Kelli-an Lawrance, PhD

Associate Professor, Health Sciences

Kelli-an Lawrance PhD

905 688 5550 x4288

Young adults are the generation that will inspire authentic individual, collective, and political change for the good of our world 

To achieve their potential, young adults must have the strength and resources to overcome a multitude of challenges. My research explores how to foster resilience and positive physical and mental health in young adults. Until recently, I studied ways to help young adults avoid the negative consequences of using nicotine and cannabis productsI continue to actively serve on government advisory panels and present at national research conferences related to smoking, vaping, and cannabis-use 

Today, my research explores issues of resilience and mental health in young adults. I am working with graduate and undergraduate students to re-imagine social influence and social marketing campaigns that embrace authenticity, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Central to this, we are working with partners to bring to life a student-driven mental health promotion initiative called CopeCareConnect. Some of the topics under investigation are: What are the characteristics of individuals who use the intervention? What effects do they perceive it to have on themselves, those around them, and the institutional culture? Are there observable changes in resilience and mental health outcomes?  

How young adults manage everyday distress, and support others to do the same  

~ Strategies that contribute to individual and collective capacity for resilience and care 

Young adults’ decision-making and actions around quitting smoking, vaping & cannabis use 

Influence of vaping, and/or marijuana use, and/or nicotine patch/gum use on young adults’ quitting experiences

Academic Publications

Lawrance, K., Kirkwood, A., Travis, H., & Selby, P. (2020). Free, easy and effective: How young adults used 8 weeks of mailed nicotine patches and to what effect. Journal of Smoking Cessation, 15(4), 206-213. doi:10.1017/jsc.2020.28 

Barkans, M. & Lawrance, K. (2013). Contraband tobacco on post-secondary campuses in Ontario: analysis of discarded cigarette butts. BMC Public Health, 13, 335.

Lawrance, K. G., Travis, H. E., & Lawler, S. A. (2012). Tobacco Intervention Practices of Postsecondary Campus Nurses in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 55 (4), 142-159.

Travis, H. & Lawrance, K. (2009). Randomized controlled trial examining the effectiveness of a tailored self-help smoking-cessation intervention for postsecondary smokers. Journal of American College Health, 57, 437-44.

Lawrance, K. & Lawler. S. (2008). Campus physicians’ tobacco interventions with university students: a descriptive study of 16 Ontario university clinics. Patient Education and Counselling, 70, 197-92.


Selected Academic Conference Presentations

Kirkwood, A., Travis, H., Lawrance, K., & Selby, P (March, 2017). Impact of e-cigarette use on smoking abstinence among young adults who received 8 weeks of free nicotine patches by mail. National Conference on Tobacco or Health, Austin Texas.

Lawrance, K. (January, 2017). Smoking Cessation and Its Effect On Young Adults. Invited presentation. 9th Annual Ottawa Conference: State of the Art Clinical Approaches to
Smoking Cessation. Ottawa, ON.

Lawrance, K., Kirkwood, A., Travis H., & Selby, P. (February 2016). Free, easy, and effective: how young adults used the nicotine patch and to what effect. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Travis, H., Lawrance, K., Kirkwood, A., & Selby, P. (February, 2015). Free and Easy: Removing barriers increases young adults’ interest in nicotine patches and gum. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

Travis, H., Lawrance, K., Kirkwood, A., & Selby, P. (January, 2014). Young Adults’ Interest in Ordering Nicotine Patches and Gum via an Online Ordering System. Presentation at the 6th annual Ottawa Conference*: State of the Art Clinical Approaches to Smoking Cessation. Ottawa, ON.

Barkans, M. & Lawrance, K. (March 2013). Facebook posts declaring reasons for quitting or reducing tobacco use: what are young adults saying? Poster presentation at the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Conference. Boston, MA.

Morales, R., Kirkwood, A., & Lawrance, K. (March 2013). The powerful impact of a single tobacco intervention workshop on the evidence-based tobacco control practices of campus health professionals. Poster presentation at the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Conference. Boston, MA.

