
  • Event: Exhibition highlights self-portraits by high school students

    Local high school students will showcase their artistic skills through a new exhibition featured at Rodman Hall Art Centre over the next few weeks.

    Face Value: An Exploration of the Self-Portrait through a Multimodal Lens officially opens on Thursday, Jan. 17, with a reception from 4 to 6 p.m. at Rodman Hall. Light refreshments will be served with remarks about the project at 5 p.m. The exhibition runs until Feb. 24.Read more

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  • Event: Environmental Buzzwords and their Meanings

    Trevor Norris, Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Studies, will be speaking at an event co-hosted by the Environmental Sustainability Research Center (ESRC) and the Posthumanism Research Institute (PRI) to explore environmental buzzwords in our daily landscape. Researchers from PRI and ESRC will gather to investigate the meaning of five key environmental terms and concepts: “transformation,” “resilience,” “sustainability,” “stewardship,” and “consumerism.” Everyone is welcome to join  for the general discussion among presenters and audience members that will follow brief presentations on each term/concept.

    January 16, 2019 | 1:00pm – 3:00pm | Plaza 600F
    Everyone is welcome.

    Featuring Guest Speakers:

    • Julia Baird, Assistant Professor, ESRC & Department of Geography & Tourism Studies
    • Jessica Blythe, Assistant Professor, ESRC
    • Christine Daigle, Professor of Philosophy and PRI Director
    • Trevor Norris, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies and PRI Member
    • Ryan Plummer, Professor and ESRC Director

    Hosted By: David Fancy, Associate Professor, Dramatic Arts and PRI Member.

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  • Symposium to explore youth visual and cultural identity

    Whether it’s Instagram, Snapchat or another popular platform, social media has the ability to impact the way teens see themselves and how they form their own identity.

    This concept, as well as others surrounding social media, beauty ideals and visual and cultural identities in adolescents, will be discussed at a research symposium taking place at Brock on Friday, Feb. 1.

    Impression Management: Constructions of Visual and Cultural Identities in North American Adolescents brings together researchers from several institutions and disciplines. Held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pond Inlet, the event is open to all members of the Brock community.

    Two discussion panels will be held throughout the day, with speakers also giving brief presentations on their work around the theme of youth identity construction.

    “Identity is a key issue across disciplines because it is contested and difficult to navigate. Asserting identity raises issues of class, gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion and politics,” says Faculty of Education Professor and event organizer Fiona Blaikie.

    Her recent research has focused on youth visual and cultural identity constructions and the need for these to be explored in art education.

    “Identity is a particularly problematic issue in high schools as adolescents begin to establish their sense of self,” says Blaikie. This process shapes youth as individuals and impacts the social ecosystem of schools.

    “Studies of high school identities reveal various manifestations of power and agency within subcultures, as well as bullying and exclusion,” explains Blaikie.

    The role of technology, celebrity culture and social media on identity construction will also be explored during the symposium.

    Many forms of identity construction as well as the impact of celebrity and pop culture influencers are realized via social media, including Instagram, Snapchat and blogs.

    Blaikie is currently leading a research project that focuses on visual and cultural identities and beauty ideals in adolescents, encompassing intersectionality and visual art self-creations and constructions through social media and art making.

    Symposium speakers include:

    • Olga Ivashkevich, Associate Professor, School of Art and Design at the University of South Carolina: Beyond “Bad” Bodies: Adjudicated Girls Perform Experimental Digital Narratives to Resist Criminalization
    • Dónal O’Donoghue, Professor, Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia: Becoming Somebody in Boys’ Schools
    • Michelle Bae-Dimitriadis, Assistant Professor in the School of Visual Arts, Pennsylvania State University: Decolonial Body Politics: Asian Refugee Girls’ Webtune Anime as Anti-White Privilege
    • Jennifer Rowsell, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Multiliteracies in the Faculty of Education at Brock University: Feeling with Materials: Analyzing Young People’s Affect-Driven Maker Practices
    • Kevin Gosine, Associate Professor of Sociology at Brock University: Reconciling Divergent Worlds in the Lives of Marginalized Youth
    • Shauna Pomerantz, Associate Professor in the Department of Child and Youth Studies at Brock University: ‘It’s my Lifeblood’, or Why Do We Disparage What Girls Value Most in Their Construction of Self?
    • Fiona Blaikie, Professor, Art Education, Faculty of Education at Brock University: Embodied, Constructed and Performed Youth Identities in Relation to Global Celebrity Influencers, Popular Culture, Social Media and Intersectionality: Dreaming the Impossible Dream.

