Photo Contest 2024: Share your photos with the Department of Classics and Archaeology

Let us show how Classics and Archaeology transformed your Brock experience. Share a photo of your memories of Classics and Archaeology and you could be featured in a department exhibit, as we prepare to celebrate the Department’s 60th birthday.

All photographs will be entered into one pool, but winners will be selected in each of the following categories:

(1) Classics at Brock
(2) Archaeological fieldwork
(3) Study tours and travel
(4) Department life

Prizes for top entries!



All past and present undergraduate and graduate student majors and minors, faculty, and staff in the Department of Classics and Archaeology are eligible to submit photos for this contest. Submitted photos should capture some aspect of your Brock experience in Classics and Archaeology—from the classroom to the field, including the many adventures, discoveries, friendships, and memories you encountered along the way.

Please submit your photograph by email as a high resolution .jpg (a clear cell phone shot of a printed photo is also fine—we recognize that some people’s experiences may predate the digital era) to [email protected] with the subject heading, Brock Classics Photo Contest. Include the following in the body of your email:

(1) Your name (as well as your name at Brock, if different), current address and email, graduation year and major, minor or stream.

(2) A title and short description of your photo including the names (if applicable, and if you remember) of any people represented.

For full consideration, entrants from alumni/ae must also update their contact information with Alumni Relations at the following link before the submission deadline.

Submission Deadline: Friday, August 26th 2024 at 11:59 p.m. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Categories: Events, News