectual disability in the ancient world. The contributions cover the ancient Near East, Egypt, the Graeco-Roman world, ancient China, the rabbinic tradition, Byzantium, the Islamic world and the Middle Ages in the Latin West. “For too long, the ancient world has been studied somewhat in isolation to other periods of history,” said Prof Dr Laes. “The engaging and thought-provoking chapters combine careful textual analysis with attention to the material evidence and comparative perspectives, not the least those offered by disability history for recent periods in history.”

    Dolansky’s chapter offers a broad picture of young people’s independent and collective religious activities in the ancient Mediterranean world, concentrating in particular on male and female youth in Classical Greece and late Republican and Imperial Rome. She also draws on select examples from Judaism and late antique Christianity. Literary authors less commonly examined in studies of youth, such as the Augustan poet Grattius and the travel writer Pausanias, are integrated with more traditional sources such as Horace and Livy to capture ritual activity that took place in diverse locales involving a wide range of participants. Additionally, epigraphic evidence sheds light on individuals of both sexes who were lower on the socio-economic scale and actively engaged in religion both as individuals and in groups.

    Categories: News

  • Prof Greene featured on Dive & Dig podcast

    In early November 2022, Prof. Elizabeth Greene gave a keynote lecture A Sea of Many Voices: Toward an Inclusive Maritime Heritage in Southeast Sicily in collaboration with with Justin Leidwanger of Stanford University and Leopoldo Repola of the University of Naples at the Under the Mediterranean II conference hosted by L-Università ta’ Malta and held by the Honor Frost Foundation. While there, the Honor Frost Foundation interviewed Prof. Greene and Dr. Leidwanger for their Dive & Dig podcast.

    In this episode we head to the Mediterranean and discover more about Inclusive Maritime Heritage in Southeast Sicily. We explore the ancient fishing traditions of the Marzamemi, discuss shipwrecks, connectivity, and the innovative, reflexive ways the team are working with local communities to tell the story of their maritime past.

    To listen to the podcast, click here.

    Categories: News

  • Prof. Elizabeth Greene makes news at The Standard as she begins her term as President in the AIA

    As Prof. Elizabeth Greene begins her term as President of the Archaeological Institute of America, she caught the attention of the St. Catharines Standard.

    Working in a harbour in Turkey, underwater archaeologist Elizabeth Greene recalls finding a broken wooden comb. Follow-up research revealed the comb was likely used by sailors to comb lice out of their hair. To this day, it is one of her favourite finds.

    It painted a picture –– not of the traders who moved luxury goods of gold, silver and bronze. But of the sailors, on boats, taking long journeys across the seas.

    To read the full story, click here:

    Categories: News

  • New Episode of Foreword Podcast Features Prof. Dolansky

    Don’t miss the current episode of Foreword, in which Brock Classics M.A. alumna, Alison Innes, interviews Prof. Fanny Dolansky about childhood in ancient Rome.

    Please click here to listen to the podcast.

    What was life like for children in ancient Rome? How did Romans think about the idea of family? And why should we bother studying Latin in the 21st century? Our guest this episode is Dr. Fanny Dolansky, Associate Professor with the Department of Classics and Archaeology. She shares how she became interested in Roman history, her work on childhood and Roman religion, and how the pandemic has presented her with new avenues of research.

    Foreword introduces the study of arts, culture, and society and explores how research in the Humanities helps us understand our world today. Topics include history, English, modern languages, literature, ancient history, archaeology, game studies, technology, fine and performing arts, philosophy, Canadian studies, and more.

    Categories: News

  • 10th annual Saturnalia makes Brock News

    The Department of Classics and Archaeology’s annual Saturnalia event marks its 10th anniversary and makes Brock News by bringing a taste of an ancient Roman experience to students:

    Brock University students are invited to experience a bit of ancient Roman Thursday, Dec. 8 when the Department of Classics and Archaeology holds its 10th annual Saturnalia event.

    Based on an ancient Roman festival, the event gives students the opportunity to connect with each other and with faculty in a fun environment while learning about the ancient Mediterranean world.

    “It’s an opportunity to embrace everyone’s company and celebrate that we’re a community of people who really love learning about ancient Greece and Rome,” says Fanny Dolansky, Associate Professor and one of the organizers for this year’s event.

    Continue reading here: Experience ancient Rome at Brock’s 10th annual Saturnalia

    Categories: Events, News

  • All are invited as CLAS 4P69/5V55 present their research projects on Dec. 6th, 2022

    The Department of Classics and Archaeology is proud to present “Peoples, Plants, and Panthers: Exploring Environment and Ethnography in Roman Expansion”, a presentation of research projects from CLAS 4P69/5V55 Empire and Environment.

    Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

    Poster Presentations, 1-2 pm, GLB 3rd floor

    “The Thracian Horseman in Imperial Roman Funerary Stelae: Appropriation or Appreciation?” Ethan Luckasavitch
    “The Mighty Crocodiles of Roman Egypt” Ashley Rydzik
    ExperienceBU event:

    Graduate Symposium, 4-7pm, GLB 335

    4:00-4:05 Introduction
    4:05-4:35 “The Natural Resources of Anatolia: Experiential Empire in Pliny’s Natural HistoryMadelyn Huston
    4:35-5:05 “The Lion & The Gladiator: Big Cats as Analogous to Subject Peoples”, Taylor Ménard
    5:05-5:20 Intermission
    5:25-5:55 “Syncretism and Imperium: Othering and Hybridization in the Imperial Cult of Provincial Achaea”, Sabrina Perreault
    5:50-6:20 “Jewish Perceptions of Rome: The Limits of Imperial Hegemony in Judaea”, Samantha Fisher
    6:20-6:50 “Ancient Truths and Modern Myths: Perceptions of Gallo-Roman Peoples Through French Museums”, Jessie Simpson
    6:50-7:00 Final Discussion and Closing Comments

    *The last ten minutes of each presentation slot are set aside for questions.
    Light refreshments will be served.
    ExperienceBU event:

    All are welcome!

    Categories: Events

  • Prof. Smith Speaker at INSTAP SCEC Online Lecture

    On November 16th, 2022, the latest lecture in the Fall 2022 Lecture Series at the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete was given by our very own Prof. R. Angus K. Smith. His talk, “The Neopalatial Pottery of Gournia: New Evidence from the Gournia Excavation Project,” spoke to new archaeological evidence uncovered at the recent excavations of Gournia. By examining the ceramic evidence, many changes in the site’s history have now been uncovered and can be understood in a new light.

    This cutting-edge research shows what astounding work Prof. Smith, among other faculty, is conducting and what an exciting opportunity it is for Brock students to join in Brock excavations, such as those at Gournia.

    Categories: News