Taylor, L., Lawrance, K., & Kirkwood, A. (Mar 2013). “Quit and Win” Contests – Is Quitting the Only Option? Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Boston MA.

Lawler, S., Kirkwood, A., & Lawrance, K. (January 2013). Presence of Smoking Cessation Materials in Examining Rooms – Association with the Frequency of Campus Physicians’ Tobacco Interventions with Patients. Poster presentation at the 5th annual Ottawa Heart Institute Conference: State Of The Art Clinical Approaches to Smoking Cessation. Ottawa, ON.


Scientific Panels / Government Advisory Committee Reports

Smoke-Free Ontario Scientific Advisory Committee, Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario). Evidence to guide action: Comprehensive tobacco control in Ontario (2016). Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario; 2017. [473 pages]

Kirkwood, A., Travis, H., & Lawrance, K. (Spet 2015). Emerging Practices and Lessons Learned from Initiatives Involving Young Adults. [2 pages]
[Brief Report to Joint Cessation-Youth Prevention Task Force (Ministry of Health & Long Term Care)]

Lawrance, K., Kirkwood, A., & Lawler, S. (June, 2013). Synthesis of Promising Practices and Lessons Learned: Review of Eight Interventions funded through the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy 2007-2012 [Young Adult Tobacco Use] [45 pages]
[Report to Health Canada’s Tobacco Programming and Stakeholder Engagement, Office of Policy and Strategic Planning,Controlled Substances and Tobacco Directorate]


Health Programs and Training Manuals in distribution

Run To Quit (2016). [weekly educational/motivational messages] 10-week smoking cessation program of online resources, in-person clinics, proactive phone support for Canadian smokers; distributed nationally by Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Cancer Society, Running Room. []

Smoke|Quit. (2002;2004;2007;2014). Brock University. St. Catharines, Ontario. *25-page and 65-page self-guided smoking cessation program for post-secondary students who smoke; distributed by Leave The Pack Behind; Canadian and American versions; English, French.

u know u want 2… help a friend quit smoking. (2007;014). Brock University. St. Catharines, Ontario. *21-page booklet distributed by Leave The Pack Behind;
English, French.

One Step At A Time: For Smokers Who Don’t Want To Quit. (2013). Canadian Cancer Society publication: 32082-1-NO. *29-page booklet distributed nationally by CCS; available in English, French, Chinese, Punjabi; print, electronic.

One Step At A Time: For Smokers Who Want To Quit. (2013). Canadian Cancer Society publication: 32081-1-NO. *60-page booklet distributed nationally by CCS; available in English, French, Chinese, Punjabi; print, electronic.

One Step At A Time: Help A Smoker Quit. (2013). Canadian Cancer Society publication: 32083-1-NO. *28-page booklet distributed nationally by CCS; available in English, French, Chinese, Punjabi; print, electronic.

On the Road to Quitting: Guide to becoming a non-smoker for young adults. (2012). Health Canada Publication: 100606; Cat.: H149-3/1-2010E. Queen’s Printer: Ottawa. ISBN: 978-1-100-17392-4. *56-page booklet distributed nationally by Health Canada; French, English; print, electronic.

On The Road to Quitting. (2012). Health Canada Publication: 100608; Cat. No.: H149-3/2-2010E. Queen’s Printer: Ottawa. ISBN: 978-1-100-17462-4. *68-page booklet distributed nationally by Health Canada; French, English; print, electronic.

Hey, Something’s Different. (2012). Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. 50M/03/12 Publication No. 016892. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. ISBN 978-1-4435-9236-9 (Print). *40-page self-guided smoking cessation program for young adult smokers in the workforce; distributed by Ministry of Health and Long Term Care; French / English

  • Constructing Health Campaigns 
  • Health Campaigns in Action 
  • Issues in Canadian Health Policy 
  • Introduction to Health Sciences 
  • Public Health Practices