    The discussions will be moderated by Dolana Mogadime, Associate Professor in Brock’s Faculty of Education. Mogadime’s scholarship resides in the arenas of ethnographic, auto-ethnographic and narrative inquiry. She focuses on social justice and intersectionality, particularly around issues of race, gender and class.

    Refreshments and lunch will be provided at the symposium. Members of local school boards have also been invited.

    Capacity for the event is limited and registration is required by Thursday, Jan. 24 for catering purposes. For more details on the day’s speakers and to register for the event, visit the Faculty of Education website.

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    Categories: Events, News

  • Event: IRC Future Ready Sessions

    The Instructional Resource Centres are hosting a series of Future Ready Sessions for students, instructors and faculty. All sessions qualify for Experience Plus for students.

    These 45-minute sessions will focus on exploring future-ready instructional resources available in the IRC as well as discussions of how these can be incorporated into classrooms. Future readiness and STEAM awareness are defining characteristics of the contemporary learner. The objective of these sessions is to prepare for the risk-taking, digital literacy and innovative instructional strategies required to serve future learners.

    Sessions will take place in the IRC at each campus.

    St. Catharines IRC sessions

    Tuesday sessions are held at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., while Thursday sessions are held at 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. For those whose schedules conflict with the sessions offered, there is an opportunity to book alternates times for groups of four or more people. Contact to book sessions or with any questions.

    • Sept. 18 & 20 – 3D Printing
    • Sept. 25 & 27 – Computational Thinking
    • Oct. 2 & 4 – Coding & Robotics Part 1
    • Oct. 23 & 25 – Electric Circuits & Engineering Design
    • Oct. 30 / Nov. 1 – Coding & Robotics Part 2
    • Nov. TBD – iPADS in the Classroom

    Hamilton IRC sessions

    For students at the Hamilton Campus, specific topic sessions (listed above) can be booked for groups of four or more to accommodate schedules. Contact to book a session. Upcoming pre-scheduled sessions include:

    • Sept. 20 at 11 a.m. – 3D Printing
    • Sept. 24 at 2 p.m. – 3D Printing
    • Sept. 25 at 11:15 a.m. – 3D Printing


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  • Considering a career in education?

    We know a great teacher can make all the difference. That teacher can be you.

    The Faculty of Education is hosting a series of information sessions on Brock’s Consecutive Teacher Education program. Join us to learn more about the program, application timelines, admission requirements and more.

    Register to attend on Monday, 17 September 2018 from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. This session takes place in WH209.

    Register to attend on Tuesday, 18 September 2018 from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. This session takes place in STH216.

    Categories: Events

  • Seminar: Elementary School Mathematics Education in India

    Implications for Teacher Training programs for Mathematics Teachers

    Join Dr. Anjali Khirwadkar from the Faculty of Education for a Math Ed Seminar Series @ Brock event on April 23 at 10:00 a.m. in WH130.Read more

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    Categories: Events

  • OAME Golden Section Spring Conference comes to Brock on April 19

    Ahead by a Century . . . Strategies for Keeping You on the Cutting Edge

    The Golden Section of the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education is bringing it’s Golden Section Spring Conference to Brock on April 19 in collaboration with the Faculty of Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science and Department of Mathematics.

    The Conference will focus on strategies for keeping on the cutting edge when it comes to mathematics education.Read more

    Categories: Events

  • Becoming a Teacher Information Sessions

    Interested in becoming a teacher? Attend an information session to learn more about Brock’s Consecutive* Teacher Education Programs.Read more

    Categories: Events, News

  • Brock Maker Challenge winner to be announced Monday

    After months of work, three high school technology teams will be presenting their entries for the 2018 Brock Maker Challenge next week.

    The Brock Maker Challenge is a form of Active Project-Based Learning that challenges broad-based technology (BBT) high school class teams to tackle a real-world challenge with a focus on research, design, cooperation, creativity, and resourcefulness.

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  • Technological Education Teacher Information Sessions

    The Technological Education Teacher Preparation program will be running its next intake starting in January 2019.

    If you are interested in attending an information session to find out more regarding the program, applications, and admissions, be sure to sign up for one of the following sessions being offered at the Hamilton Campus:

    • Feb. 24, 2018, at 10:00am
    • Mar. 3, 2018, at 10:00am

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    Categories: Events