Visa Instrutor announces performance.

VISA Instructor Irene Loughlin presents work at Nuit Blanche with Workman Arts.

Saturday – Sunday, October 3 – 4, 2015, 7 pm – 7 am
Admission: Free
Venue: Gladstone Hotel, 2nd Floor Public Gallery 1214 Queen Street West

Double Take
Live Performances: 7 pm – 1 am

Under the theme of Memory Lane, established performance artist Irene Loughlin and six Workman Arts artists create site specific performances responding to individual artworks presented at the 15th annual Being Scene exhibition installed in the 2nd floor public gallery at the Gladstone Hotel. The hotel is more than 125 years old and its walls have been witness to several transformations over the years. This theme has particular resonance to the Gladstone as we remember some of the building’s past tenants, some who struggled with mental health and addiction issues and it reflects the hotel’s relationship to the changing neighbourhood as it continues to negotiate ways of sharing public and private spaces. Through this project we collectively aim to look back and perform new modes of moving forward that are informed by inclusivity, questioning, creative response, and well-being in its myriad forms.

Co-presented by Workman Arts, FADO Performance Art Centre, and the Gladstone Hotel


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